Yes, there's other tools that can make terminal output prettier on Linux. We all know that. But the "column" command is likely already there, on your system, waiting for you to use it. With "column...
i love this person's work; i've been working in the linux sphere for over 20 years but this person always teaches something that's new to me and more helpful than the tools i've been using to get the job done; sed/awk in this case. (plus, the sense of humor also makes it fun to watch).
i wish i were as rich as my fellow software engineers so that i can support her work because i'm convinced we need it in a world where people no longer have the same opportunities i had to learn this kind of tech because their smartphones inadvertently hide needful knowledge in the abstractions that make smartphones work.
She does a great job. Im trying to add in a couple of her videos when I see them into the different communities. I usually go to awk to be honest, so I completely blanked on columns. I knew it existed from like 10 years ago, but forgot what I can use it for. I learned something form this video :)
We need more entertaining Linux/open source people.
I've been following her for the past year, it's a pity she doesn't have a one time contribution scheme set up. I also can't support everyone but judging from the donations on KDE people do tend to give small amounts and it really helps. Gonna try to contact her and see if she can accept something like that
I doubt anyone has ever regretted spending some time familiarizing themselves with the POSIX, util-linux, and GNU coreutils commands. You can do a lot by just piping these (mostly) simple tools together.
Something else, all of the GNU coreutils have their own info [command] terminal command, and often the info page is incredibly easy to read, full of example pages and highly granular descriptions of flags, error messages, and the like.
Her mentions of awk reminded me of a guy at my last job who was an absolute god with awk, but making changes to scripts he made were a nightmare because no one else could figure out what he was doing, and everything crashed and burned from small changes.
Awk is ok but often when I come across a script that I need to optimize because it's too slow, the easiest gains come from replacing awk command. Most of them use awk for the most mundane stuff that can easily be done with shell parameter expansion instead.
It's one of the few things that I think Powershell did more cleanly than Linux, was making those kind of options a lot clearer and pushing people to use them early on in education cycles, so knowledge of these cmdlets is more common than the Linux equivalents. (I know that's harder to do with an all-volunteer OS built from the ground up versus a private company influencing education cycles, obviously. Linux always had the harder road.)
Format-Custom, Format-Hex, Format-List, Format-Table, and Format-Wide are pretty indispensable when working with Powershell.
Because precisely, 90% of the time, when it comes to Linux, the way you're taught is to just grep what you need out.
I've taken classes for both Powershell and Linux command line in college, and the PS class focused a lot on those commands while the Linux class never once mentioned column while spending a lot of time on grep.
I’ve taken classes for both Powershell and Linux command line in college, and the PS class focused a lot on those commands while the Linux class never once mentioned column while spending a lot of time on grep.
column belongs to util-linux
A Linux class. Never mentioned column. Mind == boggled.
Ironically grep is its own program. Although commonly it's the GNU one, so could be considered in the same group as coreutils.
Funnily enough, I use PowerShell as my daily driver and I rarely ever use the Format verb cmdlets and think they need to stop teaching people to use them as much as they do... They're only meant to modify how things are displayed, but in doing so, they trash the objects that were on the pipeline and replace them with formatting commands, and cause confusion when people try to do something with what they output
The worst is using them to select properties, they should not have included that ability at all, that's what the Select-Object cmdlet is for, which outputs usable objects
Anyway, sorry for the rant... I just think those overall teach new users bad habits.
Yeah but I keep trying to pipe the output back into the original file which ends up empty due to how pipe and redirect interact.
I know there must be a grown-up way to do it but I inevitably resort to writing it to filename2 and then running mv filename2 filename.
I learned to write scripts on Windows Powershell and got spoiled by everything being an object so when I started writing bash scripts I think 90% of the work is trying to parse the raw text output of commands with things like awk or sed.