I mean music videos that have nothing to do with the music and mostly just do their own thing and tell their own story.
An example --
Basement Jaxx's Red Alert seems to be about a meteor-worshiping cult awaiting the arrival of their rocky messiah in some unsuspecting greasy spoon cafe in the middle of nowhere.
Once the meteor crashes into Earth, everyone gets horribly mutated and convulses to the strange rays exhibited by the meteor. The infection seems to be localized entirely within the cafe. The End.
Edit: Please link to a video, or at least summarize the plot.
Edit2: Please actually link to a video, or tell me why the video plot is cool. Come on, it's just 30 seconds of your time.
That's a lot of fun. I'm gonna go with: guy gets infected with a restless virus that makes body parts indestructible. Transmission is spread through breaking floors and body slamming people. Once it exhausts its hosts it lives on that guys dick. 10/10
Hah, that music video is genuinely a pretty accurate depiction of your average England village’s May Day celebrations. I went to one this year, got drunk watching old men skipping about while wearing bells, kids tying up a pole with ribbon, folk band (minus the fabulous Mike Edmonds as seen is this video) playing fiddle and more, sitting around on a bunch of straw bales, and cuddled a goat kid while my dog obsessed over a Shetland pony until my partner told us to go home.
!musicvideos@lemmy.world exists, but isn't active. I also have my community !musicsync@lemmy.blahaj.zone but that's a particular niche that I'm not sure if anyone else is interested in, haha. I wish there was somewhere better to discuss music videos but I haven't found such a place either.
This actually gave me nightmares as a child and I was only recently brave enough to watch it again after finding a behind-the-scenes on it on YouTube to squash my fears
The government bans and confiscates all music, and locks up musicians with their instruments and outfits in an underground bunker, where the musicians "cunningly" use these resources to sing in protest, but wait it's actually a premonition for something that hasn't happened yet and time loops itself. Pretty cool
Portugal. The Man’s video for All Your Light is freaking weird. Complete with human heads in shopping bags, trailer parks, and what I think are aliens.
That's pretty cool. Music definitely different than the video.
A girl sees mortality and decay in everything she encounters, and it makes her sick. Rather than continue to reject it, she accelerates the cycle and is hit with a holy accepting light after fulfilling her carnivorous destiny. She and her brother also might have been a vampires all along.
I feel like I could suggest most of Salvatore Ganacci's catalogue here, but I think Take Me To America is probably the winner. Join a determined Bosnian man on his quest to for a better TV signal
Wow, really loved this one. The unspoken rejection and then acceptance by his mother, the quest to infiltrate US conservatives to get into a position to assassinate change the transmission of brain rot seen in his country. And then to swim into oblivion a task well complete
Twenty One Pilots' videos have ragged continuity from song to song, and tell a pretty out-there story. Example song: Twenty One Pilots - Nico and the Niners
It's like they spent a million euros on it but it still came out like a project by a media student.
The plot? Fuck knows. It starts with "3 days later" with zero context, then introduces half a dozen characters with even less context. Something about a detective? I dunno
The song itself absolutely fucking rocks which 100% makes up for the utter confusion though lol
Telephone by Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce. The song is about not answering your phone in the club because you're dancing. The video is about Beyonce breaking Gaga out of prison and then tracking down and murdering an ex boyfriend. It also has some top tier crazy Gaga costumes including a set of shades made of lit cigarettes. Good track if you like dance-pop as well!
I've always been puzzled by the Stabbing Westward video Shame. It features a fairly disturbing plot of a woman and her boyfriend who escaped from an insane asylum. However, the portions where the band is playing are completely contrary to the "plot" of the video and almost comical.
More fan made, but the combo is killer: mukinabaht with nature will have unintended consequences. Boards of Canada with a trippy french animation, the two feel made for each other.
This isn't that weird but a wolf and a bear are investigating another planet and come across these sexy pixies only for them to turn into robots that attempt to harvest their organs once they've all had a mad night on the booze.
It's visual commentary on society itself, as well as how fucked this system we've all built is to both our inner & outer nature.
Are these media systems self-sustaining? Aren't apples the symbol of knowledge? Or will our inner animalism escape, in spite of the processed knowledge, given even the slightest chance?
The video opens with an old woman (played by Coral Lorne) walking a dog in a grimy, industrial setting. The dog urinates on an abandoned television lying on the pavement, causing it to sputter unexpectedly into life, and a distorted and warping headshot of Richard D. James chants the lyrics. This unleashes a spirit, accompanied by a gang of small children, all of whom bear James' grinning face and who appear to inhabit the abandoned buildings
See also: Monkey Drummer and of course Windowlicker, with its ridiculous 4 (?) minute intro.
I don't know if it counts because the lyrics don't make much sense either, but the video has a giant who votes his crush and her bird boyfriend out of jealousy.
The title is a pun because in French "your laces are undone " sounds identical to "your laces are fairies." And the other lyrics are a bit abstract.