i've started learning blender this week, by following the famous Donut tutorial by Blender Guru, i'll let you know when i manage to do that ^^
the velvet technique is just amazing, the cake are frozen solid and then i use a paint pistol with an air compressor to project a molten mix of cocoa butter and white chocolate with food coloring on the cake. the temperature difference makes the droplets freeze instantly
the cake are frozen solid and then i use a paint pistol with an air compressor to project a molten mix of cocoa butter and white chocolate with food coloring on the cake
Oh, okay. So pretty simple stuff, really.
2 hours later
So, I shot the paint can with my pistol and that just started leaking everywhere. So I moved on to my molten cocaine butter knifes, but I couldn't find my cake in the whole mess. I figured if I used the air compressor to fill my projector with the cocaine lava and white chocolate, things would kinda just come together, but that splashed in my eyes, which really stung. Anyway, can you drive me to the hospital?
lol have you been spying in my kitchen? the first time i tried using the compressor, it was set to the max pressure (8 bar), and i sprayed 100g of chocolate into the air in 2 seconds. everything around was covered in a thin layer of chocolate, in a heavy haze, it took days to get everything cleaned 🙀
❤️ I think I would cry if someone ever presented something like this to me, I don’t know if I could bring myself to eat it. Thank you for sharing and responding so kindly to a complete stranger in awe at your art. Those close to you are fortunate in so many ways most will never know. All the thought, preparation, practice, effort, self recognition, grounded personality. You are unreal, this thread has been in my mind since I initially saw it and you helped me find my words, thank you for that. I wish you nothing more in life than you present to it, only because more doesn’t exist.
that's so kind of you! i wish i could share more than how it looks but if a lemming ever visits my corner of the planet (SW Germany), i'd absolutely share :)
my go to answer when the guests say they don't dare to eat it is: the sooner it's gone, the sooner i can bake something new ^^
here's a photo gallery from cakes i made during my online lessons last spring