Since bits are ones and zeroes, and also mean true/false and on/off by extension, doesn't that mean all solutions to IT problems are just turning something off and on again at some level?
Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Our LG washing machine does this once every year and a half almost like clockwork. It will simply refuse to do anything until it is unplugged and then plugged back in.
Maybe I'm misremembering (or it's just old knowledge and new chips are more sophisticated) but despite it being low voltage vs high voltage the outcome is still on or off because there's a resistor in the semiconductor that either allows current through or not. If it were a light switch it would be the equivalent of turning the light on or off.
A computer is a funky thingy that's a jumbled city of stuff turning on and off with the one master on/off thingy which is the clock on the processor.
When it switches from negative to positive a lot of small switches everywhere switch, some stay the same, some flip. It's all just a bunch of rythm dancing of switches going off and on.
If you used mechanical switches, would it be possible to build a large version of some modern semiconductor chip? If so, I would expect that contraption to be slower and louder than the original.
If you're willing to sacrifice the clock speed it's possible. One of the issues will be that the insane amount of logic gates would have to propagate through every cycle which happens stupid fast on modern chips. Still possible to model it and do a timelapse.
I come from the net. Through systems, peoples and cities to this place: Mainframe. My format: Guardian; to mend and defend. To defend my new-found friends, their hopes and dreams. To defend them from their enemies. They say the user lives outside the net and inputs games for pleasure. No one knows for sure, but I intend to find out.
ECT basically does that too but for brains. Too sad and Prozac isn't fixing it? We're gonna put you under and slap the reset button every other day until you're not. Shit works too its fucking wild.
Our University is a cosmic machine that has been running for billions of years, and as an IT guy reboots a computer when it's been running for too long and has problems, will inevitably implode on itself and tear itself apart, which is the equivalent of God turning it off and on again.
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on.
Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: “You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong.”
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on.
Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: “You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong.”
"Since words can be represented in binary, thus as a sequence of ones and zeroes, [..], doesn't that mean that all questions can be answered by saying no, then yes again at some level?"
How has no one pointed out yet that this is conceptually wrong? Turning something off & on again is cycling the same switch. Solutions to IT problems are setting different bits, which is binary for "using different words".
How dare you use logic on my computer logic-related shower thought.
But yeah, I get what you mean. I had that thought at some point after posting. This is why I should probably just keep it in this silly thread and not write any philosophy essays soon.
I mean, technically speaking, it's cycling all the switches. You use one main switch to simplify the process, but it controls all the other switches as well.
No, that's the whole misconception here. cycling a switch means returning to the previous state. Turning it off and on again means going from ON -> OFF -> ON. Software problems are solved by going from one state to a different state.
Digital means that it's discrete compared to analog which is continuous. Some of the first digital computers were decimal, but in general binary is simpler to use so that's why it's everywhere.
Turning the right thing off and on again is the key. When you only have one router and a handful of other things like most have at home this isn't a big deal. When you have millions of things it can take weeks just to find the right thing in the mess.
Quantum computing is about literally solving it exponentially faster.
Think of it like brute forcing a password.
Binary it can change one character and it has to go thru all of them.
Actual quantum computing goes down multiple paths at once, so the bigger the password the more gain there is from quantum. It doesn't have to actually try every single possible combination.
It's not just going from 2 to 3 states, because that third state is quantum superposition and by no means just a 50% increase. That superposition is how it goes down multiple "paths" at once.
Quantum computing will never come around for everyone. It's entirely different technology, and what we have works quite well for what we need. A good analogy from this Cleo Abrams video is it would be like saying we no longer need cars because we invented boats