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  • There are an estimated 1.475 billion cars/trucks/vans in the world, as of 2023. 8 million is 0.005% of 1.475 billion.

    Now, if they're going by the number of vehicles in the UK, then that number is obviously different. 41.2 million estimated vehicles in the UK. 8 million is a significantly larger percentage in that equation (19.4%). They also don't mention whether they're talking about ICE or electric cars, but I think it's safe to assume ICE. In 2023 there were 851,000 licensed zero emissions vehicles in the UK, up 57% from the prior year.

    I'm a strong proponent for cutting your beef, lamb, cheese, coffee, and chocolate consumption , as they're among the worst, emissions-wise (bearing in mind this chart is by kilogram, not by calorie) by a long-shot, but we should be realistic about the things that are likely to do the most good.

    We recommend four widely applicable high-impact (i.e. low emissions) actions with the potential to contribute to systemic change and substantially reduce annual personal emissions: having one fewer child (an average for developed countries of 58.6 tonnes CO2-equivalent (tCO2e) emission reductions per year), living car-free (2.4 tCO2e saved per year), avoiding airplane travel (1.6 tCO2e saved per roundtrip transatlantic flight) and eating a plant-based diet (0.8 tCO2e saved per year). These actions have much greater potential to reduce emissions than commonly promoted strategies like comprehensive recycling (four times less effective than a plant-based diet) or changing household lightbulbs (eight times less).

  • Why don't we start by making private planes illegal instead? That amount of pollution to just move around a couple of rich assholes is insane.

    Also, let's force the industry to repair and upgrade all their infrastructure to apply more recent carbon filters. That way, we could block a "very" big chuck of the problem at his source.

    But no... Let's keep taking away things from the middle classes instead. After all, who needs meat, bugs are way cheaper, right?

    • Whole lot of whaboutism from personal responsibility and no body wants you to eat bugs.

      • Without meat, we need proteins. So either alimentar integrators (which are not cheap) or any "cheaper" alternative, and bugs are cheaper of fruit cultivation.

        Also, the private plane thing was a provocation, but in all honesty, planes ARE the most polluting vehicles, and private one are the worst.

    • instead

      We're not doing either, because both the animal agriculture and private airline industry exist to benefit our liege lords

      You'll be eating the bugs (and liking it) soon enough. Just have to find the profit motive

166 留言