We used to start morning meetings with an icebreaker question at my old job. A friend had just watched “You’re the Worst” and was inspired to say, “raise your hand if you don’t wash your legs in the shower.”
About half of us raised our hands. The non-washers insisted that gravity caused the soap to wash your legs and feet. We leg washers were not convinced, and a little grossed out, but we were all really surprised to learn the other side of the argument.
Usually they were pretty innocuous. Smooth or crunchy peanut butter, is a hot dog a sandwich, is cheesecake a pie, Marvel or DC, Star Wars or Star Trek, The Stones or The Beatles, etc.
"Should Nazis be allowed to run the government?" - surprisingly controversial recently, and a definitive end to the meeting, if not the whole practice.
Up here, in Wyoming, it gets so cold and dry that if you don't scrub the dead skin off
your legs regularly, your skin will crack. It can get very painful.
From experience walking in long pants during June in Fort Lauderdale, legs can get bad. Sweat couldn’t evaporate, so the root of every hair on my legs got red, bumpy, and irritated. But I was working a job and had to dress according to their work code. I quit after less than a week. 0/0 do not recommend.
It's ether wash or scrub, but for the entire body. What psycho scrubs the torso but not the legs or who washes the torso and scrubs the legs? You people are both weird.
If this is bro saying he doesn’t wash his ass, or his worry is because he knows his ass is stanky, then I have no idea how she’s put up with him this long.
I remember in the olden days of reddit where there was this huge thread where many people didnt wash their ass because it was "gay" or gross. I think it started with a thread about someone telling men to also wash their balls because they stink too.
Water is a terrible lubricant too, I dont recommend for seggsy time.
I don't think there ever was a threat where men said that. It was someone on Twitter going "apparently men don't wash their ass because it's gay" and it spiraled from that iirc.
This is the real reason to be scared. She’s gonna hog that hot water and he’s gonna freeze! Showering together seems so sexy and romantic in the movies but it’s actually just really awkward and uncomfortable!
Maybe it’s better if you got some kind of rich person giant luxury shower! Wait, of course it’s better!