Watch as Putin "negotiates" a peace deal that get him everything he wants, and Trump goes "see, they want peace. It is Ukraine that is being stubborn. Think I will use tariffs on them!"
They’ve already had US sanctions since the start of the war. The thing that would actually help is continuing to aid Ukraine. Since he stopped that, his motivations are pretty fucking clear.
He stumbled across it once and everyone reacted positively. He has now realized it illicits a positive responsevand uses it every time he opens his mouth, with no understanding of what it means.
There's a very on-the-nose comparison here to severe mental disabilities, but that feels incredibly rude to people with genuine needs.
I don't think Russia does enough business with the US for this to have any meaningful impact one way or the other. And I admit that I know little about the subject, but if I recall correctly, Russia got hit with all sorts of sanctions when they invaded Ukraine to begin with, just to see many of those sanctions either "worked around" or outright ignored because many European countries weren't in a position to actually enforce such sanctions without doing even more harm to their own people than to Russia (mostly because of European reliance on Russian gas). And in the end, what sanctions were enforced did absolutely nothing to stop Russia anyway.
Russia will not be stopped by diplomatic means. They have allies in China, Iran, North Korea, etc. that can help Russia achieve their goals, work around sanctions, and replenish their soldiers and arms. Just like they've been doing. Continuing to supply Ukraine with supplies without actually putting boots on the ground has only ensured that Ukraine will slowly die a death of a thousand paper cuts instead of Russia just steamrolling in and taking the whole country all at once. The only way this is ever going to end in Ukraine's favor is boots on the ground, but no country is willing to give them that.
Ukraine can't hold out forever, even with supplies from NATO allies. Russia has historically been willing to shove soldiers into the meat grinder en masse until they win by attrition, and then simply move Russian citizens into the territory they take over in the process. And Ukraine is fighting Russia's war by Russia's rules, where Russia gets to replenish their troops with soldiers from allied nations, but Ukraine isn't allowed to do the same.
Ukraine and its allies really do have to make a tough decision if they want the war to end. Either allies can actually start supplying boots on the ground in order to help Ukraine drive back Russia and get soldiers out of Ukranian territory, or Ukraine is going to have to enter peace talks with Russia where they will have absolutely no negotiating power, which at best means they'd be giving up a good chunk of their territory and promising Russia that they'll essentially become a puppet state. The current barely-a-stalemate where Russia slowly takes over more and more territory over the course of time just delays the inevitable and causes a shitload of deaths in the process.
The sanctions hurt. Oligarchs don't have much in Russia to spend their fortunes on. They take it to European cities and places like Cyprus. Sanctions in those places hurt them (when actually applied-- the UK under Boris Johnson pretended to impose sanctions but they were so full of loopholes that they were worthless-- gotta keep that oligarch money inflating London real estate).