Biden is not on our side on this issue, that's part of the problem. He is and was the candidate that the people who didn't want healthcare reform pushed in to block Bernie from putting the issue on the ballot by running on it.
Yep. Sometimes it's good to remind the bourgeoise that they should be scared if the mistreatment of the working class grows unacceptable to the latter, with no way to change things from within the system.
Although they are cowards, they are also risk takers by nature, especially when the economy is going their way, so naturally they will always push things too far until it’s too late.
I upvoted, but these kinds of posts make me uncomfortable. Luigi was a wealthy crypto bro working though a mental crisis. Luigi is not lefty batman.
I am very happy about the discussions his actions are creating and the overreaction from the upper class, but I am not sure it is a good idea to glorify Luigi.
tangentially I feel like Batman could never jive with leftist ideology anyhow. His whole thing is beating and scaring the crime out of people, which is in contrast to the leftist idea that crime happens because the needs of individuals (physical, psychological, and social) are not met by their material conditions.
That's why I use Saint Luigi. It's a ignore all the things that don't line up with the ideal, and only focus on those that do kind of thing. Just like the churches do with thier saints. Lol
Lefty Batman is inherently contradictory too. Because a real leftist Batman would use his money to fix the systemic problems of Gotham, and are you still really Batman if you're not out beating the shit out of poor mentally ill people?
Or you could make the argument that Batman solves his problems with violence, in which case Luigi is fucking literally Lefty Batman for targeting a person far closer to the problem than Batman ever normally would.
I mean if people are gonna have guns and people with mental crises who go and murder other people, then let's choose the lesser evil:
a) Sandy Hook style shooting up a school, killing many kids and teachers
b) New Orleans style driving a car into a public event, killing many partygoers
c) Luigi style murdering a single person who is arguably themselves guilty of causing the legal death and suffering of thousands
Now what would be the lesser evil in this scenario?
Obviously, I prefer no dead people, which would require regulating guns and providing mental healthcare and a social safety net to people, but alas, that option seems to be impossible.
I don't think he's a hero, but his actions are the inevitable outcome of our system.
When justice can no longer be achieved through peaceful demonstration or the legal system, people will increasingly turn to violence as their only option.
While I won't celebrate violence, I do prefer targeted violence upon those causing the damage to mass murders of innocents.
If you're going to murder someone - don't. But if that doesn't stop you, I'd rather the victim be someone who damages the world instead of schoolchildren and churchgoers.
The NOLA NYE terrorist attack on random party-goers is also an inevitable outcome of our system.
A lot of people on Lemmy believe that a wealthy elite controls the whole system. I think it’s far more likely that no one controls the system. Sure, some people are able to get rich off the system and carve out a little niche for themselves but the whole state apparatus is just a big tug of war that’s long since pulled everyone into the mud pit.
Political gridlock was long ago designed into the system as a way of preserving the compromise between ideologically disparate groups. Now we’re reaping what we sowed.
It's not glorifying Luigi. He's a vigilante. The health insurance companies are criminals in the eye of the majority, and the majority can't get it changed through legal peaceful means. The vigilante sees an injustice and takes it upon themselves to enact justice extrajudicially.
As we have seen, the majority appears to to support his actions. His background is unimportant. Humans are very grey. That's one of the things that democracy can account for.
Think of it this way: if he was willing to risk all that he had to enact justice once does that not make him better than many of us? How many of us have smaller amounts of excess, are directly impacted by the health insurance companies, yet have done nothing but take steps that have not helped anyone else? That's the definition of sacrifice rather than compromise.
Honestly, I feel about the same. Meme is funny, and I thoroughly enjoy the discussion, which is why I posted it, but I want actual leftist leaders in charge, not actual Luigi.
The point though is: Bernie was the working class trying to better the system from the inside. If the system keeps fucking us over, the system CAN be overthrown through different means.
The political class better realise that it's in their favour to have us change the system non violently.
Just because he’s your “modern day folk hero” doesn’t make him or his actions immune to scrutiny. This way of thinking opens doors that people like you tend to stand firmly against.
No one should ever stand above our laws, our standards of morality, or our ethical codes of conduct without question. And propping someone up to such a height makes you every bit as bad as those you accuse of doing so.
It's a symbol. People are attracted to the idea that someone could coolly shoot an evil guy and (for a couple days) get away with it.
If he had hurt innocents or fumbled the execution (pun intended) he wouldn't be so popular.
Also consider how our institutions are failing us. People feel, often rightly so, that the systems aren't working for them. The supreme Court is openly corrupt and makes wildly unpopular decisions. Health care is a shit show. The police somewhat routinely kill innocent people and their dogs. Plus a bunch of stuff that's not true but people believe. It feels like there's no path forward, and then some smooth guy just shoots one of the perpetrators dead? Amazing.
His generally agreed upon biography is a wealthy billionaire trust fund baby who suffered great emotional loss and broke, who now spends the rest of his life and fortune fighting injustice
That's the point though- people tried playing by the rules, the system shat in their faces. Now you have people snapping and going vigilante with guns and that's called consequence.
You break the socialist contract, bad things start getting lauded
Yeah, I get that this is an inevitable outcome. But now that we're talking about it, instead of putting every CEO's head on a spike, let's try to do something more constructive. You know like creates systemic change to close the wealth Gap.
He’s part of the reason I hate phrases like “Kill all billionaires”.
Yes, most rich people are pretty evil, and I’d like them taken to task. But simply being born into fortunate circumstances doesn’t make someone evil; it’s the things they DO to keep that wealth that make them a greater or lesser evil. Ideally, everyone would have at least that basic quality of life that he did. Investing in crypto is one thing, but if he committed some atrocity using crypto I’ve yet to hear about it.
Mental health crises are very common now. They don’t necessarily make the act “not brave”.
I have the position that murder is the least ideal form of change, but as the post states all less violent options have been removed from the table at this time. It's sad that CEO (person) was killed, but it may have been an inevitable outcome.
Not what you claim to be, or what others say you are.
That's why identity politics are a failure. Classifying people between good or bad by a bunch of meaningless labels. The only classification that matters is what one is doing or not doing.
I'm not classifying Luigi as good or bad as a whole. I am just saying that making Luigi out to be some lefter version of Bernie is not a good comparison. I don't think we want kill CEOs to be the message of left leadership. The idea scares me, like the pendulum is swinging to far the other way.
I think this kind of exemplifies our problem. We're more focused on keeping up partisan divides than we are on celebrating what brings us together. I'm guilty of it too, but it's not supposed to be Left vs. Right, it's a class struggle and we've let them create a situation where all we want to do is fight amongst ourselves.
Yeah, there was clarification a few days after the assassination that discussing jury nullification for crimes already-committed was not a violation of the TOS, contrary to the claims of some of the mods (not admins).
I did not create this meme, but if you're referring to the colours, blue red and white are the colours of the US flag. Afaik all design elements and colours are directly taken from irl Bernie-posters.
The DNC fucked over Sanders. All of the super delegates were on Hillary's side before the DNC even had its first primary making it seem like Bernie was not a real choice, while the media downplayed him constantly (the billionaire owned media? shocked pikachu face). This was such clear bullshit that the DNC even changed their rules in 2018 to make it so the super delegates cant vote on the first primary ballet, but I believe its because it doesnt make a lick of difference either way. The people who run the country would never allow us to move in a direction of fixing the problems of unregulated capitalism.
I don't know why you're surprised or confused about this. Bernie was an independent and not even a member of the DNC until just before the election.
He was an unknown. Hillary has been a part of the party for decades. That's like complaining that the DNC didn't throw full support behind a Green party candidate that switched just before the election. That's not bullshit. That's just how politics works. Bernie didn't lay the foundation of trust needed to get the DNC to back him.
The Democratic Party primary doesn't choose the President, though. The electoral college does. At least one analysis of the polls concluded that Sanders could have won the EC.
The Unabomber was anti-technology and explicitly anti-leftist, besides mainly targeting random civilians, so idk how he's at all comparable to Luigi, whose (alleged) manifesto is simply right, and who (allegedly) killed one CEO of the most stingy healthcare insurance company, who was also being accused of insider trading and fraud.
I have zero problem with all the Nazis the Allies murdered in WW2.
This is a class war occupation. The Class war was lost in the 80s, the people were tricked into surrendering without terms. Luigi, an alleged traitor to his class bless him, tried to foment a resistence/revolution to the class occupation most of us suffer under.
The idea that change must be nonviolent is something that the oligarchs put in our heads to maintain their control, which includes violence using captured government force against us. Most nations were founded using violence, including this one. Further, the oligarchs have captured both major parties, leaving us to bicker on social issues, and without a vote on the shape and priorities of the sociopathic economy both parties are well paid to defend from us, the people that suffer it. Our nonviolent options have been taken away, as we're encouraged to be divided and hate our fellow laborers on every conceivable wedge so we never look up. Divide and profit.
Brian was murdering Americans in swaths. His murder weapon was snake oil, a con: "buy our service as your preparation for inevitable illness! Just give us your money every month, and you'll be prepared when you need life saving care..." "... Oh you're sick now? You'll die without care you expect us to pay for? Whatever gave you the idea we'd pay for your care? Thanks for all the premiums, fuck off and die, poorie sucker."
Luigi didn’t change anything. He just killed a guy, who will be shortly and largely painlessly replaced by another stooge to do the bidding of the owners of society.
Real resistance must be organized to achieve anything. This Rambo shit is a Hollywood fantasy. And yes, organized nonviolent resistance can work and has worked many times, including in regimes far more repressive than the US.
I recommend reading Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs to Know for those interested in how resistance movements an actually win real change.
My question still stands: rape regarding trump, and murder in this circumstance—what's the difference?
It wasn't the oligarchs that suggested nonviolence, sweet lord; hate only ever breeds more hate, evil only ever makes more evil. Love (selflessness, i.e., logic and reason) is the only true remedy, as proved in gaining India's independence, and in eliminating the Jim Crow Laws here in America as a couple examples; not to mention leading to mankinds first experimenting with Democracy in ancient Geeece:
Most of Greece fell to Tyrant rule for the next 400ish years, while Athens stood tall to practice this system of Archons, leading to 9 more positions regarding things like their judiciary system and religion.
I'm probably going to get downvoted into oblivion for this, but I don't care. The "left" fawning over Luigi is the same energy as the "right" fawning over Kyle Rittenhouse.
Sure and I think the system should change for sure. But in both cases they are persons that murdered people their backers thought should be murdered. The right wants to oppress, so killing in the name of oppression is right for them. The left wants to break the oppression, so killing in the name of breaking oppression is right for them.
But the truth is, both were wrong, killing someone is never the answer. Preparing to go kill someone, planning to kill someone is a sign of mental health issues.
Nothing is going to be fixed by this. It only further polarizes the world. It only escalates the conflict. We need actual solutions and people in charge that know what they are doing and can bring about systematic change. Maybe using the guillotine in the late 1700s was the right solution back then, but I hope we as a society have evolved way beyond that point. Plus when it comes down to a fight, the people in charge of, you know, literal armies would probably win.
Elevating a literal murderer to the point people see them as a viable political candidate like in this meme is simply insane. We need more tree huggers like Bernie, not insane gun wielding thugs that think violence can solve anything.
More importantly, you're missing the underlying point of this meme. It's displayed in the other pieces of text. We wanted Bernie and would've been happy to make that much progress nonviolently, but the DNC did not allow that. And "oppression makes revolution inevitable" because there's no such thing as negotiating with your oppressor. Think of a hostage situation. The people who successfully negotiate away that situation are the police because they are backed with the threat of violence. Those who crave power will never give it up voluntarily.
We wanted Bernie . . . but the DNC did not allow that.
No. Bernie didn't win. The DNC was a part of that, but he also didn't get the votes to suggest he could win, other voters didn't support him - which is how primaries work. I wish he would have won!
And to add to that, Bernie's an Independent, not a Democrat. If I ran in a republiQan primary and they did some bullshit to make it harder for me - plus the real issue that enough republiQans didn't vote for me - that's not the RNC's fault. That's hardly "I didn't win becaus the RNC didn't let me".
I just don't want "Bernie didn't win because the DNC prevented it" to become some sort of arguable fact - it is part of a larger picture, but a pretty small part.
Kyle Rittenhouse was a moronic murderer who actively wanted to kill someone for some pathetic reason and was crying like a little removed when he was in court. He provoked a fight with some random guy and when others tried to apprend him (and they were in the right to do so. If Kyle was shot then and there as he should have, the shooting had strong elements of legal self-defense). Luigi set out purposefully to kill a powerful person who kills tens of thousands of people a year with paperwork and wants to kill even more. He can be replaced, sure, but his killing sent out a powerful statement to the wealthy.
Also Kyle is so fucking stupid that he failed the USMC aptitude test so badly that he was not allowed to take it again. Given that normally you are allowed three tries and it isn't that difficult of a test, that is saying a lot.
Except rotten house has incel energy while luigi has mega chad energy.
Billionaires and their well paid .1% millionaire lap dogs are our oppressors. Rittenhouse went fully armed with the intentions of shooting unarmed blm protestors
"Yeah but he hot tho" must be the most insane defense for murder I've ever heard. Surely that will hold up in court, because of your giant chad energy you are acquitted of all crimes and will run for president. With how insane the last 10 years have been I might actually believe it.