Megatokyo. That was a fun one until it turned into a dating sim visual novel because his partner left. Still not as bad as the hard right turn Sinfest made.
Right? Also I remember it somehow different and I also must partially confuse it with another lewd comic from the time.
Anyone remember a comic very similar to sexy losers? I remember one story arc with a scantily clad girl that always masturbated and tried to convince people of stupid sex ideas, e.g. pitching to bounty kitchen paper execs to make soft super absorbant paper targeting chronic masturbators, I think the tagline was "gay for bounty" and her pitch was "that's how we get those fuckers at kleenex" and the execs went "how do you keep getting past security?"
Now when you say it's fucked up are we talking like explicitly graphic content shown in detail or just explicit content that's alluded to but not shown?
The artstyle is also very reminiscent of old manga/asian comic styles (like 1970s 1980s) so it would make sense the boy and the girl are dressed in that fashion
"To understand revolutionary suicide it is first necessary to have an idea of reactionary suicide, for the two are very different. Reactionary suicide: the reaction of a man who takes his own life in response to social conditions that overwhelm him and condemn him to helplessness.”
“I do not think that life will change for the better without an assault on the Establishment, which goes on exploiting the wretched of the earth. This belief lies at the heart of the concept of revolutionary suicide. Thus it is better to oppose the forces that would drive me to self-murder than to endure them. Although I risk the likelihood of death, there is at least the possibility, if not the probability, of changing intolerable conditions.”
“But before we die, how shall we live? I say with hope and dignity; and if premature death is the result, that death has a meaning reactionary suicide can never have. It is the price of self-respect.”
A Black Panther Founder, killed a police officer in 1967 but overturned after two hung juries.
Accused of murdering Kathleen Smith and Betty Van Patter in 1974, Patter being the Black Panther's bookkeeper found brutally beaten to death, still no conviction. Black Panther leadership admitted to firing her, and she apparently made statements before her death accusing them of tax evasion.
After that seemingly distanced himself from the movement and went into academia.
Died in 1989 murdered by African American Prison Gang "Black Guerrilla Family" which if nothing else is pretty ironic. I'd wager that he regretted ever publishing this excuse for violent extremism by the time he died.
Ya'll can just skip the shit that got him and others killed and go straight into academia if you want to have a positive impact on the world.
There was/is a twit h account called SeeYouTomorrow. No idea who was behind the account (only in other streamers chat. Didnt stream). Will never forget those simple 3 words.
Reminding someone on the edge of doing something stupid, that I will see them tomorrow, implying that someone wants to see them tomorrow, thst somwone cares for them and thwy dont need to throw thier life away.
What even is the joke here? She decided to kill herself at home to reduce the likelihood of someone raping her corpse?
Or is it funny because the guy on the bridge saw her attempt at suicide as a sexual opportunity?
It's almost like an anti-joke, where the humor comes from how offensive it is. It's sad to think there are people who live this sort of experience, being seen as a sex object more than a human being, even in the darkest hours of their life. That's gotta fuck someone up.
It's called black humor. It's funny because it's dark, shared suffering. Hospice nurses and grade school teachers, for instance, tend to have great black humor.
Either you're looking for something to be offended about or you're lucky and haven't suffered much in your life.
I love black humor, but this is weak. A good black joke uses dark subjects to amplify effective humor, it's not just funny because it's crude. This is more akin to shock humor. The place it really falls short is the punchline imo.
Frankly I think the amount I've suffered probably detracts from it if anything; I've been there for two different friends after they lost a sister to suicide, both had been aggressively sexualized during their depression.
When it comes to black humour, people tend to have lower standards. I guess for them the shock factor is enough to carry the joke. But once you've seen enough black humour, the shock factor starts to wear thin. The shock factor should complement the joke, not be the subject of it.