At first I thought it was blown out of proportion, too. After watching the video, I can only say that if he did that in Germany, he would have been arrested on stage. Let's see what topic-relatedly, profoundly knowledgeable Benito Mussolini, allegedly, had to say:
"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
Ah, ok, thanks Benito! Enjoy your fascism that you voted for, America. I hope those egg prices will go down (they won't).
I hope those egg prices will go down (they won't).
They might, since deregulation is another of Trump's plans. Then the producers can save money by not bothering to keep dangerous substances out of the food, or the water, or the air... and pass those "savings" on to the consumers.
If you don't need to look for Avian flu, or stop selling eggs from sick Chickens, then cost savings can be passed on to customers, and no one will notice increased healthcare costs/deaths. Cheap eggs y'all.
“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
Elon Musk's appearance at a Trump rally this afternoon is garnering significant attention online over a one-armed gesture.
He made the gesture while thanking supporters for contributing to Trump's victory. Musk thanked the crowd for "making it happen", before placing his right hand over his heart and then thrusting the same arm out into air straight ahead of him.
"My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilisation is assured," he said.
Several users on X, the social medial platform he owns, have likened the gesture to a Nazi salute.
Musk has since responded, posting on his social media site X: "Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The 'everyone is Hitler' attack is sooo tired."
I wish western journalists would have opted to become compost instead. Compost is useful.
I asked the Anti-Duckification League and they say he's a swan. You're misconstruing things and frankly we find it a bit weird that you'd read so far into such a banal hand gesture.
Now, if you'll excuse me, we need to get back to our primary goal of making the use of the phrase "From the River, To The Sea" a capital crime.
The real excuse from Elons fans is "It's just a joke." Or "He's trolling libs."
Which is almost as bad, even if true.
It reminds me of school bullies that would make cutting, abusive "jokes" and follow it up with "Just kidding, bruh" if it doesn’t land right. And these are some of the worst human beings I have ever personally encountered.
How can people worship something like that at such scale? Like, I wouldn’t even wish that on the most raging Nazi, it’s worse than breaking their jaw.
Another one I saw was "But Kamala Harris did it as well" which is just a frame and had to yet see an link to the video in question unlike when Elon Musk did it
Do you mean that Iran (translates to the land of the Aryans) should govern the USA? Or do you hint towards the Nazi race theories? But I thinkt the only Trump child that could be considered "Nazi approved Aryan" is Tiffany Trump, the others are all half slavic and thus considered sub-humans.
"No, see, it's not a salute because his hand is tilted .026 degrees higher than that of Adolf Hitlers Nazi salute, so how can you even compare the two things, they're completely different!!!"
Liberals deeply, passionately, fervently need to believe in some kind of cosmic justice for conservatives. But I'm surrounded by them deep down in the bleeding red state of Texas, and I'm sorry to report they're thriving and multiplying.
Yeah, sure, they'll removed and cry like stuck pigs at the mildest inconvenience. But plenty of them still have fat bank accounts and big price-inflated houses they took the mortgage out on 20 years ago when land was cheap and college degrees with minimal debt and luxurious country club style mega-churches subsidized with public dollars and giant families with chubby little grandkids outfitted in all the latest MAGA apparel.
Like, the idea that you've got these armies of Crying MAGA voters who have sucked shit due to Republican policy is delusional. The army of billionaires showing up to the Trump Inauguration so they can kiss the ring and collect another few trillion in next year's federal spending should let you know exactly how delusional.
Conservatives aren't suffering and liberals would do well to stop pretending a friendly government is incapable of jerking its favored constituents off. Just because the last four liberal Presidents fumbled the bag for their base voters doesn't mean Republicans can't or won't happily deliver.
I've tried to imagine how I would gesture 'my heart goes out to you' vibes. In no world can I imagine a down-turned, flat palm, fingers straight and all together at about 45° (Nazi salute).
Like, if you were to give some one something (your metaphorical heart) you'd hand it over palm up. Or if you're metaphorically distributing it like sewing seeds you would again, throw it out, palm up, hands slightly closed. Or if you're throwing it like sand, you would have your fingers apart by the end of the throw.
In no world, does this make any sense other being a Nazi salute.
Or he's the most awkward, weird dude in history. That is also, true, but given his other behaviour, I dunno how this could be read in any other way.
Racist "dog-wistling" is dead. This guy does two successive straight-up Nazi salutes after supporting right-wing politics in the USA and Germany and mainstream media still goes "hum, I'm not sure, maybe he's sharing his heart"?
What's next? "Oh no, it's not a swastica flying over the capitol, it's just 4 'F's in a circle".
Ok, so imagine that you're a billionaire and a really smart dude (as claimed by so many people on the internet). And you get into government and appear on TV and want to look good. You might hire a publicist, a PR team, some speechwriters, hell how about a body language consultant. When you go on TV you're going to project exactly the image you intend to. Anything less would be careless and stupid, right?
So yeah. This was a Nazi salute. And if you really want to argue that it wasn't, that Musk doesn't even know what a Nazi is, you gotta also accept that he's grossly incompetent and should not be in government at all. Throw him out, we didn't vote for him.
The nazis modeled a lot of their Reich on the Roman state (the eagle iconography was used by both). The Roman salute was just something else they took from their idea of the Roman empire
So I'm with you, I have no idea how "it's a roman salute" is supposed to make anything better
conspiracy theorists taking us for idiots, nothing new(, even if you're taking it quite farther than usual).
On the side of real stuff happening : D.Trump said a lot in his inauguration speech, and just put Cuba back on the terrorist states list, as well as signing over twenty executive orders, etc. Seems worth more discussion than your fantasies.
Just unfortunate that, like for D.Trump, you're too used to discussing the form instead of the content, we're worth more than selected/biased excerpts.
He did put on a weird stank face when he did it. He thought he was doing something but I don't think he was aiming for nazi salute. He's happy to trigger the libs over it but I think in the moment it was somewhere between the weird jump he did on stage and the ketamine putting enough holes in his brain that he thought this was a normal 'my heart goes out to you all' gesture.
If it was intentional I don't think he would choose this venue. Trump has gotta be so pissed at him for stealing the media spotlight and making him look bad.
Fundamentally I don't think he thinks of himself as a neo-nazi whether or not he functionally is one. And I don't think he's bold enough for a dog whistle this blatant even if he does.