He's already killed a budget bill and defied a MAGA bread and butter policy issue, for his obvious benefit, back-to-back with zero real pushback. His bounds seem basically unlimited.
Trump was always going to side with moneyed interests. Though he is certainly racist, he doesn't care about his supporters or what they want. His in-group is crass wealth.
Trump didn’t even hesitate to kiss the ring. Immigration is his number one issue. He killed the bipartisan bill to run on it. Elon snaps his fingers, and Trump publicly supports his pro-immigration position, which legitimately devalues American workers to create indentured servitude for highly-skilled workers from abroad. The H1B guys were the ones working at Twitter until 2am, while their boss was on drug binges, and sleeping in cots in their offices.
I don’t think Trump even kissed Putin’s ass this much. I hate Trump, but I never thought of him as not having balls, especially against a fucking moron like Elon.
Also me, though. I was hoping H1B visa status would die a well deserved death. It's basically indistinguishable from indentured servitude and causes massive issues in having a free and equitable labor market.
I don't personally agree with any limits on immigration but if we're going to have limits then everyone we admit should be treated no different from a citizen in most ways - they shouldn't be tied to specific employers or anything else that will cause domestic wage deflation.
Fuck Trump with a rusty dildo - but I was hoping he, and not Elon, came out on top in this one.
The entire congress can be bought either outright or with the threat of a primary challenger that is extremely well funded. That will get whoever the ultra-rich wants in line.
Not necessarily. Trump can't pass legislation without Republican support in Congress, and those peope have their own values (and bribery goals). All of this before he takes power, and his power is only good for the next two years anyway.
The man sent a literal mob to attack the capital, has been convicted of multiple crimes, and openly admitted to more. Teflon Don doesn't care about dirt.
Hilarious, south african oligarch imports talent to exploit instead of hiring American and the people who voted for his puppet are shocked. Literally everyone tried to tell them it was a grift, so if we all gotta suffer I'm going to be laughing at them the whole way.
The URL has already been posted, but Axios ninja edited the article as events unfolded, as they tend to do. I'm treating this as a new development, but mods, please delete if you think that's prudent.
350 million people in the US and none of them are talented enough for this guy. The government had 350 million chances to educate and professionalize, and here we are outsourcing to India because Musk isn't happy with the current crop.
That's because this crop doesn't want to work for tree fiddy and on 4h of sleep every day. How is he gonna wipe his tears with money if he has to pay people?
H1B workers kept Twitter from imploding. They couldn’t quit unless they had a new job lined up. They couldn’t complain about having to sleep in the office or they might get deported.
And of course is has nothing to do with talent and training at all, the US (and many others) created the system where you put yourself into huge debts to get the education the companies need from you, and then they also don't want to pay you a wage that will allow you to live comfortably and crawl out of that debt.
So then they buy the government and arrange for people with similar education, who are more desperate, less informed of labour laws and unable to switch jobs when they get here.
Let there be no mistake, it's not about talent so much as it is about keeping wages low. Many tech companies do this explicitly, especially since interest rates rose and investing money stopped being free.
Anecdotally, I was at a company and was instructed not to hire in the US. I could choose Montréal, a few countries in Europe, or Isreal.
Many of them have been doing this shit since the 90s. When I read about how "we no find coderz in the U.S!" I know it's complete horse manure. I suppose there are some niche fields where it might actually be hard to source certain types of engineers or what have you.
But seriously, programming? You cannot find that locally? GTFO with that...
For a brief blip there I hoped that agent orange might actually blow up H-1B, even if for the wrong reasons, but this outcome (moneyed interests calling the tune) is entirely expected, I guess. Even if his racist base haaaaaates it.
It absolutely isn't. H1B visa holders are basically indentured servents. It's an absolutely awful policy to tie immigration to a persons employment status with a specific employer (or another employer willing to accept the paperwork of maintaining H1B employees which you must find rapidly of you lose your job).
We have skill based immigration and I'd much rather these H1B applicants got in under that and could choose to move jobs if their employer is abusive. As it is many H1B visa holders end up trapped in underpaid overworked positions for fear of needing to suddenly relocate their lives again.
Agreed. If donvict ended H-1B, it would probably end up being the only good thing he ever did. Ideally, it'd be ended, then augmented with some system that expedites encouraging/getting people here and having permanent status, with no ties to any corporations.
That second part I doubt donvict would do because he's a racist, but if H-1B was ended, we'd see what kind of pressure builds up to balance things out by permanent immigration. If it becomes a real need where talent for things like programming hits some breaking point[1], companies can lobby to have immigration expedited w/o indentured servitude. Let's see if they do that...
[1] again, even typing this out...LOL. How many people are/were being cranked out of coding bootcamps? Did all those people disappear? Where are all the people getting laid off going? If the industry would stop discarding people past some stupid arbitrary cut-off on age - egregious, pervasive ageism is NORMALIZED within the software industry - if you want everyone to have 10 years experience with a certain constantly shifting set of tools/languages, but want them in their twenties, with no spouse and no kids and no other obligations, willing to work wayyyyy beyond 40 hours for no compensation, you've just done a self-own and have no one to blame but yourself. Going out to industry press/social media/government and declaring that you cannot find the talent locally is obviously concocted BS.
I now know so many people that have been chewed up and spit out by the industry and mostly it's because they were too unwise to do a very human thing and age beyond their mid-30s. It gets sharply worse in the 50s. Not because they don't have the education and the experience. It's because they have a life outside of work, have relevant experiences they can bring to bear (making younger management often look bad in that process) and are not quite so malleable as someone in their early 20s.