I’m on the other Bandwagon … sorry to be pedantic, but this is not American propaganda, this is Trump self-aggrandizement, or maybe fluffing his ego to kanipulate him. It’s an important distinction with the type of “leadership” my fellow citizens voted for
Yup, since Trump was the original one who sought to ban it in 2020 likely as a guise to get support under what people use propaganda for as a 'common enemy' . Then he appears to save it continuing the rescue from false claims for those who don't see what is really happening.
This is so transparent... Trump isn't even president yet, there's nothing he could have done... The whole shut down and return is a stunt to make Trump look like a hero
Sorry to nitpick. I know you didn't mean it this way. I just think that characterizing entire nations shifts the blame and reduces accountability, so I'd rather we specify who the psychos are, preferably by name. And I only say this as someone who has been on the receiving end and think to myself, "wait a second, this is a person I voted against and it's their stupid decisions, not mine!"
He's not even president yet and TikTok went offline voluntarily. No one but TikTok has done anything regarding the ban, and all they did was flip a switch off then back on. More young folk than I thought are very skeptical or even staying off it because they rightfully distrust Trump. It's like they chose the devil they didn't know to get away from the devil they did, and now both devils are there. Im sure many will stay however.
Most won't stay away. Most are deeply and horribly addicted. They faced their withdrawal symptoms for one day. They get got their next hit and now they're in deeper than ever before.
I'm pretty sure Google and Apple both directly removed the apps from the stores since the law officially went into effect today, the company did not request them be removed. And a promise from
Wasn't it his idea to ban it in the first place, to try and force a sale to a US company? Given that hasn't seemed to have worked, I wonder what changed to make him change his mind, was it just that Biden went through with it, or did they bribe him, or maybe just so he can go tell users that he "saved" one of their favorite social media apps?
A narcissist taking something away and then giving it back is a common manipulative tactic used to control their victim[s] by creating a cycle of dependence & uncertainty.
I'm thinking he saw some youth votes in there. OTOH, now the election is over, what have they to offer him? He doesn't make a move without promise of loyalty or payment.
First of all the ban comes from the legislative, who made a law and the judiciary who decided it applied in this case.
Secondly the executive might ignore their duty to enforce rulings for a while, sure, but that's not a long term solution, and not a big achievement.
Thirdly even Biden's executive was not enforcing the ban, apparently fearing the optics. Now we have gone from Biden's executive not enforcing the ban to Trump's executive not enforcing the ban. So there was no effective change.
Tiktok is just doing some political maneuvers here. They were the ones denying access for the last 24h for the optics. Not out of respect for the court's decision.
So pretty obviously what happened here was that Trump and the Chinese authorities struck a deal by which Trump would be given credit for not enforcing the ban that both he and Biden had already said they had no intention of enforcing.
The interesting question is: what did Trump give China in exchange?
He probably told them they could just keep the data and do whatever they want with it as long as they provide it to our social media companies in the US for free.
Except of course it is obvious, and the only delusion here is the farcical idea that there's some legitimate explanation for the known facts unfolding the way they did.
Trump has a "very good" phone conversation with Xi in which they discuss, among other things, TikTok
Biden announces that his administration has no intention of enforcing the ban.
TikTok announces that they're going to shut down US access themselves.
TikTok announces that they're not going to shut down US access after all, and credits Trump for saving them from a ban that was never even implemented in the first place, and over which Trump had no authority anyway since he wasn't even in office yet.
Since you've so definitely rejected my explanation for why and how these particular facts unfolded as they did, you certainly must have some alternative explanation.
Funny, you screech peak lib delusions. While defending two capitalist imperialist groups like a good little liberal yourself.
Trump isn't allowed to run charities anymore because he can't do anything without benefiting himself. Implying that he's doing this because it's right, or because he's a good guy who cares is peak conspiracy.
Likewise, implying that an imperialist capitalist authoritarian government like China and the companies they control. Who do this sort of thing all the time. Wouldn't do something simple like this to undermine and and attack one of their biggest global adversaries. Is also peak conspiracy theorist.
Eh, could be anything really. Could be just tiktok deciding to mess with trump. Could be many likely and unlikely scenarios. I just think that he took the money in exchange for health of the people of usa. It's not anything new, many presidents have done it, and for me its the biggest form of betrayal. Who cares about revealing some state secrets about their enemies, when those enemies are already dead.
This shows you how bad the propaganda attempt went. They should have left it gone long enough to hurt, so people would really be mad. Now it just looks weird and a clear attempt to make Trump look good for Monday.
I'm particularly looking forward to "No no no no" playing over the top of a video of an ICE raid goon smashing a mother of three in the face with the butt of his rifle for trying to protect her kids, while that horrid robotic woman's voice says "get out of America removed".
While usually i would say that you are completely insane if you write something so deranged, in this case you basically wrote down something that probably happened and will happen multiple other times. The tone is completely justified as well
OP meant that it's odd they didn't blame him for being the reason that a law banning the app was even considered, since he started that train rolling while he was in office.
The US didn't take action to block the app, Tiktok did. Maybe the government would have taken action eventually. It smells like a political plan, where someone at Tiktok agreed to block the app for 24 hours as a political favor.
Fuck TikTok and fuck trump. Tbh it was always weird that he was so against something I hated so much. It makes so much more sense for that scumbag to be cozied up to that bullshit
Live video still isn't back on TikTok; which is probably the most useful part of the platform during demonstrations. It's much more useful than local recording in case your phone gets seized to have it broadcast to others sitting at home, who can screen-record the stream as evidence.
People don't recognize history while they are living through it. Right now we are seeing the consolidation of corporate industry with a government led by a cult of personality. One of the "true and classical" definitions of fascism. Yet, people will argue that it's not actually fascism. No matter how bad it gets, there will always be a large portion of the population who will say its not true fascism because it does not personally affect then in a way they consider fascism. There are plenty of Germans who believed that Nazi Germany did nothing wrong even after having lived through it. That's they one thing history never taught me, the absolute ignorance and denial of the majority of the population, even after things get incredibly bad and millions die.
Edit: Elon Musk did an unequivocal Nazi salute, twice, during his speech at Trumps inauguration. Just watch, somehow this still does not actually make them fascists
also we're bad at identifying epochs while we're in them. it's possible that "these times" are 1980-2030 and Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, Trump, Biden, Trump and whoevers' next are considered a single continuum.
If everything goes back on tracks, they will just learn a distilled down version of the current events like I did about nazism, where nazis were just cartoon villains who did evil for the sake of evil, and never tried to justify their heinous actions. Thus they'll learn that Elon Musk was at worst mixed with way too many good ideas to completely discount him, no mention of the christian fascists, and all the anti-trans thing will either forgotten, or will just told as "was done for the sake of evil".
"So I'm supposed to believe this guy was a young rich internet genius who was already beyond set for life financially, then he risked it all to start (it definitely wasn't other people for any of these) the impossible electric car revolution, the low cost space industry, global satellite mesh internet, and mind control, right? He was famous enough as "rich smart businessman" that he became a cultural figure. He hosted Saturday Night Live and people said he was the real life Tony Stark while he left a trail of oddly named children in his wake...
And then this deus ex machina of a human just starts flinging shit, calling people pedophiles, being a right wing dictator's cheerleader, destroying his underlying smart utopian nerd cred, using his "business leadership" to get into the right wing propaganda machine industry, and etches his legacy into stone as a hated incel Lex Luthor figure rather than a hot quirky Tonk Stark.
And it was only at this point that the world's first trillionaire's undoing was being double crossed by the dumbest politician to ever walk the earth? Yeah ok. Look, I get that after The New Dawn (blessed be the lost) things were bleak and a little copium could go a long way. But this is a fairytale for children.
To think that He Who Must Not Be Trusted had the public believing in his intellect at ANY point, and then that He Who Must Not Be Named actually pulled the wool over those infected red glowing terminator eyes... Hah! Next you're going to tell me the sky is blue again!"
It's really this dumb. Half the people around us voted to put history's most embarrassing cartoon villains in charge of history's most deadly military. AGAIN. I'm sorry the Lemmy archives aren't super useful to your research at the Never Again Institute, since we're always like "existential dread and Linux, am I right?" (I use mint btw)
If you had a time portal to ask us any questions about the political climate on what I assume is called "bad black monday," our answers would be that we have no idea. I assume the archive you need to dig through is called "TruthbooX" or something like that, and that it's a heinous goldmine.
Tankies put this one together: china, your favourite little dictatorship, is helping out your most hated almost dictatorship? How is that possible. I thought china was a chad anti usa amd imperialism state. Or maybe theyre also imperalists and just jumped on trumps dick the moment they saw they could profit from it.
"Tankies are biased towards China and against the US" isn't a strawman, it's part of the core definition of what makes someone a tankie. This is pretty valid criticism of a group with really inconsistently applied values (though it is, perhaps understandably, a little bit smug)
You shouldn't use words you do not understand. You cannot present a strawman argument outside the context of a debate or argument.
Not everything is you disagree with is logically flawed. Sometimes things are untrue and logically consistent. Sometimes you're just wrong. Sometimes the other guy is.
Anyone else think it’s oddly convenient how this happens just after Rednote jumps in popularity?
It’s clearly pro-Trump propaganda, but I also can’t help but think there’s more than one motivation going on here. People are jumping to another platform, time to remind them that TikTok is still here! Can’t risk pulling an Elon and losing all those users to an alternative.
But I’m just thinking out loud here. I don’t use TikTok or Rednote, so I don’t know how well they compare. Thoughts?
I think China doesn't want tiktok users to spread to rednote since they have a large domestic userbase already there, they don't want influenced americans influencing the chinese population creating influenception.
You're mistaken. Rednote updated allowing for EN->Mandarin translation for chinese native users and made the settings menu appear in english for english speaking users. The rumors you've heard about rednote bifurcating (like Douyin and TikTok) are only rumors.
It amazes me that people will form whole opinions like this with no effort, no personal investigation. You can literally use a vpn to browse it if you're worried about your data, but I'm willing to bet that you have a marketing machine in your house that you welcomed with open arms. A majority of users on every social media have already had their data sold to every conceivable database, or are young enough that they don't realize how many datapoints they're making with their electronic footprint. Think about how likely it is that using a chinese app would actually affect you in any way - we've known for years now that health insurance and healthcare companies in the US that aren't covered by the narrow scope of HIPAA are selling our information, but you're worried about vine and instagram with storefronts included? Do you even know about marvel SNAP?
I mean Google Play did disable downloading it with a freeze warning about the ongoing issue.
Sucking up to Trump is exactly what any company would do right now if they want to ensure further existence and business. Musk and Zuck flipped even faster.
tbh I don't think it would have been that much different under Biden because he did say he wasn't interested in enforcing the ban which means he was also probably trying to negotiate TikTok to give partial ownership to someone in the USA. Either that or he lied for optics which is also nothing new lol.
If you use a domain blocker, it might be on one of your block lists. I had to explicitly allow catbox, but I wish I could tell which blocklist added that rule.