Not many people know this but you have to heat up non stick pans really hot to "activate" the coating. Throw them in the oven at about 450°F for an hour!
I'm just some idiot on the internet, but please, put a disclaimer of some sort on this. Polymer fume fever is shitty for people and absolutely hideously lethal for birds. I dunno what the LC50 is for birds, but anecdotally, a bird anywhere in the same building has a nonzero chance of dying. Birds in the same room will die. God knows what all those horrible fluorinated fumes will do to people over the long term, but they make you really sick in the short term.
Trolling can be funny, but not when it's encouraging people to do actively hazardous stuff.
If someone dies because of this I could see you getting charged with man slaughter. You are like the Walmart guy who put pesticides on vegetables as a joke.
Although I have accidentally baked a cast iron pan on high with my grill before. I turned it on and then got busy with someone on the phone. It got to around 700F for a hour and the outer surface came off. Once I got off the phone I slowly brought down the heat and let it cool over a few hours. Once I sanded off the burnt layers and reseasoned it was as good as new. I've been using that cast iron wak for decades.
Do you even mean "You realize this is a men post and community right?" Seriously the level of meming is proportional to frying pans squared. In fact it could be said that Frying pans were the first type of meme. Frying pans have been around long before Reddit and they even predate things like brexit and Barack Obama. (Quirky I know)