That perfect Christmas gift - a picture to hang on your wall commenorating when you wore that classy orange jump suit
That perfect Christmas gift - a picture to hang on your wall commenorating when you wore that classy orange jump suit

Dr. Bob
Should I know these people?
79 1 Replymagnetosphere
Depending on what she was arrested for, this could be a fucking hilarious gift.
71 0 Replysnootchiebootchies That's... not a terrible mug shot
69 1 ReplyBearGun Yea, she looks depressed as fuck but still very pretty
5 0 Replysocsa I can fix her
5 1 Replysurewhynotlem Exactly my type.
4 1 Reply
I wish I could get a copy of my mug shot easily, but apparently it would take a FOIA request, and I’ve never invested the time.
Blue hair, rebellious smirk…it was a thing of beauty.
58 0 Replyaeronmelon Perfect for your social media profile.
Or your CV.
36 0 Replyasteriskeverything You have to work the system to get the shot of when you fought the system
6 0 ReplyZelaf I would love to see that!
4 0 Reply
gibmiser Ah, memories
18 0 ReplyRememberTheApollo_
I guess it’s still pretty funny.
3 0 Reply
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