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What game mechanics do you love and hate?

I love hearing about unique takes on game mechanics. Someone recently convinced me that limited inventories are kind of abused currently and that unlimited inventory systems would give more player choices.

  • I hate when games try to make you feel like you have player agency when it's really just a cutscene and you're pressing a button. Whether it's a QTE or "Press F to Pay Respects." Recently RDR2 was a huge offender of this, featuring probably half a dozen cutscenes where all you do is press W or up on the controller to walk forward or whatever you're doing. Like there's one where it's probably 5 minutes of walking forward interspersed with dialogue. I understand why the developers made you walk that far. It adds to the tension and it adds to the feeling of despair that the character is currently going through. But I think it would've been fine if it was just a regular cutscene instead of "Press W to walk" and if you let go you stop walking, meaning you can't even take a break.

    edit: also I dislike stealth games with unrealistic "alert" systems. In a good example like Metal gear solid v, you get a solid 5 to 10 seconds if a guard is outside hearing / sight range of other guards, so even if you're spotted you're still fine as long as you take them out quickly and silently. And even if you dont take him out quickly, he'll still only be able to alert people nearby or he needs to take some time to alert on the radio. On the other hand, in cyberpunk 2077 if just one guard saw you for even a fraction of a second, the entire base would be alerted. I guess lore-wise it makes sense, but from a gameplay perspective it was the least fun I had in that game. Trying to stealth my way through an entire place only for the whole thing to come crashing down because somebody saw my shoulder from 15 meters away. It came to a point where I was just going in guns blazing because stealth just wasn't worth it.

    Spider-man from 2018 was also like this. The enemy hideouts or whatever were based very heavily around the game's stealth mechanics, but if just 1 guard became alerted, everybody would become alerted and it would start its stupid wave system. The game heavily encouraged you to take out guards silently so it didn't send in wave after wave of them, but it was just so incredibly punishing to be silent in that game.

    • Ehh I disagree with using RDR2 as an example, but I think QTEs in general are probably my least favorite game mechanic. I actually quite like walking around in RDR2 during the missions. A huge aspect of the game is just immersing yourself in the map/world and listening to the NPCs. I can see it getting old during replays but for me it's a hell of a lot better than watching a cutscene and being prompted to hit a button. I vividly remember fishing with Dutch and Josea for at least a half hour just listening to them chat with Arthur

      • Agree with you, I remember where the person is talking about, press x to walk on guarma, which did drag on, but they were shipwrecked and he didn't know what was happening yet. Rdr gets exceptions to me because it's so cinematic, to me the game is realistic, but so much that you aren't playing a game, you're watching a movie.

    • Yeah it makes me feel like a dumbass.
      I recently bought marvels midnight suns because it was on sale, i didn't even onow it was a card game. I usually don't really play card games. The game is fine, actually i kinda like it. But the things i don't like are the things when you don't play the card game. You just awkwardly walk around in 3rd person. After every fight it's the same. You walk to a guy, go to bed, skip 3 cutscenes, walk to the forge, walk to the upgrade thing, walk to whoever you have to talk. Probably 1/3 of the game is walking the same path every ingame day.

      Make an option to skip all of that. Make it a drop down menu or something.

  • Limited re-specing. Playing FFXVI right now and the free, on the fly, just open the menu and experiment respec is a tremendeous breath of fresh air.

    • Totally agree, I don't want to have to do research before or during playing and have to consult a build guide for every level up, just so I don't mess up my character.

      Just let me fuck around, find out and do it better all over again in my own time.

  • Anything that involves the mechanic "defeat all the enemies in this room in order to unlock the next room" is a huge turn off for me.

  • Here's one I genuinely love and hate at the same time. In Dark Souls and Elden Ring, you drop your souls/runes (currency) on the spot where you last died, and if you die again before recovering them, they're lost forever. You get souls and runes by killing enemies and generally progressing, so this leads to some interesting scenarios.

    One one hand, it incentivizes you to spend your currency (to minimize risk of losing it) instead of just sitting on it, forcing you to make decisions on how you spend it, and whether to take the risk to save up to get more expensive items or level ups. It also forces you to play very deliberately, since there's a penalty, but only if you die twice.

    But.. it makes me scared to progress, because I don't know what to expect, and I don't want to risk losing my souls/runes. Unless I have just recently lost everything and I have nothing to lose, I feel pressured to play overly carefully and never take risks and play the game in the most fun way possible, out of fear of loss. And even when I DO die and lose my currency, the freedom to play in risky ways only lasts for a short time, because as I kill enemies I start to build up my souls or runes again, and then I'm back in the same situation of not wanting to lose them.

    I think that's the main reason why I haven't finished Elden Ring despite getting so close to the end. That overly careful playstyle is not very fun, but I can't get over that fear of losing my runes in order to enjoy the game more.

    • The run back to your body helps you build up runes too, where a game where you're loading a save it reverts progress. The souls style allows death to create progress for people struggling. If you're dying then you'll be forced to build runes up and can then go level or upgrade gear.

      Usually you shouldn't be too worried about losing souls though because they're fairly easy to come by. It's a bit of a trap in souls games to value your souls too much. There are many ways to farm them that don't take much time or effort, including just going exploring side content and finding new equipment. Once you level up yourself or your gear a few times, the part you were struggling with will be easier. That's how Elden Ring especially, but even Dakr Souls, is supposed to be played. If you're struggling and don't want to be, just go somewhere else. There's plenty of content to do.

      • This is definitely one of the things I originally didn't like about Souls games that have come to realize is a pretty cleverly designed mechanic. Earning enough souls to purchase something shouldn't take very long and it if is, then it means you already have what you need to be succeeding in your current area. The 'git gud' joke is worn out, but genuinely you just need to learn how to face off with enemies (or run past them) until they stop being scary.

        The game will not let you progress without learning how to engage with the systems it presents to you. There are typically several or many viable strategies, you just have to figure out what works for you.

        By the time you're dragging yourself through a toxic poison swamp you'll realize that your level is just a number and nothing lasts forever.

  • Hate:

    Lazy UI porting between PC and console. It goes both ways - radial menus showing up in a PC game or a joystick-controlled-cursor in a console game. M+KB vs controller are not comparable input methods, so trying to manage the UI with one that was built for the other is always a massive pain in the ass.

    Inventory restrictions in games that throw a LOT of shit your way. Looking at you, Bethesda. Fortunately there's usually a mod of some kind to make items weigh like 0.01 lbs, or kick your slots up to 9999 or something. Sometimes realism adds to the experience... inventory management isn't one of those times.

    Sluggish controls. I want to actually enjoy the Dark Souls games SO BAD - they look beautiful, I fuckin love that dark fantasy setting... but moving and combat feel like I'm driving a school bus with boxing gloves on my hands and diving flippers on my feet. I get that the cumbersome controls are a huge part of what makes it difficult, and that the difficulty is what a lot of players are after, but personally that's not a flavor of difficulty I'll ever be able to enjoy.


    Good QOL features, especially involving the topics above. Like 'Hot Deposit' certain items to all designated storages in range, or AoE loot when a bunch of foes die in a pile. The quick loot style menu from Fallout 4 is another great example. Love that stuff!

    Lore. Good story writing, believable/relatable characters, ESPECIALLY the antagonists. Hitting the sweet spot there is a quick ticket to my all time favorites.

    Environmental challenges, with fun ways to overcome them. When I was new to Ark, one of the biggest challenges in my first play through was getting into the super cold zones and not freezing to death. My cold weather gear didn't cut it... the solution I came up with was to tame a paracer (kind of an elephant looking dino) and build a platform on its back: and made like 6 camp fires on the platform. So the I was, trudging through an insanely cold environment on a flaming elephant, cozy as can be. As a veteran player now, there are SO much more efficient methods to solving that problem, but the experience gave a unique sense of accomplishment, which is the kind of thing that got me hooked on that game.

    Escorts matching the move speed of the player. 'nuff said.

    • Hot take, but I actually love well implemented radial menus on PC. When games bother to reset your cursor to the centre of the circle you can just quickly flick the mouse in a certain direction to make your selection, which is faster than most other mouse menus and a lot more comfortable than trying to reach for the 9 key.

  • I love game mechanics that reward thinking or tactical decisions rather than rewarding how much time you spend grinding this or that. I do like having some kind of character progression - and that usually comes with grinding. But I hate it when the only challenge of a game is just how many hours you can sink into it. I much prefer when there are hard skill walls that you can't pass until you really got genuinely better at the game.

    I hate generic boring quests that feel like they came straight out of a story generator. It's ok to have a few of them. But a hundred of them.. You play one, you played them all.. No incentive to do them. I much prefer a game that has only 10 hours of content but very solid content with well- designed narrative and places ; rather than 2 hours of human-made content and 48 hours of generated maps and quests.

    One of the best games I have ever played is Dark Messiah of Might & Magic. That game has such an insane combat and a great narrative - I just couldn't put it down, I finished it in just one or two weeks because it was so good! And at the end I felt an emptiness, like when you've just finished watching an excellent serie and wonder what to do next.

  • Gathering mechanics in rpgs. It's a waste of time neuron activator. I want to get immersed in the world and not walk from bush to bush going grabbing flowers, rocks and sticks.

    • rpg grinding is a waste of time.

      Sorry rpg lovers, I just genuinely hate the concept of level grinding and item collecting for the sake of expanding gameplay time.

      • As an old school runescape player I actually like grinding up my levels for no other reason than making the numbers go up. Something about grinding in that game feels right.

    • Enjoyed the way Witcher did it where you just randomly get herbs as you're running around. Never went out of my way to go find them from memory

      • The Witcher was actually what came to mind when I thought about games j don't like this in. Also horizon zero dawn and all the other Sony movie rpgs

  • I really dislike being set back far when I die or mess up. I can handle a fair bit of repetition, but replaying the exact same thing over and over because I died is frustrating and boring.

    Which means that I particularly dislike when games have lousy checkpointing or save systems. I also dislike when games are too difficult and I can't turn the difficulty down to at least get past whatever is giving me a hard time. And of course, unskippable cut scenes right after a checkpoint are a classic pain in the ass.


    1. I just finished Outer Wilds and found that game's checkpointing to be pretty frustrating. So many boring trips to Brittle Hollow because I lost my footing. I almost gave up because it was so bad.
    2. I never finished GTA 4. I got stuck in some mission where there was like a 5 minute drive and then some difficult combat. I kept dying and having to redo the very boring drive over and over killed my motivation. I don't even know why it was so hard. I played GTA 5 twice with no issues.
    3. I tried Dark Souls once. Lol, lasted maybe an hour before giving up. Now I'm very wary of any game that doesn't have configurable difficulty levels. Thankfully, most games these days are actually progressing to more granular or meaningful difficulty levels.
  • Hate soulslike stuff other than combat, bonus points when there's no checkpoint before a boss fight so you have to redo 50 fights just to die again and repeat the process until you've learned the boss moved... or shot yourself. Oh and you can't pause so tough luck if you ordered food or kids want something. Fromsoft are masters or marketing to sell this bullshit as something great

    Also hate unskippable cutscenes, good story like witcher, ffvii remake or kotor defends itself. If you feel the need to do it chances are your story is bad and so you shouldn't. Just look at ghost of tsushima, good combat, great world and visuals. Easily an 8/10 or better potential but mostly bad story without skips makes it tedious and just not fun. A samurai fetching herbs for peasants 😂 Bonus points if you can't even pause the mighty cutscene

    • bonus points when there's no checkpoint before a boss fight so you have to redo 50 fights just to die again and repeat the process

      DS1 I feel is decent with this (could be Stockholm syndrome) and Elden Ring removes the issue almost completely. But Jesus Christ DS2 was awful in this regard. At least they added the mechanic where mobs stop respawning after you've killed them N times; I removed every single enemy from along the Smelter Demon corpse run lmao

      • im usually not to bothered by a few fights before the bossroom (probably because i started out with ds2)

        but smelter demon was awfull until i learned the balcony jump.

  • I hate

    • quick time events,
    • minimaps,
    • questmarker,
    • RPGs without story changing decisions,
    • random generated loot (drop chance is fine),
    • lack of class or profession decision (one character can do all sucks),
    • random generated weapon/gear stats
    • coop where process isn't shared to every player. Requires a multiple saves system to allow single player, as well as coop play, saves.
    • enemy level scaling with player level,
    • fully breaking weapon without being able to repair them
    • bound items. Seriously, this needs to stop. I'd like to share my gear with guild mates or my other characters. I want to be able to sell a good item again if I don't need it. But so far only Ragnarok Online managed to do this well, that I know of.
    • MMORPG with fixed marketplace, like fixed prices, build in price statistics etc. ruining a possible economy focused gameplay in favor of the lazy and dumb players, who complain... because they are not skilled enough.
    • non MMORPGS with NPC that don't move or have daily activities. Gothic did this so we'll decades ago, I thought this would be standard by now
    • any pay2win element
    • any pay2skip grind purchases
    • any quality of life wallet gated
    • Battle-pass, season-pass, fomo bullshit

    What I love

    • weather and seasons
    • music instruments, music class or weapons
    • hidden treasures you need to dig for or find treasure maps
    • NPC that have activities and are not glued to their vending table
    • animal follower
    • jumpsuit/glider
    • destroyable environment/footsteps
    • weapon degradation and maintenance
    • professions and weapon/gear crafting
    • alchemy like in Kingdom Come Deliverance
    • NPC that tell you where to go, instead of a questmarker and path showing you where to go,
    • able to respec my stat points only
    • verticality in Level Design, like Dark Souls 1
    • fishing with a bit of a challenge other than just pushing a button in time
    • character customization, hair, skin, body size, height, voice
    • fashion slots, like Terraria and now also Cyberpunk2077
    • changing cities through actions I did in the game. NPC got killed, house destroyed/build etc.
  • Guild Wars 1

    Having a character of one main class and a secondary class that could be switched at any time between any of the 9 classes.

    8-slot skillbar with one heroic skill that could only come from your main class.

    400+ total skills in the game.

    Plenty of room for you to make your own homebrew builds, and some classic builds that were outside the box:

    The assassin that used a staff (assacaster), the ranger that used necro skills to touch people to death (touch ranger), and the 55 monk, which had almost no hp but so much healing it was hard to kill.

    It will always be my MMORPG because of the character design.

  • Like: open world combat where you can plan and use geography to your advantage.

    Hate: Inventory management

  • Love: weapon durability so long as it’s paired with weapon building and leveling systems. I like that I can’t ever take a weapon for granted and that I can’t hack and slash without thinking. I have Dark Cloud in mind as I’m writing this - it was easily my favorite weapons system I’ve ever played, and it always kept me on my toes. It’s a kind of stress I appreciate because I have some measure of control over it as long as I plan and slow down a little.

    Hate: timed anything. Way too much pressure, and it pushes me back towards going faster and not thinking so I can beat the timer, which I don’t like. I especially hate it because I primarily play turn-based JRPGs to get away from having to worry about timing and to be able to play at my own pace. If I wanted to do time-sensitive stuff, I’d play an action game.

  • I absolutely loathe double tap to dodge mechanics.
    Terraria does this, everyone who played it with me thinks it's reasonable to fear accidentally dodging into an enemy when trying to walk slowly with a keyboard.
    This is 10 times worse on controllers, because dodging just becomes irritating and janky as fuck - if I need to dodge a bullet, I don't want to fight the kinetic energy of my finger for an entire fourth of a second and hope I am fast enough.

    • this genuinely made me ragequit cyberpunk 2077 more than once. The game has a double tap to dodge mechanic that you cannot turn off (last I checked, at least) and is active even when crouching, and you dodge like 2 meters forward or a meter in any other direction. This means that stealth is borderline impossible if you're on keyboard and are not very deliberate with your button presses. One accidental double tap and oops now the ENTIRE warehouse knows where you are (another major flaw with cyberpunk's stealth system)

      • There is a way to change this via mods, if you're still interested in Cyberpunk. I just finished my first playthrough and one of the first things I did was figure out how to rebind Dodge to Alt.

        The Silent Silencers mod and Stealthrunnner also makes stealth much more enjoyable.

  • While I don't play the actual game, I am a massive fan of the Escape from Tarkov inventory system. Its extremely detailed; a totally unreasonably detailed system for how every item fits into or on every other item. I've watched a few dozen hours of the game just looking for how people manage bags within bags within bags, within bags. I love how simulator-y the inventory is. Normally I hate that, I like sortable menus and proper categories for lists of my items, but wow is EfT's inventory something that has really captured my brain.