expansionglorify @
expansionglorify @reddthat.com
Posts 0
Comments 17
Do you think increasing ADHD diagnosis are due to better detection or "tiktok"? expansionglorify @reddthat.com 3 0
Do you think there could be different types of ADHD, similar to how diabetes has type I & II?
What does your OS do that I should steal? expansionglorify @reddthat.com 2 0
If you are interested in a specific distro, they usually have a website with a direct download or torrent option. Then you can build a virtual machine with that distro
Antibiotic emergency ‘could claim 40 million lives in next 25 years’ expansionglorify @reddthat.com 21 0
- current rate is 1million/year
- estimated 40million/25years,
- 60% increase YoY
TIL you can pay $100 per night for Premium Jail with more comfortable conditions expansionglorify @reddthat.com 15 0
So... In other jails in the US, probably for profit, it costs money to stay and they don't give the option for a better room
A simple bash script that allows the user to visually explore their file system. expansionglorify @reddthat.com 4 0
Doesn't happen to me
Eugenics isn't dead—it's thriving in tech expansionglorify @reddthat.com 1 1
Unless you're extra poor, then have dozens
Eugenics isn't dead—it's thriving in tech expansionglorify @reddthat.com 2 0
Jeff, it seems like we're 1/3 the way there already
Israeli strikes across Gaza kill at least 50, including several kids expansionglorify @reddthat.com 2 0
Really needing extra meditative time during the holidays expansionglorify @reddthat.com 4 0
Relatable! I too rake sand in my zen garden!
What opinions about the tech industry do you feel comfortable expressing here, but not in public/at work? expansionglorify @reddthat.com 1 0
Capitalism Is Draining the Life From Our Culture Industries expansionglorify @reddthat.com 1 0
Best comment here
Capitalism Is Draining the Life From Our Culture Industries expansionglorify @reddthat.com 1 0
The only question worth asking, during any time
IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO! expansionglorify @reddthat.com 6 0
So relatable! I too cook with pans in the kitchen!
Do you know what people mean when they ask - “know what I mean?” expansionglorify @reddthat.com 20 1
I don't know what you mean