Make sure to side-arm lob it, don't let it spill on you!
37 0 ReplyNever thought about why people throw molotovs that way, but that makes a lot of sense
27 0 ReplyIf you dip, tape the rag to the bottle and close it there's no spillage. Safety first!
7 0 ReplyZip tie to the neck. Tape adhesive will dissolve pretty quick from gasoline.
3 0 Reply
Good old Samwise, a real salt of the earth fellow.
(Something something something his boots weren't fucking yellow)
17 0 Replyhis boots weren’t fucking yellow
I'm clearly ootl here, what does this mean?
8 0 ReplyI wrote the first sentence, then remembered the poems Tolkein wrote about Tom Bombadil.
Tom Bombadil was a merry old fellow
his jacket was blue and hit boots were yellow
(not verbatim, from memory)
Well, I'm talking about Sam and he's a hobbit, he doesn't even wear boots. It was mostly just weird silly connections in my head after writing down the first sentence fairly seriously. I had just happened to end the sentence with "fellow" and then couldn't help myself.
11 0 Reply
Sam: I gotta dollar.
Frodo: tries to grab it
Sam: pulls it away You gotta be quicker than that!
6 0 ReplyBortles!!
5 0 ReplyFun fact: If you don't throw it, not much happens, really.
5 0 ReplyThe glass will break after a while from the heat if you just let it stand there.
6 0 ReplySometimes. And then you have a puddle on the ground on fire. No sweet explosions or sounds or anything.
3 0 Reply
So the wick is in the mouth of the bottle because it's more secure there than if you tied it around the neck?
0 0 ReplyThe wick soaks up the fuel so it lights up easy and stays lit, while also plugging up the hole so the fuel doesn't spill out of the bottle until after it's thrown and breaks.
3 0 Reply
I really like this meme, but it needs a ", Mr. Frodo," inserted between the words "cocktail," and "and."
4 0 Reply