The first openly transgender member of Congress mocked Trump’s executive order
Representative Sarah McBride, the first out trans congresswoman, criticized Donald Trump’s executive order defining gender as strictly male or female.
McBride points out that biologically all embryos develop as female until the SRY gene activates weeks after conception.
The order, which ties gender to reproductive cells at conception, unintentionally categorizes all humans as female from conception based on biological facts.
McBride’s remarks highlight scientific flaws in the policy.
Anyone who thinks this shit is funny is in for a rude awakening.
They do not fucking care. They will use this the exact same way that they would have used it if it was worded correctly.
You don't get out on technicalities in fascism; if the autocrat in charge wants to do the thing, he will do it. All of these things will be used as cudgels against perceived political enemies, and marginalized US citizens.
I want people to try to be less pesimistic, the point is that technicalities like this will waste time. Every one of these exectuive orders is going to be challanged in court, and while the GOP controls the higher courts, these cases will start in the lower ones. With any luck, the lower courts will stay the order until things can get resolved. Every appeal, every challange takes time to process and judges are under no obligation to resolve things quickly.
The goal currently isnt to try and overturn the order, thats just pissing into the wind. The goal is to waste their time for 2 years and hope the house flips, if it does, we can send 47 back to his golf course for the rest of his term because he wont be able to accomplish anything.
The goal is to waste their time for 2 years and hope the house flips, if it does, we can send 47 back to his golf course for the rest of his term because he wont be able to accomplish anything.
And then we'll have Couch Fucker McGoo as president.
This. In much the same way an elder god doesn't give a damn about conservation of energy or the square cubed law, a dictator with effectively un-checked power doesn't care about wording of executive orders or LAWS. Be careful.
Cthulu has woken from eons (4 years) of slumber (not being president) to ravage the planet, while looking like a moldy cheese puff.
Edit: thankfully he's not nearly as powerful as this metaphor implies, but the point stands. The law won't stop him, I don't trust the Dems to stop him, the only thing that will is worker's might.
He doesn't have fucking unchecked power, he has a slim majority in congress, a full diaper, and a constitutional deadline before he stops having any power. Don't give him an inch, make them fight for every grain of sand.
They do not fucking care. They will use this the exact same way that they would have used it if it was worded correctly.
The reason why this is good news is that the more bizarrely worded the order, the easier it is to get it throw out in court, America even now runs on the WORD of the law, not the intent.
America even now runs on the WORD of the law, not the intent.
Yeah except not really. Have you paid attention to recent SCOTUS decisions? They aren't even bothering to make cogent arguments in some cases, and hearing others that never should have standing in the first place.
They will use this the exact same way that they would have used it if it was worded correctly.
The "de-fund the police" (but really adjust teaming to include psyche pros to ensure proper handling of at-risk people who do not warrant a response escalation) movement may show them how that's done.
Theres two possible interpretations due to the at conception bit I think. Either he made everyone a woman, or he abolished gender all together. Either way this EO make Trump the single largest gender changer in history as he just changed the gender of either ~150 million or ~300 million people.
It's fun to think about the hypotheticals, but the reality here is that it does not matter the exact words in the EO. We know what they mean, and they won't let some silly technicality stop them.
I really would like to see some people ask for a divorce off the fact that they were married under false pretenses. They believed they were marrying a man.
It defines every human as belonging to neither of the 2 sexes. There is pretty much no other way to read it.
Read it carefully, and then read it like a Republican.
“Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.
This does NOT mean "a female is a person who can produce the large reproductive cell."
The BELONG is the key word here. They'll argue that anyone with XX chromosomes belongs to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell. An embryo may not produce large or small reproductive cells, but they still belong to the sex that produces the large or small reproductive cell. Even if an adult is infertile, they still belong to the sex that produces the large or small reproductive cell. It's not like per-pubescent children or post-menopausal women don't have a sex marker on their passports.
That is how this is meant to be read, and that is how it will be interpreted by conservative courts.
In truth the definition is a bit circular, as it defines "sex" as:
“Sex” shall refer to an individual’s immutable biological classification as either male or female. “Sex” is not a synonym for and does not include the concept of “gender identity.”
And then in turn it defines male and female in terms of "belonging to the sex that produces..."
But I don't think the courts will really quibble with that. It's clear what the intent of the order is. And that is how it will be interpreted.
You do not have to actually be capable of producing the large reproductive cell to be a member of the sex that produces the large reproductive cell. Is this definition all-encompassing and without issues? No. But legal definitions rarely are perfect, and courts have to find ways to still apply laws that reflect the intent of their drafters. And while the wording of the order is clumsy, the intent is quite clear.
The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.
– The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
One team is trying to govern, and the other team is trying to win.
If Democrats lied constantly, denied science, sowed fear and hatred, and used the law to enforce their personal religious beliefs... They'd be indistinguishable from Republicans.
This assumes the Democrats aren't also keenly aware of what is happening and either doing a real sorry job of putting up any viable opposition or are in on the game. The two-party system is a front
It began with the forging of the Genders. Three were given to the Transgenders, eepy, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Non-binaries, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine genders were gifted to the furry-folk, who above all else desire power. For within these genders was bound the strength and the will to govern each gay community. But they were all of them deceived, for another gender was made. Deep in the land of Mordor, in the Fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a master gender, and into this gender he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.
It’s a P2025 script. Oklahoma made it into law into September, with the same ridiculous misunderstanding of basic biology. It doesn’t matter, they know who they are supposed to oppress.
You should apply for a second birth certificate, on the grounds that both of the "people" who were conceived were actually born. You should seek a second SSN, claim them as a dependent on your taxes.
Someone should sue JD Vance for addressing Trump as Mr. President. Illegally addressing him as a man. Clearly sewing doubt in the direct orders of the president, it's detrimental to the entire country.
"This is logically flawed because <drops a stack of biology textbooks on the table>" won't really bother a bunch of Young Earth Creationists. You're arguing with people who will retreat to the baseline argument "because God said so" in a pinch. Getting into the messy details of embryonic development won't save you, because that's not how their nominations to the FBI, the DOJ, or the Federal Judiciary are going to interpret any of it.
Actually it being poorly written helps a lot with court challenge. That was one of the reasons why so much was overturned in his first administration. There was a fear that this time he'd sign better written executive orders that would survive challanges instead we're getting a lot of them like this
Its so stupid that the government of one of the world's most powerful countries is occupying itself trying to restrict people's healthcare and bathroom usage based on some poorly understood and arbitrary rules about zygotes. Meanwhile, the planet burns.
Isn’t that every despot’s idea, though? Make all laws used to control people nebulous enough that they can be applied to anyone for whatever reason? Just because it’s inept doesn’t mean it isn’t useful.
I feel like an invulnerable Goddess, in my sleep Trump tried to turn me into a man. I went Ultra Instinct and slapped that shit without waking up, and when I finally do get up I find that the whole country is one giant lesbian slumber party.
This shit aint nothing to me ma'am, Madame President could suck my gock if I wasn't post-op.
I would laugh my ass off that this bites him in the ass because it makes all scientific distinctions useless when making more laws. Just because his dumb ass doesn't understand the nuance.
No, it really doesn't. All ethical arguments aside, veterinarians/doctors/scientists/animal breeders often sex-select sperm for breeding purposes, very common as far as animals, I assume common enough in assisted human pregnancies. Anyways, bio sex is literally determined by the male input, not the female, it is quite literally decided at conception even if you can't see it yet. (Why I know this? Farmer. You have no idea how violent and dangerous Holstein bulls are. Even before selected sex sperm was an option, dairy farmers went with artificial insemination rather than risking getting killed by one of those bastards. Most people, even farmers, have not seen an intact, full grown, Holstein bull. Jersey are the same way, but not quite as bad. For whatever reason, beef breed bulls, dangerous as they are, are much calmer than dairy breed). Ever met one of those guys with like 7 daughters? It's quite often not a coincidence, think back to history class and medieval rulers getting divorced because their wife wouldn't produce a male heir, and then the new wife wouldn't either, nor the next wife, and the doctor who said something like "Maybe it's you, your Majesty" was executed.
Huh, didn't know they were sexing semen for artificial insemination. Do you know if they can catch intersex semen? Intersex individuals/animals do exist and have been well documented.
As far as I know, intersex is caused most often by a double fertilized egg, or that thing that happens when one twin absorbs the other in utero, chimeraism or mosaic. Something similar causes Down syndrome, an extra chromosome gets in there somehow.