stupidcasey I simply want a new original thought never before considered by all of humanity delivered daily for free presented in a humorous, creative, colorful, childish, non controversial, edgy, mature, deep, layered, way every single day, without failure or error not even once without gratitude or credit.
Is that to much to ask?
51 0 Replygibmiser Yes?
21 0 ReplyZorque That's censorship.
17 0 Reply
That was pain full.
31 0 ReplyJackcooper The pain joke was RIGHT THERE
7 0 Reply
GooberEar You don't have to be so sour, dough.
19 0 Replygibmiser Next panel have the american white bread loaf show up. Have the german befriendly and ask him if he is Also some sort of baguette.
American bread: What the fuck did you just call me
17 0 Replyrumschlumpel I think the German and French are united in dunking on that kind of "bread".
4 0 Replyayyy Hello, I will explain the joke. In American pronunciation baguette sounds vaguely similar to an offensive slur for homosexual men.
an offensive slur
2 0 Reply
LovableSidekick just loafin' around
9 0 ReplyMissJinx
oh no, there goes poland again
8 0 ReplyScruffyDucky Say it don't spray it
4 0 ReplyGrandwolf319 You joke but I love meta shit like this,
Keep em coming!
4 0 Replydisguy_ovahea Feels like an R-rated episode of Scrubs with German JD and Baguette Turk.
2 0 ReplyLost_My_Mind I think you're the only person on the planet that would have come to that conclusion.
Besides, if anyone was going to be german, it would be blonde doctor.
5 0 ReplyZorque Sweet little milkmaid or evil old hausfrau, though?
5 0 Replyedgemaster72
Would Dr. Cox be a sourdough then, or would that be Dr. Kelso?
2 0 Reply
ayyy I will literally answer the phone with friends/family by saying “gluten log.” Only my vegetarian friends really vibe with it.
2 0 Replyemptiestplace Missed 'pain full' opportunity aside, the last two panels ruin it. If you're going to do shitty puns, do them with pride.
2 0 ReplyAkasazh
The baguette gets all the credit, but there s French bread type that's called 'batard' -bastard.
That's all.
2 0 Replyzipzoopaboop Would be better if it was just the second cell. The rest is unnecessary and there's no jokes
9 10 Replykambusha Now listen here you little yeast..!
12 1 Replystupidcasey That is absolutely how bread would swear.
7 0 Reply
CrayonRosary 5 0 Replyddh
4 0 ReplyThunderWhiskers
I would be fine with the third one if it ended on another bread pun. Panel four is only a detriment to the comic.
6 6 Replypalordrolap For French bread, life is pain.
6 0 ReplyMajorMajormajormajor At yeast you tried.
You knead to rise up from these painful puns.
6 0 ReplyRevan343 Another comment pointed out, fourth panel should have been American sandwich bread walking up
German bread: "Are you a baguette like that guy?"
5 0 Reply