The guy in the comic should've looked up the prices of used Maseratis before feeling bad, they're like 10-20k. I could afford a Maserati if I wanted to, but I'm trying to save up 60 grand for a down payment on a house on some land a fraction the size of this guy's tree house plot.
I just wait by the bar and when a guy with a Maserati comes in, I take pictures of myself in a pleather jacket and aviators with it in the background. Same effect, zero overhead.
I like wooden wind chimes. I prefer them over the metal ones. Nicer sound. Hard to find a wood that will suffer getting clonked all day tho. Considering pvc
Wish I could build a tree house. I can't really afford land to both live on and build a tree house on, and I am not legally allowed to live in the tree house.
There's always publicly accessible land and stealth, depending on the type of treehouse you're envisioning.
Is it illegal and likely to be knocked down? Yeah, probably. But for a brief moment, you may get to enjoy a very basic treehouse.
Hmmm...summer project idea (back in my day kids just made tree platforms rather than houses, which is probably what I'd - theoretically, NCC, you know who you are - do).
The boomer humor is the implications that what others desire is bad, and that only this desire to be outdoors is good. It's the boomer humor angle of "put down your phones" or "touch some grass." It wouldn't be boomer humor if the cartoon didn't directly compare this joy to other options insultingly.