That's because the death rate for these sorts of problems is very low and at best is a very weak evolutionary pressure which won't yield results for many generations. Additionally, the heritability of medical stupidity is very questionable.
You don't really need the bird flu in that mix, even. Pasteurization was a huge public health win.
What next, fridges are woke nanny state inventions and real red-blooded Americans store all their food in room temperature, especially their raw milk and meat?
Nah, fridges are convenient. That's what makes the beer taste good!
There is a definite interest in learning older preservation techniques. I'm not sure how it lines up with political beliefs, though. For any that do, the big trick was salt - lots of salt. If they are above a certain age, it's likely to do some damage based on the rest of our modern lifestyle.
To be fair since Pasteur we have made enormous progress in refrigeration and supply lines, so if the cow is healthy, and the raw milk is fresh, you should be fine. The main issue is that you should treat the milk in your fridge like something that spoils quickly (like fish), rather than something that can stay in the fridge safely for a week or two. Of course if the cow is sick none of this applies, so it has to come from a trusted source.
TLDR; raw milk can be okay if you are taking far more precautions than you normally would with milk.
It's obvious why they're suddenly obsessed with Raw Milk. It's the same reason they were suddenly Anti-Vax, anti-Mask, and anti-plague-control.
Democrats said a thing, Republicans immediately reply with the opposite.
Democrats said Vaccines prevent disease, Republicans declared vaccines are poison.
Democrats said wearing a mask can reduce the transmission of airborne pathogens, Republicans said masks will kill you and are illegal now.
Democrats said "Don't drink raw milk, it can transmit deadly diseases." Republicans declare "You can take the raw milk from my cold dead hands."
I honestly expect that if Democrats released a PSA against jumping off cliffs onto jagged rocks, because the fall could be dangerous, Republicans would immediately start taking picture standing on the edges of cliffs with the caption of "Don't tell me what to do."
Don't get involved with people who enthusiastically shit on others' ideas, while having none of their own. Can't count how many times I've countered a complaint with "Ok, what would you do?" only to be met with those empty eyes that tell you there's nothing happening behind them.
Some people just think conversation is defined as removed.
Humans are famously garbage at comprehending statistics, and most Darwin Award winning conservative behaviors are born of it.
Take any mundane thing that was part of a status quo of a previous era in recent memory. Anything at all. Research comes out suggesting that thing has a small, but non-negligible risk to be quite harmful. So we collectively shift to a new behavior that tries to eliminate the risk. A shift that, in most sane and civil peoples' opinions, is so unobtrusively small that any theoretical benefit we're trading away is probably well worth the risk elimination.
But oh, a certain group of people will removed and moan and scream and piss all over themselves in rage over how you dared to take away something so integral to their culture and lifestyle! The risk aversion is never worth the vain fringe benefit of whatever perceived quality was lost because the risk is completely invisible until it actually hits them personally.
Milk used to taste so great! God's gift to the world! Then we all started boiling it and now it tastes worse! And for what? Because a couple of weak-bodied cosmic lottery losers were getting a few tummy aches? The vast majority of us are all suffering over nothing! Life was so much better when we weren't all scared of things that won't happen! We did it for millennia and we turned out just fine!
Then you point out all the people actually getting hospitalized from pathogens in raw milk, the very thing we were trying to avoid in the first place, and if they even believe you at all they simply consider it an acceptable price to pay. Better to live in a rich and interesting society where you're free to risk harming yourself and others than a milquetoast one where imperceptible threats have been preemptively eliminated at great cost.
And then they turn around and work to ban books that mention trans people or ban porn websites to save the children or some other dumb shit.
Yeah back in the 2000s my permaculture/crunchy granola/woo woo/socially conservative/Catholic friend liked raw milk because of the health benefits, live cultures, etc., and believed that it was worth the risk that someone, somewhere, might get sick. But he'd be ok though because he knew and trusted His Farm.
I didn't agree with him but I was tempted.
Imo if something can't be regulated to within acceptable risk, it's probably too dangerous.
That's why Alex Honnold can go free solo a cliff because he's only risking himself and his family's future without him, but selling raw milk puts a lot more people at risk.
Maybe take baby steps first, like "you should never cross a street with heavy traffic", "looking down the barrel of your gun is too dangerous" and "eating poop is nasty"
Electrons are the purest substance known to humanity! How are you going to tell me allowing 15 amps of the purest substance known to flow through my body is a bad thing!?
Stupid liberals don't even understand electronomy!
The best way to consume raw chicken is in cocktail form, specifically the pollo colada. It's like a piña colada, except you substitute raw chicken for the pineapple.
Chicken sashimi is a delicacy in Japan, and so easy to prep at home! Just leave your chicken breast out until it assumes room temperature, slice into thin strips, and serve over rice or with seaweed!
At least the Japanese usually use only specially grown and treated chicken for that. Trying that with American supermaket chicken would be a daring idea, to say the least.
And even in Japan they have serious issues with torisashi and consider banning it.
I hope that you don't end up like me and fish. I ate fish for many years until I had some from the student cafeteria that made me sick for days (not only me). Since then I cannot stand any fish or seafood anymore.
They complain so much even when they have exactly what they claim they wanted. They wanted raw milk, they got it. But somehow all the non-raw milk drinkers are "ruining" something for them? Weird.
Yeah, normally I'm all for morons taking themselves out of the equation, but as with Covid, it won't be the morons that are most affected. It will be the sick, the poor, the old, and the young.
As someone who stopped drinking raw milk as soon as I became aware of the bird flu issue they have whatever happens to them coming. They're incredibly goddamn stupid.
I just like non homogenized milk, it's hard to find pasteurized. Nothing worth dying over ffs.
No no no no. Just megadose on vitamin C and take since herbal remedies of questionable origin. You'll be just fine. And if you're not then we'll just blame you for not living a healthy enough lifestyle.
I've noticed lately around me too that "conservatives" will pull out a cig and start smoking it (as a "defense" mode or something...or maybe because I have a mask) & it feels like it's to take a side in some kind of "culture war". Killing themselves to "own the libs". Brilliant.
The alt right crowd are weird as shit. Nobody gave a fuck about "raw milk" until the last year or so.
I've seen signs for raw milk in the UK now. The local Facebook groups have tinfoil hat types who think there's a giant conspiracy about Arla (huge milk wholesaler) milk not selling, and taking photos of milk in shops to "prove" it...
The world seems to be in a mental health crisis, and while I'm not suggesting reopening Bedlam lunatic asylum we should probably pay some attention to this. Social media has a lot to answer for
I work at a tailgate market in a left leaning area. There's always one or two people who come looking for raw milk and I have to explain that the milk we sell is UV pasteurized instead of heat pasteurized, so the proteins are more intact. They're never satisfied with that. They tend to have accents, so I assume they use to get raw milk in their country, but in their country, the milk isn't being mixed from hundreds of cows, possible from completely different farms, so the rick of contamination is much lower where they're from.
I tell them to find a farm and tell them you want to make cheese. It's not my problem if they want to make themselves sick.
People who make cheese as a hobby have called for the ability to buy raw milk for years.
That said alot of people in the hobby also confuse pasteurization with homogenization. I can get cheese almost as good as raw milk by mixing pasturized skim and heavy cream together. Trying to use Homogenized milk results in a mess.
I think the foothold thought was that pasteurization destroys more than just bacteria, and milk might be healthier and/or tastier without having been changed by that process. Of course taste is largely culturally acquired - example A being Germans and UHT milk - but lots of people fancy themselves taste-o-philes.
Then the mistrust of "them" kicked in, and if "they" said the risk of pathogenic bacteria far outweighed any marginal health benefit, the "truth" must be the opposite.
I feel like it used to be a super far left thing but the spectrum is a horseshoe as I'm sure you know. I also think it comes a bit from the prepper community which tends to be "libertarian"
I grew up drinking raw milk because we were milking 50 head of cows every day. Why make a 50 mile round trip to buy something we 500 gallons of right there in the yard. No one died or even got sick from it. Is it better for you? I don't know or care. It's what we had and the price was right. And it's VERY unlikely any of you would actually want to drink it. And this includes the magahats also. It tastes nothing like the stripped down and flash pasteurized milk you are used to.
That said, for the commercial milk you buy and drink, it's an absolute must to pasteurize the milk. It's going to take a week for that milk to get from the dairy to your refrigerator and you expect it last another week or two. And so food safety demands it.
In any case, it's not illegal to drink raw milk. You just can't sell it to other individuals. If you want raw milk all you need do is to simply get your own cow and milk it. Then you can drink it all you want.
I think it was originally a "do we really need the government to mandate this" when they were appealing to the idea of like, a small family farm with people idyllically milking a single cow into a bucket. Then that idea morphed into an actual advocacy of drinking it when it got combined with the sort of "crunchy" "paleo" pseudoscience "health nut" movements.
Tastes better. Probiotic, so can be healthier. Risk is very low of contamination, low enough that the mandate for pasteurized milk was kinda overblown, but technically safer.
I find the posturing the funniest. Conservatives trying to act tough by drinking raw milk is hilariously tame. It's like being proud of not wearing sun screen when mowing the lawn. Like, that's arguably fine either way, but sunscreen is a little safer but...why would you brag about that?
Objectively not true. Zero actual evidence to support that. Also probiotic in itself is not a real thing and the only scientifically probiotic thing is fiber, any fiber because unsurprisingly to care for your bacteria you... need to feed and protect them not introduce more fuckboy dudes coming in trying to fuck shit up lol.
It's attention seeking behavior. They blatantly break small rules with (usually) small risks to get a rise out of people. My 5-year-old does the same thing.
Need to kick things up a notch. What we really need is for scientists to start talking about how bad slitting your wrists is. That's how you get attention.
I hear the "deep state" wants to stop you from eating rotting food. You're not going to let a bunch of scientists and health department officials tell you what to eat, are you?
It's just a different kind of cheese! Cabbage cheese, lettuce cheese, raw ground beef cheese. A bunch of libs ain't gonna tell me what's good for me. I've got Jesus in my court!
They think raw milk is natural, but would they still feel that way if they knew how selectively bred all dairy cows are at this point? The DNA of the dairy cow is where the milk manufacturing pipeline begins. We didn't select for sanitary milk from the udder because we knew it could be pasturized later in the pipeline.
These people fundamentally don't understand nature. We had cows for 8,000 years or so, we existed at least x200 that. So it's 0.5% of our existance which means it's a relatively new technology. Even if you appeal to naturalism here it makes absolute no sense.
Yeah, but the second half of this AI-generated summary is crap. Lactose and milk proteins that cause intolerance don't go away with pasteurization, you get sick with UHT milk too.
I have lived with lactose intolerance for almost half my life. For a while I drank raw milk, and could digest it. What I read is that while it does have lactose, it also still has the enzymes to digest it, that are lost when it is pasteurized.
But these days I don't bother with any milk from cows, I like oat or coconut milk.
Ah, the abbreviation here is great. Since a family friend of mine is named Pat and had been buying into this shit more and more over the years. He even got a doctor to give him hydroxychloroquine during the peak of covid!
Are they or is that just what the media wants us to believe? I hear the "left" is obsessed with all kinds of things too yet I never seem to encounter these people outside of social media.
There definitely are those people too. I noticed this a lot with home schooling. I live in a celery get leaning area and have been surprised at the number of home schoolers I run into.
One had what I consider a good reason - so netting happened at school and the kid was being bullied over it, so they kept him home for a couple years until they could get him in a different school.
But the rest are generally some variation of extremely well educated people thinking they can do better for their kids, let the kids use their imagination or dive very deeply into their interest. But they’re not teachers and not prepared to dedicate every weekday to covering all the same ground. All good intentions, all poorly done at their kids expense
I wonder if the GOP really thought this through. First, they try to breed more uneducated Americans, so they have a voter base that is stupid enough to vote conservative, and then they kill them off by a combination of an antivaxx mindset and unhealthy food that promotes an incoming pandemic virus.
I've never heard anyone in the far-left make a point about unpasteurized milk, why would you put that in the title and then not reference that anywhere in the article, Salon?
Yeah and those who do for shit don't drink unpasteurized milk. Maybe some hippies do but honestly their politics are all over, often "apolitical", certainly not far left.
That statement isn't about the unpasteurized milk, it's about being anti-establishment. If I had to guess, I'd say the idea is to say "both these groups are anti-establishment, now let me show you how crazy the raw milk thing on this side is so you'll implicitly think the other group is a bunch of weirdos too."
I’m sure it’s usually ok. That’s kind of the problem: if they only get sick 1 in 10 times, for example, they won’t connect the two enough to learn their lesson. Humans are dumb that way, and looking at prevalence of disease in the population is apparently now “woke liberal bs”
If they want to drink raw milk and cough their lungs out; I am not going to stop them. The conservatives clearly wish to be left alone in their stupidity and lack of education, and we can't force them to pursue knowledge.
I also suspect that the bird flu (H5N1) is not (as of yet, at the time this post was written...) likely to mutate to spread in a human-to-human context. It's not impossible for it to do so though...but the mutation(s) have not yet reached a point where humans can pass it on to each other by breathing the same air; I would guess that a significant contact (Like breathing, eating or touching a very very very large amount of a bodily output that contains the virus) is likely needed to spread that virus; as that's how it's spread from animal to human so far. TL;DR: I could be wrong; but I don't believe it's capable of a pandemic yet. Science has not yet presented enough strong evidence that this is spreading from person to person. I welcome any citations to prove that wrong however. Thankfully I'm not conservative, and do welcome being shown that my suppositions are indeed wrong; as long as it's done respectfully.
The conservatives clearly wish to be left alone in their stupidity
No, no they do not. They feel compelled to force their stupidity on everyone. I guarantee you, there will be bills brought to the floor that require raw milk to be served at elementary schools.
there will be bills brought to the floor that require raw milk to be served at elementary schools.
So prove that is what they are doing. Otherwise your argument is just pure hyperbole. I get that conservatives are dangerously stupid; but don't spread falsehoods; that's how they get a turn at the stump to convince more people to join their stupid cause.
I also suspect that the bird flu (H5N1) is not (as of yet, at the time this post was written...) likely to mutate to spread in a human-to-human context.
If you are infected with multiple flu strains at the same time, the viruses can recombine and yield a new strain. That is substantially more chance to get a human-to-human transmissible H5N1 than just by mutation alone (which is still something that should not be underestimated - flu mutates like crazy). There is a reason why virologists warn about H5N1 as the likely candidate for the next pandemic.
Just because it can, does not mean it will. I've yet to see any hard evidence of probabilities either; but I welcome any evidence one might present to that effect. I am always skeptical of science news reporting; as oftentimes they blow things out of proportion.
This goes beyond "show you sources" to "you need classes in genetics, microbiology, organic evolution, and maybe statistics". For what it's worth, I'm an educated and experienced microbiologist with experience in public health. I'm not sure how to cite what's effectively a semester of college education and four textbooks into one comment. I can explain the basics and you can verify details if you'd like. I am more than happy to answer questions and point you towards where you might find more information on specific topics but citations for all of this would be a huge endeavor.
There are two main reasons H5N1 isn't human-to-human: specificity and, by its effect, low transmission. I'll try to keep this super high level.
Regarding specificity, viruses don't infect cells at random. Instead, there's basically a "lock and key" effect where the virus attaches to an external component (receptor) of the soon-to-be infected cell, then it releases its genetic payload. Much like how it's pretty easy to pick most locks, it doesn't need to be a perfect match, just close enough to get the job done.
This is how you get some splash over between species, as there's variation in both the virus and potential receptors due to mutation, and through random chance you might get a good enough match. The more exposure a virus has to potential receptors, the more likely it is that this will happen. If it happens, the particular mutation making this possible will be selected for in that individual or population, creating many more copies of a mutation that otherwise may have just died out. This is exactly what happens when a human gets infected with a zoonotic virus.
Next we have transmission. Not all cells in the human body have the same receptors, so viruses can infect different parts of the body. This is partly why people get "head colds" and "stomach bugs" - that's the region with the most cells with the target receptor. H5N1 isn't particularly good at infecting human airway cells, so infected humans are fairly well dead ends as this blocks airborne transmission, its primary mode of spread.
Currently, H5N1 is one point mutation, vastly the most common type of mutation, away from switching specificity to humans and infecting our airways. This is incredibly small and viruses churn out point mutations like crazy. Every time some dingus swills down raw milk, we're rolling evolution's random chance mutation dice. If just one virion has that single mutation and successfully infects that moron's airway, it's game on for a potential new pandemic. Evolution is just a numbers game and the more chances you give it, the more likely it is to happen.
They've done it before, they'll do it again. Just give it time and with abundance of idiots helping it along, soon the Maga bird flu will be the hot new COVID.
They have been in in emboldened by stupid things and stupid people becoming popular. Because they are also stupid people doing stupid things, they think being stupid is now somehow heroic.
But they’re just shitty stupid people doing shitty stupid things.
I grew up on a dairy farm and milked cows every day. We never bought "store" milk to drink. It always came from the tank every morning. We also made and ate foods that would cause you urbanites blanch and faint if you only knew, (I miss the home made blood sausage and canned beef my Grandmothers made). It's not a death sentence like many of you seem to think. But, for commercial store bought milk, it IS imperative that the milk is pasteurized for consumer safety. That milk might be a week or two old before it reaches your refrigerator in the Big City/Suburbs/Gentrified neighborhood.
I doubt if drinking raw milk will become common place amongst magahats. It tastes NOTHING like what they or you are used to. It's a whole different thing. And the vast majority of you would hate the taste of it and refuse to drink it. And the first time someone gets the shits from drinking it, they will try and sue the dairy they bought the milk from. And that won't end well.
In Europe they seem to not have the same fear/issues with the sale or consumption of "raw dairy" that we do here in the US. Perhaps they are smarter about such things.
"That woke dairy farm didn't take all the pasture outta the milk before they put it in the cartons! Everyone's getting sick because they're not depasteurizing the milk enough!" - my qanon neighbour, probably
I think a lot of it is coming from the bird flu scare. If the milk is pasteurized the virus would be killed in the process. If it isn't killed and gets transferred to a person it can be deadly. The chance of death varies drastically though. Worse than covid odds, but up to ridiculous levels if someone is pregnant.
Basically if a pregnant woman gets it from raw milk somehow, the chances of death for her and the baby are around 90%. So the lack of knowledge of if the spread amongst the cows is being stopped, is leading to the fear of it being dangerous to humans