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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

A pro-science marxist who is labeled with Autism and ADHD. Psychiatry is a psuedoscientific tool of oppression mostly used by the bourgeoisie and we should oppose it!

Dealing with silent reflux.

  • Prolewiki (can't access forgot password, no email)
Posts 60
Comments 0
Reddit Amicese

My husband refuses to learn how to cook so he made himself boiled eggs and naan bread for dinner. - r/mildlyinfuriating

The fuck is OP's problem? He cooked for himself, not you; and he didnt pester you to cook.

Also, naan bread requires cooking… so either he cooked it or ordered it. Either way, who cares?


Ever notice how there's a lot of Russophobia and racism against Russians in Counter-Strike games?

Before the ukraine war, I noticed that a bunch of insults in that game were targetting Russians like saying SUKA BLYAT in a mocking tone.

Some of The U.S fan base generalize(d) russians as if they're like this.

Philosophy Amicese


health Amicese

WHO says no level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health

The risks and harms associated with drinking alcohol have been systematically evaluated over the years and are well documented.

No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health

What a surprise. /j


Why do seemingly many responses to fight videos have bigoted-rhetoric? (specifically on Reddit)

This video as an example has the "mEn'S rIgHtS!" sexist rhetoric of "equality".


  • (Fatphobia)
  • ("mUh MeN's RiGhTs")
health Amicese

How A Simple Bump Can Cause An Insidious Brain Injury

Well, guess I'm screwed since I bump my head, semicommonly…


Also, this is NPR, so it's unsurprising they whitewashed the U.S military.

health Amicese Thiamine Deficiency and Aberrant Fat Metabolism: Clues to Adverse Reactions- Hormones Matter

Thiamine deficiency impacts mitochondrial functioning via multiple mechanisms. A new discovery shows just how important thiamine is to mitochondrial health.

Thiamine Deficiency and Aberrant Fat Metabolism: Clues to Adverse Reactions- Hormones Matter

An actual child taking orders at Culvers this evening

Good old child labor in the civilized™ west!

0 - Emacs mastodon instance

A safe and friendly Mastodon instance, operated for Emacs, Lisp and FOSS enthusiasts, developers and all open-minded humans. 5000 character limit.

Why do the form text elements move around when yanking text?

When I yank text longer than the form text element; it splits and stops working.


New 4Koma Manga Isekai Tensei! Marx-kun Reincarnates Karl Marx Into A Fantasy World

Finally, the fabled Marx isekai!

health Amicese

Update: There are 80k total cases of Monkeypox. 2022 Mpox Outbreak Global Map | Mpox | Poxvirus | CDC

Mpox (monkeypox) is a viral disease that occurs mostly in central and western Africa. It was first identified in laboratory monkeys. However, it is much more common among animals such as rats, mice, rabbits, and the African Squirrel.

2022 Mpox Outbreak Global Map | Mpox | Poxvirus | CDC

cross-posted from:

> U.S already has COVID, imagine the shit show that will happen when Monkeypox continues to spread like crazy. Yet here we are and the U.S still doesn't seem to give a shit. > > Sending love to the immunocompromised; they do not deserve this.

General Programming Discussion Amicese

International auxiliary languages should be utilized in software development (to improve international collaboration).

Given that international auxiliary languages allow for more efficient cooperation; I think more people should consider using an easily learnable IAL, like Esperanto.

IALs would reduce the English dominance that gate-keeps software development to English persons; and hence allow more potential software developers to better develop software. The English language is mostly dominant in software development because of linguistic imperialism.

health Amicese

Undisclosed Financial Conflicts Endemic in Clinical Practice Guidelines

It's one study, so more repetitive studies are needed, but I'm unsurprised.

Minecraft Discussion / News Amicese

MCArchive Home – MCArchive

The Minecraft Archive provides a central place find mods for old versions of Minecraft.

0 Why DSM-III, IV, and 5 are Unscientific

If science is defined as some kind of systematic study of observed experience applied to hypotheses or theories, and then confirmation or refutation of those hypotheses or theories, followed by new hypotheses or theories that are further tested and refined by new observations – if this is the core o...

Why DSM-III, IV, and 5 are Unscientific

None of the DSM editions had ever been scientific lmao.

> "our understanding of the biology of mental disorders has been slow in coming."

There's no biology in mental disorders; none of them have objective phenomena and they are arbitrarily given and created.

health Amicese

Long Term Antidepressant Use Associated With Increased Morbidity and Mortality

What a surprise: consuming drugs that damage the body increases mortality.

Don't need to make the conditions for needed health if you can just scam people into getting them amirite capitalists? /s

health Amicese

Antidepressants suppress microliga activity (aka they suppress the first line of the brain's immune system).

Sources.^[Kalkman, H. O., & Feuerbach, D. (2016). Antidepressant therapies inhibit inflammation and microglial M1-polarization. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 163, 82–93. doi:10.1016/j.pharmthera.2016.]^[Ohgidani, M., Kato, T. A., Mizoguchi, Y., Horikawa, H., Monji, A., & Kanba, S. (2016). Antidepressants Modulate Microglia Beyond the Neurotransmitters Doctrine of Mood Disorders. Melatonin, Neuroprotective Agents and Antidepressant Therapy, 611–620. doi:10.1007/978-81-322-2803-5_36]


This is just pathetic. Those studies are trying to imply that suppression of microliga activity can "improve" depression. They would totally view forcing in unneccessary emotional chemicals to make someone happier as "cUrInG dEpReSsIoN."

I do not want to imagine an immunocompromised person taking these drugs...


Seriously, WTF is that green stuff?

I have no idea what they are…

  • It's not moving.
  • They are very sparse.
health Amicese

Gut dysbiosis induces the development of pre-eclampsia through bacterial translocation. Gut, gutjnl–2019–319101 | 10.1136/gutjnl-2019-319101