Your mom's sixth divorce: the sixth divorce belonging to your mom. In this case "mom's" is a possessive singular noun. It feels like an adjective, because it's describing a sixth divorce, but is technically a noun.
They're being ridiculous by saying your mom has been divorced six times or more. Which is highly unlikely. It doesn't affect what they're actually talking about. I like absurd shit like that.
Had to delete my comment because I assumed that it was a typo, but it is possible that they had two mothers who both picked up the phone at the same time
Old home landlines just had a single line for the whole house. If you picked up a phone, you could listen to and talk on whatever the conversation was.
Plenty of affairs were discovered by the wife picking up the phone to make a call while the husband was in his home office.
Oh shit another one! lol. I totally understand how landlines work, but thanks for trying to help. It still doesn't really make sense in the context of a file download being interrupted though. Only the first person to pick up would be interrupting it
Regardless, "moms" is absolutely a word. Y'all just don't know/use it. I understand your logic, so there's no need real to explain it. What's amusing is the jump to believing it's a whole other thing instead of just a nickname you don't know/have yet to learn
Like, I mean, some folks in the south (or east) call their grandparents meemaw. That was a new one for me. Not the exact same, but you get the idea
landlines were shared within a single household - you could pick up the phone on the headset upstairs, and someone in the kitchen downstairs would already be talking to someone. you'd have to apologize and hang up quickly because you just intruded on their conversation. thus, two people could pick up the phone at the same time. Frankly I think that's giving AngryMan too much credit, I'm convinced they're just an idiot who doesn't review before they post.
Party lines were especially popular in rural areas; Dozens of farmhouses would share a single party line, so farmers could just pick up the phone and chat with whoever happened to be on the phone already. It was a huge source of socialization for people who otherwise would have been almost entirely isolated. Farmhouses often have literal miles in between each house, so socialization was difficult simply due to the distance. Party lines were basically pre-internet Discord servers, and you just shared the server with all of your neighbors.
Many farm houses had two phone lines coming into the house; One private line for personal calls, and a party line for the neighbors.
My mom always talked about the party lines growing up in Florida in the 60s, and how she could never get a call out because "Barbara Snyder talked too much and always tied up the lines" lol. Apparently it was common for one party line per block or something like that. Iirc it wasn't too common to have a private line until much later, as the phone company had to run dedicated lines back to the central office and it didn't always happen until much later.
WTF, my mom also mentioned this mythical Barbara in Florida around that time when she talked about part lines. I know it was a fairly common name, but man, Barbara sucks.