can make self-hosting fairly painless. Just be sure to check that the IP you use isn't on a black list (which mailinabox checks for you).
The controversial statement they walked back, in case anyone wants to save a click:
Here is our official response, also available on the Mastodon post in the screenshot:
Corporate capture of Dems is real. In 2022, we campaigned extensively in the US for anti-trust legislation.
Two bills were ready, with bipartisan support. Chuck Schumer (who coincidently has two daughters working as big tech lobbyists) refused to bring the bills for a vote.
At a 2024 event covering antitrust remedies, out of all the invited senators, just a single one showed up - JD Vance.
By working on the front lines of many policy issues, we have seen the shift between Dems and Republicans over the past decade first hand.
Dems had a choice between the progressive wing (Bernie Sanders, etc), versus corporate Dems, but in the end money won and constituents lost.
Until corporate Dems are thrown out, the reality is that Republicans remain more likely to tackle Big Tech abuses.
Huh, turns out they were only half wrong (correct to condemn corporate Dems; wrong to assume that means Republicans are even the slightest bit better).
I can understand supporting an ideology but I cannot understand supporting the Republican Party of the United States as of 2025 or whatever flavor of anti-humanity garbage they stand for this afternoon.
I actually like their web UI and their support is really good.
It is so bad that the Proton CEO turned out to be a wannabe American tech oligarch. There is no way he meant what he said (if he actually meant it then he is a complete idiot);.
I would argue that you don't need to know the details of US politics to make an educated guess that an oligarch regime will not pursue pro-competition / anti-oligopoly policies in good faith. This is not really a US-specific thing, closer to common sense.
Another such article, is it really so difficult to have proper journalism anymore? Opinionated..
We really have to bash again and again because of a mistake, disregarding years of good work?
I know it's difficult for Americans to trust anything nowadays, but please get a hold of yourself..