If they need bulletproof armor just to attend school then it is too dangerous to send them there. This is not a solution to anything.
If you got a boring office job and on the first day you were issued a bulletproof vest because they keep having "incidents", would you keep working there?
Well, honestly I was happy with my bullet proof vest when I was in the military for 15 years. I think pigs would think the same. But I agree with you, I just think there are some exceptions lol
To be completely honest, I wasn't issued a vest. I was in the navy and had to share a vest with 3 others. I used it when I was photographing outside during anti Piracy actions.
Just the idea the risk of dying from a bullet is higher at school than it is in the military is crazy. The US truly is a dystopian hell hole (but Musk and Trump are shouting "No! Not enough! We can make it even worse!", with most Americans shouting in reply "Yeah! 'Murica! Thur turker jubs!").
They don't need it, it's all just security theater like the TSA. 99.99999% of children in the USA are not harmed by firearms each year. In fact, most "school shootings" counted in the Alarming Statistics are not mass shootings but any incident involving a gun in a certain radius of a school.
The odds of any specific child being killed in a school shooting is very low, but the incidence of shootings is still far higher in the US than any other country, and that's a big problem.
Good point. It's not as if there is 'No way to prevent this,' Says only nation where this regularly happens.
Children are being shot and there is a much higher chance of these kids needing this plate than literally anywhere else that isn't an active warzone. That statistic alone should say enough. This IS a problem and we should not downplay that fact.
We can start by acknowledging that you are already pushing the line to minimize the issue by trying to make it about physical harm only, not psychological harm of being in an related incident.
Most recent data is from 2022, and indicates there are 49.6 million school aged children in the US. The closest we have to official numbers around children involved in gun violence in school shootings since 1999 starting with Columbine comes from the Washington Post (because, for some reason, the US government doesn't track this). It says that 338,000 children have been involved over this time period.
That comes out to 0.7% of all school aged children have been involved in a school shooting in the US. Your 'bullshit, pulled from your ass, percentage above is 4 magnitudes off of reality. That is the same as you finding a ten dollar bill and loudly yelling "I JUST FOUND $100,000!".
Do better and suck less. This is just around your claims as well, that is setting aside the monstrous view point that any percentage of kids would be acceptable to be involved in school shootings.
TL;DR: "There's nothing we can do, says only nation where this happens."
The prevalence of armed attacks at American educational institutions points to a potentially systemic problem; between 2009 and 2018, the United States recorded 57 times as many school shootings compared to other high-income nations and as of 2019, became the only major industrialized country in which firearms are the leading cause of death for children and teens.
In recent years, school shootings surpassed their highest recorded levels, although figures may differ depending upon the source. Since there is no federal database – or definition – for school shootings, data is compiled by independent sources using varying factors to determine what constitutes a school shooting. According to the K-12 School Shooting Database, there were 348 school shootings, defined as every time a gun is brandished, fired, or a bullet hits school property, regardless of the time, day, reason, or number of victims (including zero), in 2023. Since 1966, school shootings transpired most often at the time of morning classes, a time which also accounted for the most casualties. However, not all incidents were located in the classroom; the highest victim count was recorded by shootings taking place in school parking lots, followed by hallways and at the front of schools.
All the money poured into crap like metal detectors and armed guards is security theater, but it's a very real problem with a simple solution: keeping guns out of the hands of kids. Especially white boys. Kids in the US are as likely to be shot and killed as kids in active war zones.
Despite public support for hiring armed guards to reduce the severity of school shootings, there is little evidence of this effect; out of all school shooting incidents identified by the K-12 School Shooting Database, only around two percent resulted in the shooter being apprehended by an SRO.
While it is impossible to predict the profile of a future school shooter, long term studies show that shooter demographics differ by school type. Research on mass public shootings, where four or more people are murdered by firearms in public, reveals that most mass shooters at K-12 schools between 1966 and January 2024 were White, while less than 20 percent were Native American or Latinx. In comparison, almost half of mass shooters at colleges or universities were Asian, followed by 33 percent who were White and 11 percent who were either Black or Middle Eastern. However, there was an equally high likelihood that mass shooters at K-12 schools and on college campuses were ‘location insiders’, meaning they had an existing relationship to the shooting site. Typically, students are the most likely perpetrators of school shootings.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, almost all active shooters in education settings from 2000 to 2022 were male. However, while most active shooters at postsecondary schools were at least 25 years old, active shooters at elementary schools and secondary schools were usually between the ages of 12 to 18 years, suggesting that most K-12 shooters obtained a firearm illegally. The use of rifles and shotguns was also more prevalent in active shooter incidents in K-12 schools, weapons often used to commit indiscriminate shootings, where the shooter targets random victims with the intent to harm as many as possible.
Studies show that indiscriminate shootings occur more frequently in majority-White schools, while shootings at schools which primarily serve students of color are most often dispute or grievance related, such as an escalation of an argument or in retaliation against bullying. However, even though most dispute or grievance related shootings occur outside the school building, teachers in high-minority schools are more likely to report metal detectors or other screening at school entrances. In contrast, majority-White schools rarely reported such equipment, despite having a greater likelihood of experiencing a shooting inside the school.
879 children died in the US during school shootings in the past 10 years. Source
That is higher than the number of Military casualties from the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Poland combined during the war in Afghanistan (2001-2021). Except for the US, these are the countries with the most casualties during that 20 year war. Source
The risk of dying should be higher for soldiers during a war than for students at a school.
Shouldnt only the kids with "winner" parents who can afford bulletproof backpack plates get one, so the kids of "loser" poor parents have a reduced chance of surviving?
How will these kids learn it's wrong to be and their life means less if they're poor if literally everyone in their grade has a roughly equal chance of survival in the event of our national pastime that makes us who we are happening at their school? How will the less poor kids know their life means more than their poorie classmates?
And really, shouldn't it only be legal for private academy kids to get these kinds of protective measures? Why expend resources protecting future capital livestock to this degree? Seems like a very inefficient investment.
This feels like a slippery slope to Marxist Leninist commie socialism.
Judging by their shirts saying St. Someone, I am inclined to believe these ARE private school kids. So this is thankfully legal, no need to worry good citizen.
So un-American, the second amendment isn't for bullet proof vests. The best defense is offense. These kids should all have gotten guns to protect themselves, with the rich kids bullet proof vests in addition. Because everyone has the right to gunslinging, rich people have the right to survival.
At graduation: "Look to your left. Now look to your right. Remember those faces, as some of them may try to kill you in the future, and some might not make it through the next few years."
It's somewhat uncommon for a graduating class to all survive education my experience as an American. And that's despite not knowing any school shootings. It's usually suicide or reckless driving.
Statistically stupid. It will cause more psychological harm than it is worth the small probability that they are both involved in a school shooting and lucky enough the be saved by a foot square piece of metal.
I'm reminded of the months and years after 9/11, when some assholes were trying to peddle "Executive Parachutes" to people in high rise office buildings, with the theory you could just jump out a window and float to safety in the event of another terrorist attack.
It's a cheap publicity move by an unscrupulous company trying to cash in on this never ending tragedy. Is one square foot of steel really going to save anyone, or is it just a way to make people more fearful so they buy this product?
“I never thought I’d need this,” one student told Fox 29. {mosads}
But parents and guardians of students told the news outlet that while a bulletproof backpack may be extreme, it’s necessary.
“You hear about these school shootings almost weekly, and I can’t believe that’s where we are in our nation today, but that’s the fact,” said one great-grandparent
Fuck... this was 2018. Sure hope those kids never needed those backpacks.
School shootings are the equivalent of hide under a desk for nukes. It's pointless, they're super rare, and a fucking backpack, just like a table, is not going to save someone.
Those plates don't stop rifle rounds. The school shootings we hear about (actual mass shootings) nearly always involve a rifle. Given that fact, those plates are just useless weights.
A modern level-4 armor plate can take multiple hits from a small-caliber round like a 5.56 or 7.62.
Most mass shootings involve handguns. Per weapon It's more than 2:1 with handguns:rifles, and per incident it's almost 2:1 (discrepancy comes from when multiple handguns are used in one incident, like in Virginia Tech, which was also the deadliest school shooting in US history).
In fact, only 3 of the 10 deadliest school shootings in US history had ARs used in the attacks.
Also: just for weird trivia, the 7th deadliest "school shooting" in the "US" was in 1764, though 10 of the 11 murders were with melee weapons, and only the schoolteacher was actually shot.
Unequal president Rob Vito argued handguns and shotguns are “useless” against a product like the one the company gifted the students.
The plates themselves are thin as fuck. No way they stop anything above 9 in a meaningful manner. Also 7.62 is small...when compared to really big shit.
Gives me the idea to get a plate....I have a spot for a camelbak on my backpack, I could put in a plate and have yet another reason my backpack is called "wierd".
This is just stupid fear tactics because there really is a low amount of school shootings nationwide compared to the sheer amount of schools.
This whole fear tactic has been used to try to remove guns so that CEO's and other higher class people can stave off the coming anger against them.
The people pushing, and winning, the class war have studied the French Revolution and would want to make it impossible for regular people to fight against their private military contractors. Make people afraid and you can make them choose against their own interests.
Putting aside everything past your first sentence, a "low amount of school shootings" is an absolutely crazy way to accept innocent children dying.
I mean, it's bad enough when innocent people get shot, but these are kids.
Maybe you'd have to explain further, but as it stands your statement comes off as "It's only some kids getting their brain lead-blasted."
Bruh, you ain't gonna win shit in a fight against dudes using drones and armored vehicles and etc etc. I get the thought though and it isn't all wrong, violence can be an effective means of changing the political landscape.
Having some common sense gun regulation isn't a bad thing, and I say that as a person who owns firearms. It shouldn't be easier to get a tool literally designed for killing than getting a driver's license to operate a motor vehicle which can be turned into a tool for killing (accidentally or otherwise).
Most guns in school shootings were obtained legally, obviously there's some problems there especially when we're the only country on the planet dealing with this.
The state has and maintains a monopoly on legal violence. That's never changing even if everyone in this country is strapped.
I'm all for responsible gun ownership but there needs to be more laws and regulations around it. School shootings are tragic and avoidable if other countries around the world are anything to go by,