tl;dw A debt trap that's such a bad deal that you'd be better off financing it with a payday loan. They lie about their terms and their PC specs. They advertise no contracts but absolutely have contracts, and the terms are awful.
And they are using paid influencers to promote said debt trap to those that don't know any better, particularly children.
Probably the most insidious part of this to me. Seeing those clips of "influencers" pushing the idea of convincing your parents to get you a rental PC. Disgusting.
A debt trap that’s such a bad deal that you’d be better off financing it with a payday loan
Literally a lower monthly payment, lower total paid and you end up owning a computer if you finance your computer with a predatory payday loan than with this rental program (per GN's math)
Edit: at $259/mo that's already $3108/year or 2-3x the cost of a good midrange DIY PC. Also at an incredible 36% interest rate because this hypothetical individual purchased a $3000 computer on a credit card and only pays a bit more than the minimum towards it, that's only $177/mo on a 24 month loan. Or if you just got a $1500 computer (a pretty dang good computer!) on a 12% APR personal loan (pretty common from banks) you only pay $133/mo for 12 month, own the computer and only pay a total of $1600
The only way to make this rental program look at all good is if you are literally using the computer to make money but have very littlemoney upfront for a decent enough computer to do the same job (basically the "rent it for 1 month and win a fortnite tournament" fantasy one paid promoter suggested) except, oh look, you can buy a laptop from Dell for $520 or less than two months rental cost if you really don't have the budget and then use that to make your money to fuel your future baller PC purchase. And I can assure you, that business laptop can run Fortnite if that's your concern, because Fortnite will run on any potato PC if you turn the prettiness down enough.
Edit 2: Also I just found a similar laptop in 1 minute on ebay for $255 to further kill that "spend your allowance to rent a computer for a month to win a fortnite tournament" fantasy
Well shit, wish they'd posted it before black Friday. It was only an AIO.
Edit: Cancelled. It was the wrong size, anyway. Sad I'm not gonna have a small LCD on the right one, though. NZXT was by far the cheapest in that respect.
If you live somewhere with consumer rights, by law you can return it no questions asked within 14 days of receipt (actual length of time may vary, UK is 14 days)
I mean, I could see if they tried to make this rent-to-own over 2-3 years. At half the price they're offering.
But renting... where you're paying over the entirety of the price in a single year, is fucking insane.
If renting, and updating it every 2 years, then for like 1/4th of the price then sure. I could see it being promoted how they are. Rent out older stock for 50% retail to at least get some value out of it while allowing people to pay ~$30 a month for a decent computer. (and then you could "upgrade" the lower tier with this to end up recouping 75% of retail over 4 years.)
But who the fuck is paying 10% of the cost a month to borrow an okay computer, even ignoring the full month cancelation fee, and ridiculous contract. (which is... ignoring a LOT.)
It is sad to see NZXT lowered to this as I used to have a decent view of them. They make some nice cases. CAM kinda lowered that view a bit, but I was in the beta for that and got a free water cooler out of it so I could overlook that (it’s improved a lot since beta, though it gathering data is still not great it’s less horrible than it was.). And pushing their own not as great products for the prebuilts still seemed okay for prebuilts for those scared to build on their own. But this is just... too much to overlook. Wild.
Oh I made that decision when they tried to replace the screws on my recalled rizer cable instead of replacing the whole unit on a $500 pc case. Get fucked nzxt
People commenting to be able to easily come back to the topic are creating an elephant trail, which will exist regardless of the UI designer, if the software allows people to do it.
Yeah but I don’t ever use or look at that. Honestly, almost never go to look for shit later on here, so not a habit I have. So if I did save it, I wouldn’t see it til like 6 months from now and I’d probably just go… why the fuck is this saved? And delete it.
Lol at all the down votes.. people could also have not engaged with your post.. but apparently there is a right way to use your posting privileges and you broke the law.
it's not about anger, the point of downvoting is to put low effort or other random crap comments below any others that may actually contribute to the topic.