Electronics manufactures must from Saturday fit all devices sold in the EU with USB-C charger ports in a bid by the 27-nation bloc to reduce waste and cut costs for consumers, who will no longer have…
My only concern with this law, is that what happens when USBC is no longer the best option. Idk how to express what I’m saying but what if USB-G ends up being 1000x as fast. Does this law allow for chargers to evolve and if so, how? I admit I haven’t looked into this but I’ve been wondering about it.
I’m 99% wireless these days so I wouldn’t be surprised if chorded chargers are largely on their way out, but I’m still curious.
Manufacturers are allowed to add supplementary charging standards on top of USB-C PD, and the commission is required to review the landscape every 5 years to see if a new technology is better than USB-C that should be adopted in the future
And they're using recommendations from the USB consortium, which is comprised of all the large manufacturers in the world, so it should always be up to date during the review process.
Manufacturers are allowed to add supplementary charging standards on top of USB-C PD
Controversial opinion: I wish this wasn't the case. So many different proprietary protocols, most of the time you'll still need a specific adapter, and in some cases even a proprietary cable to utilize the full speed, and nowadays most devices come without the adapter.
And there's even PPS in the PD spec allowing to request for a specific voltage rather than something in an existing list.
But I do also have some personal grievances here:
Mi TurboCharge - This may be something based on PD, but still being something separate. I don't know, but I do know it requires more pins than USB-A has. 5 pins. Somewhere I read this is connected to a CC pin in the USB-C connector. But no, they did not use USB-C, they used USB-A, with an extra pin. Only shortly before the phone died I finally figured out why it wasn't charging as fast as expected - I wasn't using their proprietary cable.
My current phone's interference (?) with Qualcomm QC 2.0 - Somehow when using a cable with non-perfect connection on QC-compatible adapters, when I move the USB-A connector, it starts triggering 12V mode until it finally shows overvoltage error and slows down to 7W. QC 2.0 is how my USB tester identifies it. This is a MediaTek-based device, so I don't think it would support QC. The original adapter uses PD and some 11V 6A thing with unknown protocol. Perhaps that is where the problem originates, I don't know what data it sends down. But testing with OTG adapter on the original brick it seems the protocol needs the extra pins of USB-C to work properly.
I've had 3 phones that supported some fast charging, so far 2 of them made it into a confusing mess. Had they all used just PD it would have been a better experience.
USB-C doesn't have speeds, it's just a connector type. USB 1, 2, 3-3.2, 4 etc. is the protocol responsible for speed. You can have a USB-C connector with any implementation (except maybe USB 1). It can even do DisplayPort stuff.
So for USB-C to become irrelevant we need to come up with a better connector form factor. Which is unlikely to happen soon. But also, same thing happened with USB-B Micro connector (colloquially called micro USB), it was designated as a standard (but Apple managed to get an exemption) and manufacturers had no issues moving to a better connector, which is USB-C.
I wouldn’t have even known what to google to learn this. Thanks for sharing! I actually love the C form factor I didn’t realize that was kinda what made it C and not what it could do. I appreciate your response.
What I don't understand is what was wrong with mini-USB.
Too thick? Just why do people want a portable computer to be thinner that their wallet, or their notebook, or their damned pen, or that Snickers bar in their pocket which nobody made thinner. Who the hell told them that "miniaturization being the future of tech" has anything to do with the box inside which that tech is mounted being just a bit thinner? I mean, were it thin enough to put computers into printed magazine pages, maybe (I think I've read that someone did this, with a computer kinda as powerful as ZX Spectrum). Why do they specifically need it? Not to appear "modern", but really?
The question is, because for me personally mini-USB was very convenient. It held well, was easy enough to stick the right way (and not ruin it trying to stick it the wrong way).
Now, I guess USB-C is fine if it can do the same and go both ways. I actually like it, except RPi 4 is the only device I have needing it.
It's just ... how can one try so many connector types for one group of standards?..
The plug will be the same, bet money. There are already several sorts of USB-C. And think on this, the USB-A has had the same shape for going on 30-years.
This, USB-C is just the connector shape. USB-A is the standard square plug everyone knows, USB-B has several different ends, some more well known than others. The full sized "printer/hub" one, mini-B and micro-B which more people know. USB-A to A cables aren't common, more akin to an Ethernet crossover cable, so you're almost always going to see one of the B connectors.
USB-C is just the newest plug design, the actual cable and communication protocols have changed numerous times over the decades. USB-C might have been introduced alongside USB 3.0 and the massive increase in charging and data speeds with the new standard, but they are not exclusive.
The most obvious example is probably the iPhone 15 and 16, both had a USB-C plug, but the devices only supported USB 2.0 protocols.
There's only so much power you can put through such a small connector. I could certainly see a high end gaming laptop requiring more than 240W since GPUs keep getting more power hungry. They could increase the voltage a bit, but I doubt they will go much higher.
If you bothered to read the article, you'd notice that the charger was chosen by the manufacturers a decade ago in a summons by the European commission. If Apple had complied to do what they agreed to do back then, this law wouldn't exist. But they got whiny and litigious. So, instead of an at will standardization program, the EU decided to make it mandatory by law, to shut Apple up, and anyone else who wanted to forcibly refuse to comply. The cool thing about European law is that nothing is written in stone. Not even constitutions are considered sacred, unlike in the Americas, and can be changed at any point or amended as long as proper procedures are followed. There's nothing, ever, preventing the EU from calling another commission of tech companies to choose a new charger, if a better one ever shows up.
I did read the article but didn’t know anything about EU law. Someone else shared an excerpt of the law and kindly explained how it worked. Thanks for your response though.
You should verify this, but I think there is like a consortium of sorts made up of tech companies that pick a standard that they all must follow. So in the future, it’s possible for them to pick a new standard, and then after a transition period everything would be required to switch (though of course you could still continue using old devices, they just can no longer be sold new).
Fair. I only use cables, but my assumption would be that they would adapt to new standards. Which is effectively what this is doing to standardize it, IMO.
USB-C standardizes only a connector. Thats good since there’s a lot of room to evolve the standard while keeping at least physical compatibility, but also bad because now we’re back to a stiuation where we have things that fit together but maulnot be entirely compatible. I suppose there’s a minimum base and a negotiation process so things should somewhat work plus tend to improve over time.
This is an interesting article, but I think that this standardisation is exactly for port being the same, not for pinning specific implementation of the 600+ pages long standard.
Yes and no. No need to hot swap massive EV batteries. Rapid is fast enough. But yes so the EV can be upgraded. The batteries go obsolete quicker than they degrade. So make it so we can swap the batteries and keep the rest running. In fact, just right-to-repair the whole car. In fact, the whole everything!
That is something that I wish would come true. This would also open EVs to the industry in some new ways. Currently it kinda sucks if you have machines that have to be able to run the whole day without big interruptions. When you're able to just swap the batteries in like 5 Minutes this machines don't have to rely on fossil fuels that much and are open to be replaced by electric ones.
What I'm thinking about are machines like tractors for farming. During the summer it happens that they are running for 8+ hours without interruptions. Building a battery this big will be quite challengening. However, if you're able to swap out the batteries after like 2 hours and then continue with work you effectively solved one of the biggest problems with not that much of a hassle.
This sounds great until you've had to repair an old car.
Everything rusts, warps, etc. The same things that make it hard to change your brakes will make it hard to change the battery pack, and you're expecting a robot to do it for you (and fast!).
There were companies built on this idea. I think they've all gone under at this point.
One of the benefits of EVs is we can get rid of a lot of infrastructure. Everywhere already has electrical so home and destination chargers are a minor add on and it’s only superchargers that are new infrastructure. Meanwhile the entire gasoline and oil refining, distribution, and tens of thousands of gas stations can just go away, along with their associated pollution.
Swappable batteries may sound cool but they’re less edficient plus now we have to build up a huge new set of infrastructure agai, we have to standardize batteries, and we can’t build them into structural parts. The only real advantage is speed but that’s not much advantage if you need to drive somewhere. I’ve never had to charge more than 25 minutes at a supercharger, so swapping a battery is only convenient if it’s at most ten minutes more away. Then you’re also assuming there will be more more battery and charger advances, such as those solid state batteries that a couple vendors claim are already in production, such as 800v charging that a few vehicles already can do, such as the latest Superchsrgers that can charge faster than any car can accept so far, or the semi chargers that have a few built out.
Long before you could build out a huge new infrastructure for seappable batteries and standardize cars around it, we’ll already have charging improvements that will make seappables irrelevant. You could argue they already are irrelevant in some areas
So add infrastructure every town and each 200km (120 miles) on the highway to robotically swap batteries and charge the stored batteries (and so many stored batteries if it's storing enough for 500 cars an hour
As opposed to building chargers with standard connectors which can charge a car in 15 minutes enough to reach the next charger, 30 minutes to 80% (which is generally the limit in high traffic chargers)
I have seen the cages of propane tanks for barbeques and boggle at the idea of the number of 50 to 100kWh batteries a swap station on a highway would need to store
Those, especially the toothbrush, need to be more water resistant. Electric teethbrush should be entirely waterproof, and I don't think USB-C can do that.
I have seen toothbrushes with USB-C, they just connect to the docking station. Which makes sense IMO, you wouldn't want to plug and unplug your toothbrush every time you want to use it.
The benefit is that by being standardized, there will be less proprietary cords and adapters. And the capability of USB-C should be adequate for sometime with the power and data transfer.
One issue, is that not all USBC cords are of the same quality. I found this recently when trying to find a cord that can be used for an external SSD, and video for a monitor. Some cords worked, the rest did not. All the cords could be used for charging, but after that, all bets are off.
The problem is that USB-C is a plug not a standard even in charging some cables won't do as much power as others (though at least they communicate that to the power source).
I do however fully support the total USB-C rollout. In my everyday carry there's now only one plug (2 USB-C one USB-A) and some cables that I can charge everything with, my laptop, my phone my Powerbank and even those few devices that are still USB-B micro (I just carry one USB-A to micro cable).
USB C cables have been all over the shop since the beginning, and chargers. I remember even 5 years back the problems they had. Part of that is the cables and chargers are "active" in the sense they negotiate charge rates and other functionality between either end and if one end is dumb or doesn't respond properly you get the 5V 2A default. On the other hand if you have a USB C 4.0 lightning cable and two compliant devices then potentially you could be powering 2 monitors, keyboard, mouse, wifi, a graphics card even AND charging through one cable. It's actually incredible when it works properly.
cables and chargers are “active” in the sense they negotiate charge rates and other functionality
Just so you know "active cable" already has a separate meaning: They repeat the USB signals somewhere in the middle for a longer transmission distance.
I think the better idea is to pick up the terminology from the USB-IF, they speak of electronical marking, or e-markers in the cables. It's usually a small chip integrated in one of the plug assemblies.
Can we bring back the charging as well, and not just the USB cable... Oh, and while you're at it, screws instead of glue, to replace batteries would be awesome.
no keep the glue please. I love that my phone's back just came off on its own just because it was hot outside and the glue melted away. it was fun and exciting!
That's true, but if the EU could force every phone maker to make the battery replaceable by the customer this would be a huuuuuuge step in the right direction and reduce electronic waste.
Now if only we can standardize cables or at least labeling. We went from everything working wherever it would plugin to everything plugging in but who knows if it will work
Imo they should at the very least standardize some color coding and labeling. All charging-only cables are yellow, data cables are blue. Something like that.
Yeah, or since people are going to want their cute colored cables, do colored stripes on the connectors or something. Even on the metal connector itself, but not on the inside like old USB-A connectors.
While this is good news, the likes of Apple will still find ways to be "compliant" while still being total assholes about it. e.g. the device might charge with USB C but they'll gimp the data transfer rates on non-pro phones. And they'll do the same when mandates about repairability come in - all of a sudden the battery will have a bunch of expensive DRM'd up the ass circuitry attached to it that will cripple the phone if its not recognized or registered by one of their techs and means Apple can kill old phones by being "out of stock" of the battery.
This is absolutely true,however the EU has proven to be not someone you mess with. Apple has already tried shenanigans to stop side loading and got beaten by the EU to comply with the rules.
e.g. the device might charge with USB C but they’ll gimp the data transfer rates on non-pro phones.
Just so you know, there are others who have slow speed on USB Type-C already. My mother's Galaxy A52 has a USB Type-C port that has only USB 2.0 support for data transfer, but with USB PD 3.0 PPS charging up to 25 W.
To me it's legitimate to use USB Type-C for better power delivery even if the chipset runs only at USB 2.0 speeds for data transfer. But hobbling a fast chipset just for product segmentation would be shitty. It is something I could see Apple doing though.
Apple claim that they will get around to implementing 3.0 data transverse speeds when they next refresh their chipsets, but they haven't had time yet. I'm skeptical about this excuse because it's not like this law is a shock to them, they've known it's coming for the best part of 5 years, which is proved by how much they try to argue against it.
Honestly, people who still buy apple phones are dumb fucks. No way to say this nicely.
There's a weird discrepancy where Mac Laptops are decent machines despite being on the expensive side, but iphones are just overpriced hot garbage locking you into an ecosystem.
Then the Apple Max which are decent machines for a while and then need an upgrade (which cannot be done because Apple) necessitating an entire new device.
I was honestly on the fence of getting a MacBook recently as my first newly purchased Laptop, but ultimately decided against it.
Got a fully decked out ThinkPad P14s instead for about 1800€. Meanwhile the new M4 MacBook Pro starts at 1900€. But I agree that Macs still are good value compared other Apple products.
Apple is absolutely overpriced dogshit. There is no legtimitation for the prices they charge. However, Apple has two advantages(as far from what I heard from a lot of others). Its brain dead easy and works. Every Idiot is capable of using apple and won't have that much problems with it. Apple is the right thing for the digital toddlers that want to have it easy. The Ecosystem is great as long as you don't want to break out of it.
I personally would never buy Apple since I like a certain form of complexity and don't want a completely locked down system. However, if you only care about something where you don't have to think and that just works, Apple is The right thing for you.
USB C is mentioned in annex Ia and as an example in articles 11 and 12. As I understand previous articles, it is possible to use other standards that satisfy citeria from article 9.
Yup I have noticed this with my new iPhone 16 pro.
You plug it in and the charging speed as drastically slower than when I use the new ‘official’ apple wireless mag lock (or whatever it’s called) charger.
I have an iPhone 16 and can just from dead to close to 50% in just about half an hour. Is your charger at least 30 watts and supports USB-PD? (I’m using a 65w charger, but remember reading somewhere the iPhone only uses 30w or a bit more)
MagSafe fast charging is only 25w, so charging by cable with a high enough wattage charger is always faster for me.
"Starting today, all new mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, headphones, speakers, keyboards and many other electronics sold in the EU will have to be equipped with a USB Type-C charging port," the EU Parliament wrote on social media X.
I haven't read the legislation, but I get the thrust of it. They want to standardize cellular devices and also cut down on electronic waste. If it's specifically for cellular devices, then no it won't affect TI products. If it's more generally to cut back on electronic waste, then yes it will affect them.
And iPhone users will snap them up. My wife would pay quadruple for the logo alone.
"It has to be Apple compatible!"
I should start a business. Hell, Monster fooled everyone for a decade+ with their high prices and "quality".
Was wiring cable internet for a dude, tugged his Monster cable a bit, end fell off in my hand. My god, the insides were appallingly cheap, fabricated from Chinese whispers and toilet paper. Every element here was as cheap as it gets.
He was a bit upset, a bit surprised. I showed him the differences between the Monster cable and what I was using, made him a new one. Happy camper!
I mean, Apple has been selling USB-C cables ever since they transitioned MacBooks to use Thunderbolt ports in 2016. And yes, they are expensive. But the whole point of standardized cables is that Apple may sell them for $100 if they want to, there will be others who will sell it for a reasonable price and Apple can't hold you hostage with their proprietary connector.
Funny how recently as this was unfolding, USBC chargers for certain devices only work for those devices. So yes now we will only have USBC but ones that will only work with the assigned brands
Literally in the article brief and in the second paragraph: "Electronics manufactures must from Saturday fit all devices sold in the EU with USB-C charger ports..."
You'll probably need them for old devices. But generally you'll just need a USB A to C cable.
Why does it need to change? The older connectors were too fragile, and needed to be too big of that were to support fast data. USB C can do all of the current data standards and is a pretty robust connector
You may want a newer charger anyway in order to charge faster