I've always been on about this! A suicial assassin is an unstoppable force. A man that has nothing to lose is a dangerous one. Two bullets n' a gun, you're taking someone with you to hell. They can't question you, sentance you, shame you, and if you killed some popular enough guy you'll go down in history. If you're client has the capacity they can even pay your family.
Research life insurance policies, transfer my clients to other providers, and move everything important into my partner's name (car title, utilities, etc) and create a list of all my passwords and such for her.
Just covering all the logistics would probably take most of the day, and I'd wanna clean and organize all my stuff/our apartment so she's not stuck with that too.
I'd probably try to get about an hour on the phone with each of my immediate family members while I clean and organize.
Hopefully I'd have a few hours left to spend with my partner in the evening, which I imagine we'd mostly spend crying together
Also I'd max out my credit cards on online orders for stuff for my partner, friends, and family
I’d probably do a bunch of MDMA and just head to the beach or somewhere in nature and have a blast.
I haven’t done drugs in over a decade and probably won’t ever get back into them, but man if I knew I only had 24 hours left I’d be back in a heartbeat.
A good number of people would die at my hands. Too many bad actors wrecking people I love lives to be left alone if I can give a good use to my final hour.
At this point I've already long since been dead inside, so it's well past time that my body finally joined my spirit. At least I'd go out happier knowing that I wouldn't actually have to live through the second coming of Repugnican-induced hell - a.k.a. "this time we're gonna hit the ground running and do our damnedest to thoroughly destroy what's left of the country in under four years."
Make sure my wife is on top of our finances as possible and figure out and start disability paperwork and direction for her to take to try and survive.
I would call my boys to tell them I love them. I would let my ex know that my dog needs to be picked up tomorrow. Then I would eat the remainder of my gummies and go to bed. My dog of course would likely follow and lay beside me as I drift off into nothingness.
Probably hire someone to help me throw out all my shit. My family have hoarding issues and a death in the family is the exact sort of thing that would make them relapse, like keeping random old receipts I forgot to throw out. I'd have to throw out everything or I'd die pissed off about it.
Other than that, grab some fakey corporate moonshine and sit by the lake. Try to be home before I die so my cat can see my body and know what happened.
Dispose of some things family doesn't need to know i have, then go spend the rest of my life watching LoTR on a couch with some cats. Sounds like a fairly nice way to go out.
Sleep, wait until the end. Just keep mostly going as usual, I won't care about anything afterwards.
Only difference, I'd donate all my money. Perhaps, I'd try to get one of those smaller loans some banks offer instantly (without giving a reason) and donate that too. Not sure if mine does that as well.
But perhaps if I wasn't a coward and nobody knew I was going to die anyway, I'd attempt to commit suicide for statistical reasons.
Makes me think about time travel again, because in this case the event could be caused by the time travel. I mean, the traveller goes back in time to cause an event that already happened. Perhaps that's the only reason why I was going to die.
Could it work this way?
Oh, wait, that's how it was in Interstellar, no? If you travel to the past you can only do things that cause you to travel to the past and do the exact same things.
Call my parents and my very few friends and let them know, and make sure that they understood how much they'd meant to me. Then I'd spend the rest of my time with my partner, making sure that I'd tied up loose ends, gave them full access to all my accounts so that they didn't get nasty surprises after my death, and then just talk to them.
Call family and friends. Tell them how much they have meant and had shared many positive experiences. Then probably donate to Luigi’s cause. Then probably donate to some non profit. But my friends and girlfriend a car or house or some shit. Do some drugs I’ve always wanted to do.