We have more parties in our equivalent of the presidential office than you have parties in total.
I have huge problems with this notion that you have to be either democrat or conservative. They don't even cover 50% of the opinions I, a green-liberal (actual liberal, not US-definition), hold.
You're absolutely able and allowed to have your own opinion different from what any party official says.
When commenting on US politics, they should be aware of US political realities though. When taking position relative to US politics, they should be aware of that. At the very least, they should comment that they're progressive or something along the lines of "Our political orientation isn't represented in US politics" to acknowledge that, like you did.
But when your CEO endorses Republicans, pretending you're neutral isn't a good look.
Yes but swiss people can still be absolutely piece of shit human beings. They proved that in WWII by helping fund the Nazis directly. Swiss people also aren't immune from rampant US party propaganda. You aren't magical, psychologically different humans than the rest of the world.
Publicly supporting an openly fascist dictator, whatever "political party" they are on, someone who directly opposes the stated mission and values of the company, means that they are piece of shit humans who cannot be trusted with our data because they will just lie with what they do with it just like how they lied to us about their company values.
They were commenting on American politics though. Swiss parties are irrelevant. Supporting Trump is a crazy position no matter what your nationality is or what parties exist in that country.
Yes, big fan of Lina Khan, I worked with her in 2020 on the House report on antitrust (the House was controlled by Democrats back then). I've discussed this elsewhere, but certain events in 2022 made it very clear that further progress on antitrust was unlikely under Democratic leadership. You can read more about the backstory here: https://time.com/6243256/schumer-kills-antitrust-big-tech-bills/
Yes, big fan of Lina Khan, I worked with her in 2020 on the House report on antitrust (the House was controlled by Democrats back then). I've discussed this elsewhere, but certain events in 2022 made it very clear that further progress on antitrust was unlikely under Democratic leadership. You can read more about the backstory here: https://time.com/6243256/schumer-kills-antitrust-big-tech-bills/
Edit: I see someone else already posted it. I will leave it here even if it's a duplicate for future self-shame.
Problem is, she was lobbying Sony so hard that her corruption was clearly seen by everyone, she fought tooth and nail so Microsoft wouldn't buy call of duty, and was saying that microsoft gaming department will become a monopoly, and... You see a monopoly out there? Microsoft gaming department is a giant flop even with call of duty, of what monopoly she was telling then?
Microsoft gaming department is a giant flop even with call of duty, of what monopoly she was telling then?
Cloud gaming? Duopoly and oligopoly (see healthcare) being also anticompetitive? Look, of course Sony also opposed to merger because it was a competitor. Every antitrust lawsuit is bound to attract some of them. I dunno what you're going off on here.
Cancelled my Proton subscription citing this as the reason. Hope others do the same. This administration is not normal and relations should never be normalized with them.
@m105@Fizz there's quite a few Swiss mail providers that may be of interest. Self-hosting mail can be a pain as those IPs tend to have a lower threshold for getting blocked/blacklisted. And make sure all your SPF, DKIM etc is fully configured.
Yep, did the same. Started using Tuta for email, solid privacy and UI, app available on F-Droid, and the bonus for me was them being powered by renewables.
The language in the tweet was telling, i.e party of the "little guys" and tagging the president for visibility. You can't turn a blind eye to all the other destabilizing things this admin is doing just because they made 1 semi-competent cabinet pick (which should be the baseline expectation).
I've been looking in to degoogling and was considering Protonmail before this. Does anybody know of a good alternative? Espeically one that lets you have multiple email addresses?
I bit the bullet this month & bought a domain so I can assign mail handling and change providers without changing my email address. Currently using https://purelymail.com/ because they're $10/year for as many addresses & domains as you want "within reason." It's apparently just one guy with some AWS instances, but it was very straightforward to set up.
I was dumb enough to walk away from that approach about 10 years ago. Ugh. But you've convinced me. The annual cost of a domain is lunch money for a week. The freedom it provides in this scenario is well worth it.
I've had my personal domain on gmail and most recently proton. Proton got too pricy when I wanted to add another couple of domains. After some research I landed on purelymail, and it's been smooth sailing to set up and use.
The same applies to what I commented about Mxroute - Purelymail doesn't cater to users who require end-to-end encryption, advanced privacy features, or those who need built-in security measures beyond standard email protocols, as it's primarily focused on reliable email delivery and hosting rather than security-first communication.
If you only care about email (and calendar, I guess) Tuta is a pretty good choice. I've been using it for years and had only one problem very early on. Additional aliases are only available with the paid plan (€3 a month) however, same as Proton I believe.
Tuta works well for me for the past year or so, so I recently switched to their annual plan. I used Proton for a couple years (paid plan) and preferred it, but they raised the price so I bailed. The €3 plan from Tuta is more than enough for me.
I have tuta, bitwarden, firefox relay, and libreoffice, seems to work decently. I am also considering getting a mullvald vpn, but not sure how well it works with torrenting, since they no longer support port-forward.
It's not the most practical thing in the universe, but I have a small VPS that I host my email on for myself and a couple others (5 addresses in total). It's a bit of a pain to set up, but once it's working, it is really nice to have that kind of control.
I think email gets a bad rap for difficulty of hosting. So long as you get your DMARC, DKIM, RDNS, SPF, etc right, it's reasonably forgiving. Need to take server down for maintenance? No worries- any mail that couldn't be delivered will be resent in a few minutes/hours/days.
Harder than hosting a simple website? Yes. Rocket surgery? No.
After digging around, I'm going to try Tuta for email/calendar and Mullvad for VPN. Tuta's €3 plan lets you have 15 additional addresses and 3 custom domains.
im using a nextcloud host called murena. you could probably use an equally good one or self host, but i found the free next cloud host sign up tool too buggy to use.
main draw of next cloud for me is you can use features like third party clients and calendar sharing without having to manually prepare for account downgrade if you want a lower tier, and in fact the only difference between tiers is storage
note that im not clear how good their encryption is, it seems not to be fully end to end encrypted
You can still cancel your subscription so that it won't auto-renew in 2 years and it let's you leave a comment when doing so if you want to voice any concerns.
I’m in a pickle. Got proton and my own domain for email so I would be able to make an easy switch… but now I have masked emails for dozens if not hundreds of account logins.
MXroute doesn't cater to users who require end-to-end encryption, advanced privacy features, or those who need built-in security measures beyond standard email protocols, as it's primarily focused on reliable email delivery and hosting rather than security-first communication.
No they don’t, but I never switched to proton for that. I switched to proton to get away from iCloud. I also never loved the idea of them keeping my gpg key in the cloud, I can just as easily do e2e with mxroute in a more secure way
I mean company backs pro-company party isn't exactly surprising. You want to not shop at every company that supports Republicans? You're going to have a hard time finding anywhere to shop in most of the US. Gotta stick to smaller companies, and if you get small enough you'll get to mom and pop locations where personal votes are the comparison and they've voted Republican their entire lives.
Official company announcement, not only personal one.
Proton has position itself as a service for those who want to avoid big tech spying on them and unfair government prosecution.
It is then very charring that they officially support a party that is trying to go out of their way to reduce women/lgbtq rights and invited the whole cabal of big tech as guests of honor to the innaguration.
If their mission and their messages do not align, it's normal that customers are concerned.
I would be concerned of they officially supported any other party, but this case is specially outrageous.
Be a bit practical here people, Imagine the right-wingers saying "Oh no, he donated to left wingers, reeeeeeeee"
This might be sarcasm right? They went full reeee with Nike, Gillette, Budweiser, Costco....
Nah... Much better to take the pitchforks out for every little shit one reads in the internet and pretend to be a good guy to accumulate fake internet points.