I have that intro song as my phone's ringtone. It was always a joyful day when my teachers would pull out the TV on a cart and play an episode of Bill Nye.
Me sitting at the back of the room against the wall 40 feet away from the monitor, surrounded by 30 teenagers all whispering in the dark: ..... I can't hear the TV!
lol maybe, VCR's are a removed to service though. It probably would have been cheaper to replace it. I have no basis for that, just guessing. Feel free to call me out.
I went to a well funded school in New England, this was period correct even as late as 2013. For VHS especially these carts were still in use, but starting in maybe 2007/2008 some teachers would use their computer + VGA projector setup for DVDs. Especially since there weren't enough carts to go around