New Sound Hardware Supported By The Linux 6.14 Kernel
New Sound Hardware Supported By The Linux 6.14 Kernel
some_guy Pro-audio nerd here. Though I do production on a Mac, I’m excited that Linux continues to grow as a well-rounded alternative to Windows. May Windows become completely irrelevant in the future (I can dream).
32 0 Replylengau Let's hope all proprietary systems become irrelevant in the future.
12 0 Replylzccr Highly agreed. Windows is becoming more and more a bloatware. That is happening btw, Linux is getting more and more of the market share.
3 0 Reply
Aphelion I really wish RME would work with the Linux Dev team to add drivers for their USB interfaces. Stuck on Windows with my Fireface.
8 0 Replydrkt
I was just thinking I should sell my scarlett because it doesn't work on Linux, anyway. lol. lmao.
4 0 Replydinckel What’s not working? Perhaps we can give advice
3 1 Reply
metaStatic 2i2 envy
4 0 Reply
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