I use LLM regularly as a coding aid. And it works fine. Yesterday I had to put a math formula on code. My math knowledge is somehow rusty. So I just pasted the formula on the LLM, asked for an explanation and an example on how to put it in code. It worked perfectly, it was just right. I understood the formula and could proceed with the code.
The whole process took seconds. If I had to go down the rabbit hole of searching until I figured out the math formula by myself it could have maybe a couple of hours.
It's just a tool. Properly used it's useful.
And don't try to bit me with the AI bad for environment. Because I stopped traveling abroad by plane more than a decade ago to reduce my carbon emissions. If regular people want to reduce their carbon footprint the first step is giving up vacations on far away places. I have run LLMs locally and the energy consumption is similar to gaming, so there's not a case to be made there, imho.
And don't try to bit me with the AI bad for environment. Because I stopped traveling abroad by plane more than a decade ago to reduce my carbon emissions.
It's absurd that you even need to make this argument. The "carbon footprint" fallacy was created by big oil so we'll blame each other instead of pursuing pigouvian pollution taxes that would actually work.
Humans pollute. Evading individual responsibility in what we do it's irresponsible.
If you decide you want to "find yourself" travelling from US to India by plane. Not amount of taxes is going to fix the amount of CO2 emited by that plane.
For what it's worth, I worked on geared turbofans in the jet engine industry. They're more fuel efficient... but also more complicated, so most airlines opt for the simpler (more reliable) designs that use more fuel. This is similar to the problem with leaded fuel, which is still used in a handful of aircraft.
Airplanes could be much greener, there were once economies of scale to ship travel, and relying on altruism at scale just doesn't work at all anyways. Pigouvian taxes have a track record of success. So especially in the short term, the selfish person who decides to "find himself" would look at a high price of flying (which now includes external costs) and decide to not fly at all.
Relying on altruism (and possibly social pressure) isn't working, and that was always what big oil intended. Even homeless people are polluting above sustainable levels. We're giving each other purity tests instead of using very settled economics.
I'm going to fact check you, and you are not going to like it. But I hope you are able to learn instead of keeping yourself in a dogma.
Let's assume only one international flight per year. 12 hours. Times 2 as you have to come back . So 24 hours in a plane.
A plane emits 250 Kg of CO2 by passenger by hour. Total product is 250x24. Which equals 6 tons of CO2 emited by one international travel.
Now we go with diet. I only eat chicken and pork (beef is expensive). My country average is 100Kg of meat per person per year.
Pork production takes 12 Kg of CO2 per Kg of meat. Chicken is 10, so I will average at 11 Kg.
11Kg of CO2 multiplies by 100Kg eaten makes 1.1 tons of CO2.
6 is greater than 1.1. about 6 times greater give it or take.
So my decision of not doing international travel saves 6 tons of CO2 to the atmosphere per travel. While if I would completely take the meat I eat from my diet I would only reduce 1.1 ton of CO2 per year.
I still think the numbers will be skewed heavily by those that travel internationally 0 times per year, but I think your math is accurate from what I can tell. Essentially, less air travel is good if you regularly travel, otherwise not so much.
How's the math turn out if people use alternate means of travel? Is traveling by boat still a thing?
Current LLM bad is very true. The method used to create is immoral, and are arguably illegal. In fact, some of the ai companies push to make what they did clearly illegal. How convenient...
And I hope you understand that using the LLM locally consuming the same amount as gaming is completely missing the point, right? The training and the required on-going training is what makes it so wasteful. That is like saying eating bananas in the winter in Sweden is not generating that much CO2 because the distance to the supermarket is not that far.
I don't believe in Intelectual Property. I'm actually very against it.
But if you believe in it for some reason there are models exclusively trained with open data. Spanish government recently released a model called ALIA, it was 100% done with open data, none of the data used for it was proprietary.
Training energy consumption is not a problem because it's made so sparsely. It's like complaining about animation movies because rendering takes months using a lot of power. It's an irrational argument. I don't buy it.
Same im not going back to not using it, im not good at this stuff but ai can fill in so many blanks, when installing stuff with github it can read instructions and follow them guiding me through the steps for more complex stuff, helping me launch and do stuff I woild never have thought of. Its opened me up to a lot of hobbies that id find too hard otherwise.
So… AI taught me Spanish and made me fluent in a year. But I haven’t used it for tech stuff until I read this thread yesterday. I’m a Linux DABBLER. Like zero command line level but a huge user… daily driver but a fraud because I know so little. Anyway… my laptop ran into some problem and I knew I could spend hours parsing the issue in manuals and walkthroughs etc but I thought I would allow AI to walk me through … and it was great. Problem hasn’t been resolved but I learned a great deal. When another dabbling window opens, I’m on it.
Check out deepseekapi + cline vscode, just toss 5$ in deepseek and itll take forever to run out, i dont reccomend autoapprove tho, it doesn't work that well and you don't learn much using it lol, it is nice when going through templates, instead of editing manually and finding stuff you just tell the ai to ask you questions based on what can be customized.
IRL the first step to cutting emissions is what you're eating. Meat and animal products come with huge environmental costs and reducing how much animal products you consume can cut your footprint substantially.
It depend where you live. If you live where I live a fully plant diet is mor environmentally damaging that omnivore diet. Because I would need to consume lots of plants that come from tropical environments to have a full diet, which means one of two things, import from far away or intensive irrigation in a dry environment.
While here farm animals can and are feed with local plants that do no need intensive irrigation.
Someday I shall make full calculations on this. But I'm not sure which option would give best carbon footprint. But I'm not that sure about full plant diet here.
Hmm, even developing countries with local livestock and organic feed for them it’s still a lot better for the environment to be vegetarian or vegan, by far. It’s always more efficient to be more plant-based, rather than growing plants for animals to eat and then eating those animals.
Because growing plants for animals do not have, by far, the same cost that growing plants for humans.
My grandparents grew lucerne for livestock. And it really doesn't take much to grow. While crops for humans tend to take mucho more water and energy.
And for some animals, like chickens, you can just use residues from other crops.
I don't think it's that straightforward.
My grandparents used to live in an old village, with their farm, and that wasn't a very contaminating lifestyle. But if they would want to became began they would have needed to import goods from across the globe to have a healthy diet.
The catch is there’s nowhere on earth where a plant diet has a higher carbon footprint unless you go out of your way to pursue foods from foreign sources that are resource intensive.
Realistically it will always take more to grow a chicken or a fish than grow a plant.
Realistic, as in real life, my grandparents had chickens "for free", as the residues from other plants that cannot be eaten by humans were the food of the chickens. So realistically trying to substitute the nutrients of those free chickens with plant based solutions would be a lot more expensive in all ways.
If your answer is going to be again some variation of the dogma: "Still true no matter where you live because the carbon costs of raising animals is higher than plants." without considering that some plants used to feed animals are incredibly cheap to produce(and that humans cannot live on those planta), and that some animals live on human waste without even needing to plant food for them. Then don't even bother to reply.
I did read your statement And the costs of those feeds are not free. You are growing a feed plant to full maturity. Then you harvest said feed which has its own costs and then you give it to the animal which produces its own footprint.
Eating a different plant would have a lower cost than growing feed for an animal.
Yeah you have no idea what my background is si that’s not a safe bet. Im willing to believe you just don’t understand the carbon cycle based on your comments because you keep using the word “free”.
Fish farms have their own footprint and environmental problems as you still need to feed them and they still produce carbon and waste.
I think the issue here is you seem to be uncertain how the carbon costs are factored.
Do you?
Also do you what are the actual issues on fresh water?
Do you actually think cooling of some data center it's actually relevant? Because I really, data on hand, think it's not. It's just part of the dogma.
Stop trying to eat vegetables that need watering out of areas without a lot of rain, much better approach if you care about that. Eat what people on your area ate a few centuries ago if you want to be water sustainable.
That's nothing compared with intensive irrigation.
Having a diet proper to your region has a massively bigger impact on water than some cooling.
Also not every place on earth have fresh water issues. Some places have it some are pretty ok. Not using water in a place where it's plenty does nothing for people in a place where there is scarcity of fresh water.
I shall know as my country is pretty dry. Supercomputers, as the one used for our national AI, had had not visible impact on water supply.
I'm already familiarized on industrial and computer usage of water. As I said, very little impact.
Not all food is needed to survive. Any vegan would probably give a better argument on this than me. But choice of food it's important. And choosing one food over another it's not a matter of survival but a matter of joy, a tertiary necessity.
Not to sound as a boomer, but if this is such a big worry for you better action may be stop eating avocados in a place where avocados don't naturally grow.
As I said, I live in a pretty dry place, where water cuts because of scarcity are common. Our very few super computers have not an impact on it. And supercomputers on china certainly are 100% irrelevant to our water scarcity issue.
I don't know why you keep bringing up luxuries like avocados. I don't remember the last time I ate an avocado, or a banana, or any exotic fruit for that matter.
I somehow feel like you won't listen to LLM criticism from me either, so it's a disingenuous argument.
Except AI centers are much much more impactful than any single decision a single person can make. Demanding perfection before assessing legitimacy of a complaint is also an excuse to justify dogma.