It's so obsessed with UX and negative space, even on a 4k monitor at full screen you still only get like 100 characters line width. It's a fucking joke.
Nothing in modern software design blows my mind more than the tendency to replace line-wrapping with truncation and ellipses. It's like designers couldn't get to sleep at night if there were any possibility of their layouts being variable height.
We've got a saying at work, "Manglement's gotta mangle."
It's how we refer to management's (who we refer to as manglement) decisions when they can't leave a functioning system alone without getting in there and breaking it.
There’s an old story about a website designer finishing a site. But they knew the approval for the site would need to come from one specific manager. This particular manager was notorious for changing things just to be able to say they contributed. Nothing could ever pass over this manager’s desk without at least one revision, because the manager wanted to be able to say that they had a hand in the project. They weren’t ever content with just sitting back and going “yeah, looks good. Ship it as-is.”
So the designer got the site looking exactly how they wanted it. It was perfect… And then right before they sent it off to be approved, they added a banner of spinning rubber duck gifs at the very top of the page:
The manager sent back “yeah, just get rid of the damned ducks before the site goes live.” By giving the manager a big bright “this needs to be fixed” thing to change, the designer was able to get the site they actually wanted. So if you’re ever dealing with a manager like this, be sure to give them a figurative rubber duck to “fix”.
I agree. Microsoft employees are not guilty of any microsoft issues. Anyone who used windows11 for any amount of time has very clear understanding that the devs have no idea what is going on.
I blame whoever gave public school kids tablets and chrome books instead of sending them to computer labs. Now all of society is paying because we only taught one generation of people how to use Windows.
Not exactly "back", more like "trying to act like nothing ever happened". Try !, it was made by/for the people who no longer trust the current moderators who caused the schism.
I was on a call at work and casually had task manager open because my work PC is a slow garbage. Teams was taking up over 1.1 GB of ram! Firefox with several tabs open was taking 2/3 of it. WTF?
Shit I quite like Teams which I of course have no choice but to use every at work. I’m aware some folk don’t like it, through these memes and their various variants, but what are the main gripes?
Can't speak for anyone else, but my personal gripes are the horrendous ux design, basically unusable keyboard shortcuts that cannot be customized, never being predictable with what devices it uses. On top of that, being a Linux user makes it even worse, mostly because it's not a native app, but some monstrous electron garbage.