The first step in the Deep Sentinel program, one of the most ambitious ocean-engineering projects in decades, will be completed this year. This initial step, called Vanguard, will shelter three aquanaut-scientists at depths of 100 meters. Eventually, the project will create a modular underwater habi...
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.
I'm having mixed feelings. Are we going here or not? On one hand no censoring... On the other hand... No censoring. Also doom, but there's also doom here too.
Because of its narcotic effect at high pressure, nitrogen shouldn’t be breathed by humans at depths below about 60 meters. So, at 200 meters, the breathing mix in the habitat will be 2 percent oxygen and 98 percent helium. But because of its very high thermal conductivity, “we need to heat helium to 31–32 °C to get a normal 21–22 °C internal temperature environment,”
Hmm... maybe not? The low density of helium at 1 atm is what causes the amplification of higher frequencies in the voicebox, but in a pressurized container the gas would be higher density so it might offset the effect... I think?
Apparently when doing saturation diving like that you can't even understand what the other person says, between the helium and the pressure the voice is too distorted to be intelligible.
You can communicate with a computer that transforms your voice to be intelligible but it is really not a pleasant conversation so you can stay there for weeks without having a conversation except for the bare minimum.
What they mean is they will need to use the amount of energy that you would normally put into air to get it to 31° C, but the helium will only get to 21° C. At no point will the helium actually be 31° C.
If you're lookin for me,
You'd better check under the sea,
Cause that is where you'll find me,
Underneath the seaaaaaa lab,
Underneath the water,
Seaaaaa lab....
Add in "But harvesting it angered the psychic primordial shark that we worship as a god." And you've got the rough plot for the water planet from Kotor 1.
Sure when in air. Not so much for underwater or really anywhere where they have to deal with a pressure differential, either positive or negative, where large flat sides are detrimental.
Nah if you only build a 2D structure, you won't have to worry about the water pressure because your structure will likely not be able to interact with 3D matter. It's genius engineering IMHO.
If your looking for me
You better check under the sea
Cause that is where you'll find me
Underneath the
Sealab, Underneath the water
Sealab, At the bottom of the sea.
Why do I apparently have the entire theme song still in my brain meats? I only thought the show was ok during its original Adult Swim run, and it wasn't even a brain wormie theme. I apparently need to go back and watch it again to see what's up.
Very interesting to read, but sounds so astronomically expensive and reliant on zero mistakes in every single aspect of manufacturing every single thing going into the pods, that no one will sustain paying for this shit beyond angel investors.
you should read michael chrichton's book sphere. it talks about some of the tom & jerry tier physics and biology disasters that can happen in a deep sea habitat
Space is hard to get to, no gravity, and there's radiation.
Underwater has high pressure, corrosion, and no natural lighting.
When you get an air leak in space, you find the hole and patch it. When you get a leak underwater, you don't have to worry about it at all because it takes care of things in microseconds.
Ain't nobody paying for an underwater habitat for researchers when all researchers do at depth is take photos and samples, which can be done by an ROV.
Oil and Gas OTOH need deep see divers to do welding and other maintenance all the time.
The trouble with all these schemes is that it's totally contrary to poweful real world trends. The surface of the Earth has an overwhelming abundance of rural land that is incredibly hospitable to life. And these places are depopulating because people prefer living in cities. How are you gonna get people to move to the bottom of the sea, or Mars, if they don't even want to move to West Virginia?
The trouble with these commenters is that they don't read the articles. This one isn't at all about getting people to move underwater, it's very specifically about habitats for ocean researchers to live in, rather than spending enormous amounts of time decompressing after relatively short dives.
People don't really want to live in the cities they just want to live where they can get a job. Largely rural communities don't really have an overabundance of employment opportunities, tend to have crap internet, and most of the properties are already owned by rich people who want a second home, so house prices are completely insane.
I guess the people in charge haven’t read the rifters trilogy. I don’t trust any of ‘em, but at least we already have a pandemic; they probably can’t make it worse.