Apart from save you a hell of a lot if time and effort selling a house yourself. I don't love the industry, but they do offer a useful service for people without the time and the energy to do it themselves.
as someone who lives in a country where folks dont post properties online for sale and there is no MLS and the government has terrible records of land boundaries, I can say that the work that real estate agents do is super fucking helpful
I was driving home on the southbound 5 near Seattle, when suddenly this yacht came our of nowhere man. If it wasn't for the old guy fucking a consenting 18 year old, I would have noticed traffic and the other guy in front of me also looking intensely at the bouncing tits.
I propose we have a law against sexual activity for very old men who are CEOs. They should run instead and you can imagine many ways to make that very effective. Some would suggest that just a car could do it. But I disagree because we need the activities to last, and a car would be too easy. I propose a bull run. Every Saturday and Sunday and other days that may happen in between, we'll bring old men And women, both, into a closed off street and we'll release a bull or two in there. I figure there would be some running. Enough for television. Once its over, we bring back the bulls to pasture and give them all that is necessary for a good run every now and then.
I had an idea about a plastic sub controlled by a ps3 controller where CEOs could go check out Titanic. But I just don't have that sort of money. I do, I mean I can find a barrel for 50 bucks but, I mean, a good go pro. Nah, too fancy. I would still to bulls, but they tend to not like it.
The planes that were shot landing in Hati didn't have mechanical issues. If a stray bullet hits an aircraft, the biggest risk is that it hits a human on that aircraft afaict
It's already illegal to shoot at things in the sky unless you're a government agent or soldier. And they aren't about to start dropping things unless drones are getting in the way of stuff on the joint military base in NJ or at Newark Liberty Airport.
I propose the state stops flying drones and blaming them on foreign actors when it's all a stunt to distract the public from Luigi and it's all bullshit anyway.
But I thought it was just satellites and meteors and bad captures of airplanes on cellphone cameras. That's what we've been told. Who would have thunk 🤔
I wish they'd ban them everywhere except your own private property, or areas designated for rc plane flying. Also, land owners should have the right to shoot any drone flying over their property down.