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  • American culture in general:

    "Remember: There is no society - only YOU and the freedom to do whatever you want!"

    .... the chef's kiss was in parking your monstrosity next to a Big Sad Box .... a beautiful summary of the general North American society we've created. Millions of years of evolution to get to the point of selfish ignorantly following a life style to park next to a big sad box and buy an overpriced couch you can't afford made by Vietnamese children.

    • And to boast that it's the absolute Pinnacle of society. It's the only version they've seen but they're convinced there are zero improvements

  • In all honesty, the wideness of modern cars may actually be their downfall. I live in a suburban area (Not US, but that doesn't matter it's become everyone's problem.) and the roads were designed for cars to be parked on either side and two, narrow lanes in the middle where people could, slowly, get past each other, with a certain amount of tolerance (i.e. space).

    Then came an EPA ruling in the states (late 90's I think) and trucks were immune to sensible laws and all the car companies made trucks that were immune to being too wide (among other things). They became objects of desire. Cars followed, because everyone wants a thick phallus I guess, or maybe needs to see the road when there's a fat car next to them, or one with tinted windows, and I'm nowhere near to a legal solution in a global economy.

    Practical upshot, local roads are only one lane wide because of fat cars parked on either side with no regard to practicality, add endless renovation because property development is the one true way to richness /s, even though rich people already own the good land, and control their local environment.

    TLDR, fat cars break suburban roads.