I don't believe in book bans. If a kid can read it, they should. Will they agree with the message? Maybe, maybe not. However, they were exposed to different thoughts. This isn't a bad thing. It is up to the reader to determine how valid that line of thinking is in their life.
The bible.... whew, the bible.... Violence, sexuality, fucking incest, rape, etc. It isn't a "clean" book.
However, if they're gonna ban books for questionable material, the fucking bible is chock full of it.
I say this as someone who had southern baptist grandparents I spent the summer with, and have read the bible cover to cover more times than I ever cared to, but it was the only reading material available.
It's a "book of wisdom" like "She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse." Nothing sexual there...🤣
My real questions come from the idea of who has a kid that checks a Bible out from their school? If they are religious I would assume they have copies at church, and at home. (Also free on the internet, it's one of the few books easy to access)
So are we expecting that these kids are wanting to check the Bible out for a research project? Which wouldn't be allowed in most classes.. or that they can't afford lunch so they are reading about the suffering of Jesus and slaves when they otherwise would get lunch?
one of the honors-level English classes at my high school in Texas in the 90s was "the bible as literature". they had Bibles in the library for that class
Doesn't need to be checked out to read it. I used to go to the public library and read for hours. Not in school, but the city library I mean. I could imagine a kid that doesn't want to go home or has free study periods reading books on their own.
"book of wisdom" my ass. Click this link a few times and see how often you end up with something truly wise, worthy of being the word of an omniscient god https://dailyverses.net/random-bible-verse
Edit: lol, my 6th time loading it I got this nugget of wisdom that all the Trump idolizing evangelicals are completely ignoring: "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." But I guess god loved the adulterer King David too so 🤷♂️ Yahweh's gonna yaweh.
My first one: "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" Matthew 16:26
Good words, but completely disregarded by the majority of so called Christians these days.
Yeah it’s partly why I gave up on it a long time ago. Besides faiths never really clicking with me on a fundamental level, shit like that, making no sense, caused me to abandon it.