Old internet is where different people had different websites, and they'd link together with web-rings. People would explore and discover and share. The old internet was not dominated by mega-corps. There were no facebook accounts and no google accounts. It was just people sharing their ideas and interests - without trying to turn everything into a side-hustle, or data-harvest or anything like that.
Is that the one where it feels like someone's sucking your dick, but you also have to suck a realistic replica of your own dick that tastes shockingly realistic, to make it work?
I know there is a lot of hate for AI here but it has its uses.
However. I still haven't found a use for Gemini. What a massive steaming pile of shit llm google have cooked up. It is utterly useless gutter trash that nobody could possibly love.
Pull your finger out google. What the fuck are you doing, you stupid pieces of dog shit?
One of the features I thought it could be wicked useful for is printer clarity. When scanning or copying bad/old papers, hand written, etc. It could clean up, focus, or turn handwriting to print. That would actually be a good use for it IMO, ofc it'll fuck shit up sometimes but it'll probably be better than nothing at all
My phone is starting to take better document pictures than my printer. Especially if I hold my phone steady at the right height. I bet if I used a 3D printer to create a stand to hold it for me. Heck I could buy a giant bucket or rack or whatever and bright high color index lights to further improve image clarity to ungodly levels. Still, the Samsung camera app with the AI features already being preloaded that will likely be improved in the next 5 years will just get better. Printers and scanners are completely a pita.
Even Llama gives better results than Gemini. They're just perpetually behind everyone else. It's like they took GPT3 and tried to bolt one their search results, let someone forgot to make their search results not suck again for their own internal tool.
Except, the other day I wanted to convert some units and the AI results was having a fucking stroke for some reason. The numbers did not make sense at all. Never seen it do that before, but alas, I did not take a screenshot.
Usually I'll see something mild or something niche get wildly messed up.
I think a few times I managed to get a query from a post in, but I think they are monitoring for viral bad queries and very quickly massage it one way or another to not provide the ridiculous answer. For example a fair amount of times the AI overview just would be seemingly disabled for queries I found in these sorts of posts.
Also have to contend with the reality that people can trivially fake it and if the AI isn't weird enough, they will inject a weirdness to get their content to be more interesting.
The "sauce vs dressing" one worked for me when I first heard about it, but in the following days it refused to give an AI answer and now has a "reasonable" AI answer
I've been able to reproduce some, like the "how to carry <insert anything here> across a river" one where it always turns it into the fox, goose and grain puzzle.
But generally on anything that's gone viral, by the time you try to reproduce it someone has already gone in and hard-coded a fix to prevent it from giving the same stupid answer going forward.
Back when it was 90% junk, 5% okay, 4% great... But also that 1% that was absolutely worth it.
Back when Schwarzenegger and T-Pain were basically the highlights. Victoria running the AMAs - I mean that had to be one of the biggest losses. That bird scientist dude and then the drama after he was caught alt upvoting.
Oohh, that sweet sweet time when Victoria was doing the AMAs, it was amazing...
I still can't believe they just dumped her, she was fucking awesome and got awesome people to the AMAs. Truly a celeb amongst many and I don't even know what she looks like, or where she was from. Just "Victoria"
People keep complaining that AI is hallucinating information not in its source material, but here it is strictly limiting itself to the source and even citing its findings and yet everyone is still upset?
Mods on c/politicalmemes took down a post I made saying that it was not a meme (spam was what they called it, it was not spam). When I pointed out that very few of the posts in that community are memes, they banned me.
Anyway, be careful out there.
Edit: “report abuse” was the reason they gave for banning me. But, it was me reporting a few things that were not memes, like was done to my post. Rather than evaluating whether the reported posts were memes or not, they went on a power trip. Anyway, no idea why the mods of c/politicalmemes follow me around Lemmy. I didn’t even tag them here, and they show up. Powertripping, I guess. But, my point stands, don’t report things for not being memes, only the mod decides what’s a meme, even if they do a poor job at it. And, if you draw attention to that, they’ll ban you and stalk you on Lemmy.
Political Memes mod here. You had a post removed because it broke the rules of the community, which is not really a big deal at all… However, you chose to then get angry and report a bunch of other people’s posts that did not break the rules and therefore you were banned for report abuse- which IS a big deal.
If you had simply just messaged one of us and pointed out where you thought you were wronged, I or any of the other mods would have had no problem hearing you out.
Here is your modlog in the event that you have forgotten how things went down.
Hope this helps!
EDIT: okay, so we’re doing edits now? Okay. Let’s make an edit!
So this is what they messaged me after their spam was removed:
… and before I could even respond, they had already submitted multiple reports on posts that were all well within the rules- and relevant to the community. So they were slapped with a temporarily ban for report abuse, which- if you take a look around, is usually a permanent ban in many communities. We banned for one month.
Yet now, cruising the comments of a post in a well known and popular community and coming across this nonsense accusation randomly- three months later after zero interaction with this person in the same amount of time- is apparently considered “stalking” and….
I’m sure it’s pretty clear to see what we were dealing with, as well as the reason for our actions.