So I've run my own show for just about ten years now. We've never had ads or sponsorships of any kind other than a Patreon plug at the very end.
When I go out into the world and listen to other podcasts I'm perpetually annoyed at the lengthy, frequent ad-breaks. I don't mind being reminded to engage or click on their link or go to a show's Ko-Fi page, but a two minute dollar shave club or AG1 ad is just too much. And, honestly, the amount of advertising dollars some shows take makes me question their integrity just a bit. I know it might be a bit old-fashioned to think that, but I can't help it.
What are you favorite sponsorship-free, ad-free podcasts?
CLARIFICATION EDIT: So, to clarify because it keeps coming up: I'm looking for shows with no ads and that are not on platforms that serve ads during the show in question. To me, in my mind, a podcast is an MP3, which is how I listen to them. They get downloaded and put onto an MP3 player.
I don't watch podcasts on YouTube, and generally try to limit my time on platforms like that in general (although I find it nearly impossible to do so fully). I'm aware that some shows have ad-free versions if you access them via paid fees or behind other subscriptions models, but I'm looking for truly ad-free MP3 audio experiences. Thanks for all the recs so far! I've already compiled quite a list, so keep 'em coming!
I'm part of a podcast and we also do not have any adverts or sponsorship. We sell merch and we have a ko-fi account which we mention once per episode (if we remember to lol).
Subject matter is um..kind of niche though I suspect.
Yeah that's a little niche, but you're going on the MP3 player anyway! I'd rather learn about something new from people who want to talk about it than hears ads played over something I already like :)
Thank you! We don't know what the fuck we're doing half the time - but to be honest, maybe thats a good thing. Super professional presentation does turn me off a bit.
I cannot more highly recommend a pod called NeverPost. It's kind of like an audio magazine about the internet and it is great. They mention their bonus tier every episode but there's no normal ads
What i have found is that if i use my vpn when downloading , some countries dont have active ads for the podcasts i listen to so it just downloads without. All i hear is a fade out and 3 sec silence and then fades back to the show
Oh weird, I didn't even think about that. Yeah anything with dynamic ads would likely set them per country, I suppose. So some places wouldn't have anything to go in the slot.
This is like asking, "What are some good books?" Are people here really so guileless that they're listening to podcasts simply because they have no ads? I don't get it. You could give me 100 ad-free football podcasts and I'm not listening to any of them because I'm not interested in football.
You know what I like? People talking passionately about stuff they like. I also don't like ads. It's not that hard to figure out, not sure why you're coming in so hot.
Hearing people with passion explain things they're knowledgeable about is fun, enlightening, and interesting to me. Sue me.
Big, if true. Not even being snarky. I wish I were so open-minded. There are just some things (indeed, lots of them) that I will never be interested in.
I really enjoy Making It and am a patreon subscriber. It's Jimmy Diresta, Bob "I Like to Make Stuff" Clagett, and David Picutto (FKA The Drunken Woodworker). They talk about being makers, being on youtube, being middle aged, etc. Ep 469 just came out, so it's got some staying power.
Sounds fun, adding it to the list! My own show just hit 500, so I know how tough it is to stick to it week after week, kudos to them for making it so far.
It's a podcast about how much the supreme court sucks. They discuss the ideological battles behind the landmark cases that shape the law in a fun and engaging way.
Strong songs is fully listener supported with a plug to his patreon once per episode. It is a podcast about what makes some songs better than others. Best if you have some musical understandig as he can get a bit detailed.
I already use sponsorblock and other add-ons for youtube, but I try to spend as little time as possible there. I sync my podcasts to an MP3 player. Thanks for the tip though!
Ahh kk. I'm sure their is some tool that let's u download the sponsor block data and cut that part out of relevant files. If not it wouldn't be too hard to write especially with the help of Dr gpt
Boonta Vista. Comedy podcast out of Australia. No agenda.
Chapo Traphouse. Comedy political show out of USA. Leftist.
TrueAnon. Political show out of USA. Leftist.
QAA Podcast. Studies conspiratorial thinking and is genuinely pretty funny. Anti-capitalist.
Friendly Atheist Podcast (I think this has no ads, but I subscribed to the Patreon when I was only reading the blog and may be wrong). Focus on religious bullshittery in politics and such in USA. Pretty liberal for my taste, but when Jess shuts up about politics it's otherwise fine. Hemet is great at sticking to the topic at hand: freedom from religion.