Oblivion is cool, but I’m with everyone else that want to see Morrowind remade first. I’ve been personally holding out for the Skywind mod for several years now. I just checked up on it and, yeah, they’re still workin’ on it.
A Morrowind remake would be fucking amazing. That game felt like it had a billion more things to do that oblivion and Skyrim put together. Maybe it's the nostalgia talking but either way, I'd want it before oblivion any day.
If Bethesda/Microsoft were smart, they'd put out a remastered trilogy collection for Series X/S and PC. Yeah, lean into the meme of re-releasing Skyrim again, but also give people the opportunity to try Morrowind and Oblivion with a new coat of paint.
Morrowind would certainly be the one that would be harder to please people with, though. There are a lot of purists who prefer Morrowind's style, but there are also a lot of people who want to play Morrowind with Skyrim's gameplay.
That's why I think at least Oblivion is the easier obstacle to tackle. You could take all of Oblivion's environments, quests, and music, plop it all on top of Skyrim's gameplay, and get an objectively better experience. Skyrim is not without flaws either, but Oblivion was just a straight-up broken game in terms of gameplay progression.
I'd only want a Morrowind remake with pretty significant tweaks. I'd want dice rolls gone for hits and leveling less convoluted at a minimum. Other nice things would be re-balancing weapons so others are viable beyond short/long blades would be nice, same with giving medium armor some love.
Morrowind is one of my favorite games of all time. Imo, Oblivion needs it more. It's ugly and the leveling makes it damn near unplayable (for me at least).
Oblivion is by far the ugliest of them. I was going to write about how the leveling system in it isn't that bad, but if you mean the level scaling of enemies then yeah that sucks.
Yeah im currently playing theough modded morrowind and all of my mods are exclusively textures, meshes, tamriel rubuilt and skyrim home of the nords. And the game still runs and feels decent save the occasional getting stuck in or on random shit, mind you im playing as a Nord (the largest race) and I can do that in fallout 4 and skyrim so who cares.
Maybe Oblivion will be the new Skyrim and re-release for the next five or six years until Elder Scrolls 6. I've seen a worrying amount of revisionism on Lemmy about how Oblivion is actually the best of the games, which is wrong. Morrowind is by far the best and deserves, but also does not require, a remake.
I think a really cool and not going to happen thing would be for a new DLC for these older games, alongside official patches to make them work on modern rigs for new players.
I went back to Morrowind recently and it is still a very charming game that I had fun with. It was revolutionary for its time and it managed to do a lot with the limitations it had. Sure, there are a lot of design elements that are, by today's standard, quite outdated. And there are systems that are easily abusable or just broken by default. But there's no other setting quite like Morrowind and it gives you the most flexibility of any Elder Scrolls game. Not to mention having almost 2 decades worth of mods, along with a great open source alternative engine, really helps give it a new lease on life.
Both. Because of Morrowind I was extremely excited for Oblivion when I was younger, it was the first game I followed development for. I enjoyed it but the uglyness, level scaling, clunky combat which reduced the impact of character stats, walled towns, a shitty imperial city, and a more generic fantasy setting really makes it not as good as Morrowind.
I was also ridiculously excited for Skyrim since I mainly played Nords and wanted to explore their land. I loved Bloodmoon in Morrowind so it should have been great to have a full game with a similar setting. The shallow guilds and almost near complete removal of character creation and meaningful stats really disappointed me, although the setting is much better than Oblivion and it actually looks fairly nice.
Skyrim is much better than Oblivion, Morrowind beats Skyrim for me due to depth and meaningful character creation and attributes.
Oblivion was certainly not the best, but it was a broken mess of a game. It needs a remake because despite all of its bugs and flaws, it was still a very good game.
If true, I hope that they leave some of the goofy bugs and ai in the game.
I think the weirdness of the interactions between NPCs is part of what made me love the game so much before.
O: "Heard any news from the other provinces?"
M: "Nothing I'd like to speak about."
O: "Good day."
M: "Go."
O: " heLLO! "
M: "Hi."
I also loved how the guards would try to attack through through space and time, with a lively "Beuaregeh!" as they hit absolutely nothing.
Other times, you'd see a guard kill someone, only for that same guard to go up to the body, gasp and shout "there's been a murder!".
I'm still mad about how much I disliked Oblivion. It had the worst level scaling and psychic guards, and none of the cool weirdness of Morrowind. I also kind of didn't like Skyrim though, so maybe I'm just not the target audience.
Be better? Thats something we won't know until both are out. Look better? If it's a full on remake, it will definitely look better than Skyblivion which largely looks like (modded) Skyrim.