is that snow leopard? first version of osx i ever used lol, those were fun days.
8 0 Replyit's mountain lion
3 0 Replyyeah that makes more sense, haven't used a mac since mavericks, cant remember these things anymore lol.
4 0 Reply
Damn, reminds me I really want to give a Hackintosh build a shot one of these days. Just gotta find a day where shiny objects don't overwhelm my brain.
4 0 ReplyHow do you deal with missing drivers?
4 0 Replyvigorous googling :3
21 0 Reply
omg legacy hackintoshing is silly af :3 i wish i could do it on real hardware lmfao
also i feel like i recognize you from somewhere?
3 0 Replyyeahh :3 also do you now? interesting
2 0 Replydo you recognize anyone named pancake? might just b confusing you with someone else with a similar pfp though lmfao
1 0 Reply
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