thank you so much! it took four days to finish everything but it was worth it, i need to buy more molds to be able to scale up the operation, mixing more ingredients at once is the same amount of work, but god it's so much cleaning, 15 different preparations, each time a sink full with pots, whisks, spoons, bowls... :)
i've started learning blender this week, by following the famous Donut tutorial by Blender Guru, i'll let you know when i manage to do that ^^
the velvet technique is just amazing, the cake are frozen solid and then i use a paint pistol with an air compressor to project a molten mix of cocoa butter and white chocolate with food coloring on the cake. the temperature difference makes the droplets freeze instantly
the cake are frozen solid and then i use a paint pistol with an air compressor to project a molten mix of cocoa butter and white chocolate with food coloring on the cake
Oh, okay. So pretty simple stuff, really.
2 hours later
So, I shot the paint can with my pistol and that just started leaking everywhere. So I moved on to my molten cocaine butter knifes, but I couldn't find my cake in the whole mess. I figured if I used the air compressor to fill my projector with the cocaine lava and white chocolate, things would kinda just come together, but that splashed in my eyes, which really stung. Anyway, can you drive me to the hospital?
You're wise to recognize that. Competition is a good way to suck the joy out of something you love. It's just really amazing, world-class art you've created here, which is why I suggested it. But it's totally okay to keep something outstanding for yourself and your loved ones.
oh wow that's quite the compliment 🫶 I strive to make everything as beautiful as possible, I come from France where pastry is ubiquitous, but I now live in Germany and it's almost impossible to buy something really nice, so i took online pastry lessons last year to learn how to make stuff myself ^^
the white one is a champagne mousse cake with a layer of raspberry jam, champagne jelly, a sponge cake with blueberries and a crunchy bottom layer with milk chocolate and hazelnut
the bananas have a banana caramel core, an orange juice dark chocolate mousse and a cocoa sponge cake (lactose and gluten free), on a vanilla-butter cookie
the whirls are greek yogurt mousse with a blue berry jam core encased in a passion fruit white chocolate ganache, cocoa almond sponge cake, on a vanilla-butter cookie
Two questions, because I'm going to try something similar hear soon:
1.) Do you process the jam somehow? How do you get it to layer smoothly? I'm assuming you'd heat it up. Wouldn't that mess with the mousse outside, or do you build the core separately and then creat the outside after?
2.) the mousse layer looks like icecream, how did you get that mousse cake so smooth?
3..) what is champagne jelly? Is it literally champagne with enough pectin to create a jelly out of it?
Lastly, are you a chef? Not many people would go out of there way for such an intricate cake. Looks fantastic! How was the flavor? Was it too rich?
But as I read your replies in the thread I am more and more impressed at what a disaster zone your kitchen must have felt like and the endless cleaning
That is a lot of love right there. Sounds like a lucky dad.