It can be easy to be nose-blind to your own smell, trust me its easy to stink enough to be offensive to others but not notice yourself.
They're doing you a favor by letting you know. Just take the extra moment and put some on in the morning. Just don't overdo it and douse yourself in body spray; too much body spray is nasty too.
Yes, of course. Its not about "feeling different" its about calming down all the bacteria in your under arms that make offensive odors. You might not care, but the people around you can clearly notice the odor coming off of you. Even if you're a clean person, having odors like that makes you come off as a dirty or unhygienic person.
Yes. It is very important otherwise people might get very uncomfortable being around you. That creates barriers when making friends, getting jobs, etc. One other thing - deoderant is not the same as antiperspirant and vice versa. Use both.
I don’t wear deodorant on the weekends, but I do when I go to work. Unless you’re going to start living outside, you should probably find a deodorant that works for you and start using it. If someone is telling you that you smell bad, especially someone who cares about you, then take there advice and do something about it.
You say you don’t really care about your smell, but your family obviously do. Since you don’t care just start using some every day. It makes a world of difference and you don’t even have to use that much.
I have sensitive skin and can't stand artificial scents, they give me a brutal headache.
When I get funky I dust my pits with baking soda. It erases smells instead of "putting lipstick on the pig". Wear a white shirt though, it'll turn your pits white.