Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a message of support Thursday for Elon Musk after the world’s richest man was accused of making a Nazi salute.
Musk “is being falsely smeared,” Netanyahu wrote on X, the social media platform owned by Musk. “Elon is a great friend of Israel. He visited Israel after the October 7 massacre… [and] has since repeatedly and forcefully supported Israel’s right to defend itself against genocidal terrorists and regimes who seek to annihilate the one and only Jewish state.”
Oligarchs are all in the same big mentally-ill sociopath club. They know they're the devil and they revel in being evil. They only care about wealth and power, and their only common goal is keeping the proles fighting each other, instead of dragging them into the street and making them pay for their crimes; for the irrevocable damage they've done to all of us, and our societies.
I'm not convinced most of them actually believe any of the horseshit they spout. Their words are just a means to achieving their goals.
Oh I know they're all amoral hypocrites. I was more referring to the fact that they can spout such blatant hypocritical nonsense and the rest of the world just goes along with it.
That's telling us pretty much all we needed to know about the whole Gaza situation, if anyone still had doubts about it. Far right extremists, Nazis, fascists, whatever you want to call them.
A fascist is someone who believes in a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition.
Lets see, nation over individual? Yup, very much so
Centralized autocratic government? Yup, see DOGE.
Dictatorial leader? Given that trump openly admires dictators and that musk supports him, also yup.
And the economic regimentation has been going on for a while now. (the rich become richer, the poor become poorer and have far less power)
The denial of the existence of trans people already means a social regimentation. So that's another check mark.
The suppression of opposition: See what's happening in Texas by their team members of the republican party, where they're trying to oust the Democratic party from major political roles in committees and such.
According to me it means what it means. You're free to look that up on sites like and and as well as in the dictionary, you can then read papers and theses and essays to your heart's content on "national socialism" or "Naziism" or "fascism" or any number of related concepts.
Well, time for everyone to put support for Israel in their bio and start sieg heiling around Jerusalem, see how long it takes before double standards are applied...
Serious question, if Netanyahu is a nazi why isn't his government fascist? Literally 10% of the population of Israel was protesting him in 7/2023 demanding his removal and the Israeli state just let the protestors continue living. If Bibi is a nazi why didn't his government pursue that population?
Netanyahu is a corrupt piece of shit. Him taking bribes from Musk is more likely than Netanyahu being a nazi.
The definition of 'fascist' is somewhat more complex than 'a person who murders 10% of his county's population due to political differences'.
Do you think there weren't people against the Nazis in 1930s Germany? The bulk of them weren't killed either, so I guess by your logic Hitler also wasn't a fascist or a Nazi?
Fascists have an order of operations, they don't just round up all their enemies at the same time. First they attack their greatest opposition, which in Israel's case is the Palestinian resistance.
If they ever managed to crush the resistance they'd start going after the other enemies of the state.
Just to make sure I'm not missing a joke or something, you are declaring the, I can't believe I am writing this, Prime Minister of Israel of being a nazi?
I am drunk and hopefully missing something and apologies if I am.
Racist, expansionist, genicodal fascists heavily into ethnic cleansing and lebensraum. Sound familiar?
It was never about the specific ethnicities, it was about power. Back in the 1930s, Jews made a convenient target - they were isolated and 'other' enough, and they were slowly gaining equality.
The nazis were able to exploit the fear and resentment this caused, declare Jews the great enemy, and ramp up to a campaign of extermination to bolster their power and give cover to their ongoing invasions.
These days, Jewish people aren't occupying the same social niche. You can't exactly get people to riot about Elaine, after all.
However, LGBTQ (especially T) people make a fine substitute in the US, as do Latinx people.
And in Israel, they have the Palestinians to pick on.
It's the same game, same tactics, same everything - only the specific names change.
So one being nazi has to hate jews? He can't be a nazi if he hates something else, but otherwise acts like one?
If you mean literally a "spiritual member" of original Nazi party, then yeah probably, although nazi-germany was also exterminating other groups they saw as genetic garbage.
Definition of a nazi has changed a bit and somewhat fused with general facism.
Nah, Nazis hated Jews just because they needed to hate someone to justify their own existence but they'll switch to any other easy scapegoats and work with whoever they need to hold on to power
In terms of practicality Nazi Germany Nazis hated Jews bcs that was already the style at the time (it's easier to use & inflate current public arguments than to seed completely new ones), they just added German efficiently into it's propaganda & weaponisation.
People also forget that nazis killed 5 millions non jews. Not to say that there was no systematic killing of jews from being jewish and not to say thst a final solution wasn't planned for jews
It's like saying that the definition of an American is someone who hates tea. That's a much older association (and the comparison is tongue-in-cheek), but this kind of thing isn't how definitions work.