Israel’s prime minister said the West Bank campaign is aimed at Iran-backed militias in the territory.
Israeli security forces backed by helicopters raided the volatile West Bank city of Jenin on Tuesday, killing at least nine Palestinians in what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called a “large-scale and significant military operation”.
“We are acting systematically and resolutely against the Iranian axis wherever it extends its arms – in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Judea and Samaria,” Netanyahu said. Judea and Samaria are terms Israel uses for the occupied West Bank.
The move into Jenin, where the Israeli army has carried out multiple raids and large-scale incursions over recent years, comes only two days after the start of a ceasefire in Gaza.
Israeli NGO B’Tselem accused the Israeli government of using the Gaza ceasefire as “an excuse and opportunity to ratchet up the oppression of West Bank Palestinians”.
“This is not what a ceasefire looks like,” it said.
In the days leading up to the Israeli military operation in Jenin, Palestinians in the West Bank said multiple roadblocks had been set up throughout the territory, where violence has resurged since the start of the war in Gaza.
I remember a shitty N64 game called Rampage in which you would crush cities with your fists until you were bored with the game and move on to a better one. This “war” has been like watching an entitled shitty kid play Rampage, but he’s not bored yet.
I’m guessing allowing an annexation of the West Bank and financial and militarily supporting it is what America “gave up” to get the ceasefire agreement.
America was never preventing the annexation of West Bank, and it was already providing financial and military support. It got the ceasefire by threatening to stop.
This is like when you take a glass away from a toddler throwing a temper tantrum and they grab a bowl and smash it on the ground instead. Israel is a spoiled child who thinks the world owes them everything.
Give it time. When, not if, when Trump gives billions to fund Israel's genocide then people will be just as furious with him as they were when Biden did it.
Xhitter is full of bots and Nazis now so you won't see much criticism of Trump on Nazi Musk's shitty Nazi platform.
Yeah, I wonder why everyone isn't on the Nazi website calling out Trump. 🤔
Trump is quite clearly a monster. Theres never been a question in anyone's mind (other than idiots) that Trump would commit attrocities. What is striking is that Biden would act similarly to Trump, which is why people who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 were especially angry.
Had you libs actually taken this genocide seriously for the past year rather than spit in the face of anyone who had a conscience, your question would be irrelevant.
I didn't vote coz I'm not americans. I find it really shocking that you people are trying to weaponize a genocide to make it about you and your political situation.
Don't you have any decency? You know we're talking about real people, yes? Your country is doing it in your name and you pretend the other side did it to abscond yourself from guilt.
[insert image depicting a demoncrat responding to a global south person/literally any minority with "I just thought of worse ways the Republicans could go about killing you" here]
I see you standing over a woman badly beaten in a hospital bed. [whiny voice] “boy! I hope you’re happy! You went and got yourself raped AND beaten for resisting that rape! There you were walking around in a short skirt, so it’s basically your fault you were raped! THEN you had the audacity to try to stop it, and you got yourself beaten half to death too! I hope you’re happy with yourself young lady!”