Banned from .world comm shortly after banning .world mod
I don't expect this to play particularly well here, and maybe I'm just being conspiratorial, but here goes:
I banned from !transgender@lemmy.blahajzone earlier today- he literally posted a matt walsh youtube link and was being otherwise transphobic in a space where that gets you banned. (link)
one of jordanlunds removed comments w/ matt walsh video:
the reason I put down was 'trolling about neopronouns'
I stand by that, it was violating instance rules and was unacceptable behavior from a moderator of another instance.
Shortly after that I got banned from for 'trolling'. To be clear, jordanlund does not moderate, but the timing struck me as an odd coincidence.
I was expressing my actual opinion/position on this, if anything the post I was replying to should be considered a rule 1 violation implying leftists are russian/under russian sway:
The removed comments that I was banned (permanent) for were just me being earnest about my position, which you're welcome to disagree with.
I don't view protecting my rights as something worth sacrificing other people for, even if they're on the other side of the planet. You can be mad at me or hate me for that, but I'm not trolling.
People replying felt it was reasonable to call me an idiot for example, yet another example of selective moderation. on .world.
I don't have any conclusive proof that my banning Jordanlund and then getting banned are related other than the suspicious timing, I welcome clarification.
Anyway in the interest of neutrality and transparency I submit both my ban and jordanlunds for review.
I used to think neo-pronouns are kinda silly, and I guess I still kinda do. But there's no skin off my back to address people in a way that they don't find hurtful. If people tell me my actions are hurtful to them, I try and take them at face value so long as doing so wouldn't be hurtful to others or myself. Seems like basic conscientiousness to me.
My beef with neo pronouns is they are used in such a way to weaponize the “political correctness” attitude of some liberal communities
Drag is a good example because they’re a blatant troll, and pretty blatantly try to get anyone who disagrees with them about anything banned for being “transphobic”
Like it’s an obvious bit, it makes the mods and admins look like fools. Drag got banned from hexbear AND .ml for this behavior.
The issue they control some key subs, but yeah I think there is enough evidence that mods on key subs are malicious actors that are working against the fedi thesis
Since when are they neoliberal? I encounter more bleeding heart progressives on that instance than anywhere else. Sorry they don't pass your purity test but they sure as fuck hate fascists.
Edit: ohhhh haha, I just checked your instance. Yea no wonder they aren't leftie enough for you, go home tankie 👋
Isn’t FlyingSquid a mod there? They cooperate with one another, so if you cross one you cross both.
But yeah, doesn’t surprise me. Jordan is the same white dude who said he didn’t support BLM because protests inconvenienced him. He’s a peak liberal Zionist.
It’s not my fault white dudes tend to be the only people complaining about civil rights. If you don’t like people stating facts, then maybe turn on Fox News or sub to Trump on his social media. Then you won’t have to worry about it anymore.
He was, but if I remember correctly, he had a huge mental breakdown and threatened to commit suicide over zoom, and I think they removed him until he starts feeling better. It was a big deal a few days ago.
I hate how quick world is to mass downvote, accuse of being a russian troll, or just straight up remove comments from people who express any sort of actual left-wing opinion. Reading through that whole comment thread there was nothing you said that came across as trolling. Its kinda exhausting how many people take any criticism of the democratic party as being support for Trump, or believe voting is the most important and only way to change anything. I get closer to just blocking world entirely every day tbh.
.world thinks if you give reasoned arguments, reputable sources, and have a logical criticism of a liberal, you're actually just a Russian bot, China shill, trump stan, or whatever it is this week.
Being morally consistent is a negative to them and must be punished.
I get closer to just blocking world entirely every day tbh.
Most of my blocklist is .world members, some shitjustworks, some hexbear, some .ml. And then there's some members from a libertarian instance I never remember.
It doesn't help that .world is the biggest one, but it feels every single smug asshole who wants to put you on their "internet arguments won comp #13" collection is from .world
I hate how quick world is to mass downvote, accuse of being a russian troll, or just straight up remove comments from people who express any sort of actual left-wing opinion
They'll actually form packs of downvoters to team up and track you to downvote. I'd get downvoted in .world, then every single post after that, even my non-political/non-controversial ones would get massively downvoted.
One guy even wrote a program tracking me, then publicly offered it to others to track and downvote me. (thanks
All because I voted third party in the election!! lolololol
I was the one that submitted the ban, after a number of reports. On the face of it (I am at work, so don't always have time to deep dive), The reports did seem to align with trolling.
I had/have no idea what's going on withe the Jordan Lund thing.
For what it's worth I thought I was being respectful in my dissent, I was even keeping my comments to the one thread and not attempting to insult anyone. I'm entirely open to this just being coincidence.
I just want to add that it seems to me that about 90% of people accused of trolling on here do not themselves think they are trolling. Something to ponder.
I think this is a related factor but not quite what I’m getting at here.
My understanding of trolling is that it is a deliberate attempt to trigger negative emotional responses and cause trouble. So users should have a good sense of whether they are or are not engaged in trolling.
So either:
A: They are lying about their intentions.
B: The community and mods are ascribing ill intentions where there are none.
Or C: Different people are using conflicting definitions of trolling.
While A might seem the obvious answer, I think it’s actually far less common than people think. When I go through the histories of people accused of trolling I rarely see clear evidence of it. It’s usually just a person who has a tendency to respond angrily to people they disagree with, or who has a particularly strong disagreement with the community on a particular issue that they feel passionately about.
So I usually chock these cases up to B, and I think this case is a pretty clear example. However I’d also be curious to know if C is at play here, so if you think there is another definition of trolling that differs from mine, please share it.
Exactly! And it seems to me the point of being a "troll" is knowing you are trolling. Doing it on purpose. But if you don't think you're a troll, then you aren't actually trolling.
Lemmy has a hard time understanding that, so on .world "troll" means "you have disagreed with me and now I'm gonna follow you around and downvote whatever you say and ask for you to be banned."
I know Matt Walsh is a complete and utter tool, but what was the video Jordan linked (url doesn’t work when I copy it)? Just wondering about the context. I do think drag is probably a troll, but I understand Ada’s position and I don’t think there’s a point to arguing over it anymore, especially whilst on blahaj.
I don’t find your comments in news to be trolling at all.
Here’s the YouTube video that was linked. Essentially another person using neopronouns in a similar manner followed by Walsh failing to find the grammar to articulate a snarky comment about grammar.
OP’s link doesn’t work for me either so I copied it from the screenshot. My phone also had trouble copying from the screenshot since it read the lowercase L “l” as a vertical bar “|”.
Really unsurprising considering it involved Israel. News mods usually bend over backwards like the r/worldnews to remove anything slightly critical. Especially when it's calling out hasbara
If we're assuming it was a retaliation ban- The powers that be at would be wise to nip this type of thing in the bud now and replace those actively working to deceive and lash out at others from their team.
Eventually people will stop giving the owners/admins the benefit of the doubt when controversial things like this happen. What happens then? The time/money/resources are being thrown away to enable a few people's egos and eventually the users will tire of it and abandon ship. It seems like we're drawing closer to that every day.
One way or another the true colors will always come out. Interesting times ahead.
World is an absolute cancer on Lemmy, its filled with ShitLibs who hold on to their Reddit mentality. If Blahaj defederated from world absolutely nothing of value would be lost.
Honestly .world seems to be turning into the same shit that reddit was except even more hypocritical cause they “arent reddit” is there a tool I can use to migrate my account?
For anyone wanting help finding the original entry in the modlog - bc it is currently not in either or - here it is in I haven't delved into the rest but wanted to say damn it's annoying when moderation activities don't federate:-(.
I'm beginning to think that .world should be avoided. Not defederated, but mirror subs should be started on other instances and everyone who doesn't like this attitude / activity should deliberately boycott .world subs in favor of the alternatives.
Somewhat of an aside, I think this sort of behavior is far worse than what got everybody up in arms about Hexbear. I never disliked Hexbears; I see them as a tight-knit community that existed for multiple years before the Lemmy influx from the old site. I think they genuinely felt despair over the changes that federation brought to their instance and I feel sorry for them. Maybe if people make enough noise about the bad behavior of .world mods we can raise awareness and effect change.
Why are people so mad about someone using "drag" as a pronoun?
Is it hurting drag? No. Is it hurting anyone else? No.
I have also seen people say drag is a troll. I cant confirm nor deny that since i have only seen a couple of drags comments, but most people who have said something bad about dragonrider talk about the pronouns, not the person
Did you ping/DM/etc ada or any of the other LBZ admins about this? I don’t know how closely the admins read the mod log, this seems something worth being aware of considering this is the second time in a few days one of the LW “Community Team” mods (still don’t know what that means, other than they are higher in the hierarchy than regular mods) has made a hinky statement about neopronouns.
They can’t, but I think it’s something that should be taken into consideration on continued federation with LW. LBZ came very close to defederating with something like a year ago over some transphobia from one of the admins, who was much more opening to learning and remedying the situation than I believe LW is going to be, based on past experience.
It turns out it was a coincidence, they even reverted the ban on me in the end too.
The two bans still strike me as a good example of archetypes of heavy-moderation action taken in different context. Shutting down a dissenting voice on a general/news board vs shutting down someone behaving badly in a more regulated space. I don't even want to give the .world moderator who banned me a hard time, because I know how hard it can be trying to figure out what is going on in a conversation that just got reported by a bunch of people. The fact that they reverted it after pushback was enough for me, and hopefully it sets an example for the future.
There's definitely a separate discussion to be had about the tendency to shut down dissent from the left in centrist/liberal spaces and characterizing it instead as 'right-wing/russian trolling.' Maybe that's more comforting than sitting with the criticism, but I don't think it's a productive way to approach political conversations. is absolutely friendly with the c/news team. I think he even used to be a mod there, if I remember from my time on .world.
I may be wrong, because I was banned from there months ago because I wasn't aboard the Biden/Harris love train. And I'm STILL proud of my stance. :) lmao
But I had lots of interactions with him. He's mostly good people, but he did take a lot of joy in my ban and made a special post about it and has a lot of influence admin and mods on .world.
You shouldn't use your mod account to post political hot-takes. Create another account to do that with unless you think it represents and promotes the community you moderate.
I disagree; This isn’t LinkedIn, where you’re expected to keep a crisp and clean public-facing account. If a mod is a bastard, I’d prefer they at least have the guts to be a bastard publicly instead of hiding behind alts. Show me who is actually moderating communities.
I can take that criticism, I can be quick to throw out a hot take. Though I'm not sure that obfuscation of political leanings of moderators is necessarily a good thing.
If anything it seems like it would be better for transparency to know who's potentially censoring speech and what their opinions are, especially when something as simple as like "being trans" gets considered "political" by people.
This is (among other reasons) why federation was never going to be a good solution . instead of fighting over which site is good and which is bad we are fighting over instances while having the same problems. P2p is the answer
Of course it you who posts this. Lol, trolling is accurate it's even what you've tried to do with this post itself. From what you showed us, Jordan was literally nowhere near being transphobic and was simply calling the bizarre troll a troll. "Neopronoun" isn't a word that means "you will call me a dragon or else you're transphobic", probably because "dragon" isn't nor will it ever be a gender
He obviously was equating that behavior in the video with that dragon fucker troll. And we all know you know that, including you. I'm familiar with your tactics: pretending that some keyword or mention of something proves a bad thing about the person saying it. It's fucking lazy and not credible...
Being a dragon cosplayer troll is completely unrelated to being trans, unless ... Are you implying trans people are making it up too? That is the truly disgusting implication here.
I think your real problem with Jordan is that after months of letting universalmonk poison Lemmy with pro trump propaganda, he finally fucking banned him.