A shopping mall and office complex in downtown Montreal is being criticized for using the popular children's song 'Baby Shark' to discourage unhoused people from loitering in its emergency exit stairwells.
Hey, we heard you can't afford a house, so we're charging you fines in the amount of what it would have cost to buy a house.......we're so cool! We solved homelessness! Because now if you want to be homeless, it actually costs more to NOT buy a house. So you may as well just buy a house!
We did it guys! We ended the concept of homelessness! High five!
Yeah, it was from awhile ago. I couldn't remember if it was one or two hundred thousand. I've corrected my comment to be more accurate. Here's an article on it.
Canada does not have debtor's jail. Nothing will really happen except that more fines will keep racking up. No collection agency is going to take on a homeless person's debt, so eventually those debts will just disappear, assuming he makes no effort to pay them off.
In the meantime, if he tries to escape homelessness, it's a lot harder nowadays to find an apartment with a landlord that doesn't check your credit, and 100k+ in unpaid debts looks really bad.
It's not "being homeless" that is illegal, though. It's drinking in public, begging or sleeping in the metro. And it sure is tough not staying in the metro during winter. There are some organisms that can provide shelter, but not enough for everyone, and it usually cost a couple dollars, which not everyone have everyday.
And it's a real problem on both sides, as the metro was not meant to become a shelter for the homeless, and people have been complaining more and more they feel unsafe there.
"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread." - Anatole France
Sure "being homeless" isn't the crime itself but you're being naive if you don't think the laws make homelessness illegal. What are they supposed to do? Go find a piece of land no one has claim to and freeze to death?
Homeless = no permanent residence, which also includes couch surfing, parents and children who just fled an abusive family member and are temporarily ltaying with friends or relatives, and people who are living in their car. All people without a home.
Unhoused = homeless people that don't have a roof over their heads. Might include living in a car.
Edit: to all the knee-jerk downvoting. This is literally a quote from an article the user himself supplied as proof that there is a difference.
Unhoused is probably the most popular alternative to the word “homeless.” It’s undoubtedly the one I see most often recommended by advocates. But it doesn’t have a meaningful difference in connotation from the more common term, “homeless.”
In the US they mean different things, as homeless includes people living in other people's homes. That can include people whose house just burnt down and are living with friends or family because they lost their permanent residence (home). Unhoused is about where they are staying.
Language has power. You'll notice successful effort on the right to get pundits to refer to Oil as Energy. Oil has negative implications, energy has positive. Homeless has negative implications for the person, unhoused has negative implications for the government.
There’s also the difference in how the word is used more as an adjective than a noun. In the same way calling someone a disabled is a lot more dehumanizing than saying they are a person with a disability.
According to the article, it plays in the emergency exit stairwells, a place that if you're using it you should be trying to leave as quickly as possible.
We can solve homelessness once and for all by making every part of civilization just suck as much as possible. If literally no part of our society is capable of supporting safety and life, then all the homeless people will just move along
Growing up I absolutely did not like classical music. Turns out it was the recording (bad micing of the orchestra) and mastering (the old "super quiet, super quiet, super quiet, briefly louder, super quirt thing). For mastering you could claim you're being true to the original performance (lots of dynamic range), but when you're listening to a live performance that's all you're doing and there's no background noise.
Turns out I do like classical music, I just really didn't like the way it was recorded and mastered back when I would be exposed to it as a kid.
If you are crashing on someone's couch then you are housed but still homeless. It's a bit of a dilution of the usual meaning of homeless but it also emphasises that housing is very precarious for the homeless.
It's another one of those whack a mole words people are pushing. Once everyone gives in and we start using unhoused, it will suddenly switch to uninhabited because it's racists to houses or something!
It's annoying as hell, because instead of fixing the issues we're mastrubating about words and alienating people that we need to fix the issue.
I heard a really good explanation of this on NPR. Homeless is a label put on a person, similar to saying a person is a redhead. The implication of saying that someone is homeless is that it defines who they are, that it cannot be easily changed.
Unhoused is more descriptive of the situation that a person is in. This is a condition that can be changed, it isn't who the person is.
As I revisit this and think it through though, it seems like another way of pushing the goal. There are absolutely negative connotations with the word homeless, but the same venom will eventually attach to unhoused as well.
It's a joke. The implication is that the repeated playing of Baby Shark could be considered torture, other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment and punishment.
At least its music, though this does confirm that Baby Shark is something they'd have played at Gitmo if it'd been around 2 decades ago.
I have been to many places where things like these are everywhere:
Imagine this but diesel powered, a bit chonkier, and they just emit this high pitched scream (there are other versions called 'mosquito alarms'), and has extremely bright, blue strobing lights that will induce seizures in anyone susceptible.
I mean, this will keep me away too, and I'm "housed" and even occasionally legitimately go to malls with money to spend on things. You play even one loop of that song and I'm Swayze.
I am willing to bet most people going wouldn't even notice because it is only being played in emergency stairwells. Glad it made the news, this shit is infuriating. However, I believe most people agree with it, even if they won't admit to it.
The article says the music is played to keep the emergency stairwells empty. If you haven't lived around unhoused before, they can take up a lot of space with their belongings and can be pretty unresponsive.
Exactly the kind of thing you don't want in an emergency stairwell.
Honestly if the owners of a building CAN'T keep the emergency stairwell clear then the building should be shut down for everyone for safety reasons.
Interesting case of military tatics in a civilian settings. First Decide is blasted at the Vatican embassy, then born in the USA is looped at Guantanamo Bay, now this
So as a worker with a house, can I sue when I go insane from hearing that song over and over? Didn’t they do this in Guantánamo to torture and break people?
Reminds me of when I briefly worked in an office upstairs from the Seattle Mariners headquarters. Every time I went up or down the stairs I could hear the Mariners theme song playing in their lobby, so presumably they had it looping nonstop. I don't know how that receptionist didn't run screaming from the building by the end of the day.
Having said that, what's up with the "unhoused" thing? It homeless. Are we now calling it differently because homeless is now all of the sudden insulting? How long until "unhoused" suddenly is a bad word?
Can we please just stop pushing changing words? Homeless is fine, you're without a home. It sucks, people should support you, not shun you, but changing words is just virtue signalling that doesn't do anything to make anything better for anyone
but changing words is just virtue signalling that doesn’t do anything to make anything better for anyone
.... And if you are the type of neoliberal politician that wants to pretend they care about people while never actually doing anything to help anyone other than the megacorps when you get into power -- Then this is literally all you'll ever do for people. Linguistic fuckery. Making up new words for things. Fucking around with definitions. And you know that there will be an army of people who will defend this, and shoot down people who actually want to do something on grounds that they said the "wrong" words.
The argument for 'unhoused' is that it humanises the person -- But it's really pushing it.
I'll asume y'all are stupid and privileged and not just cruel. Home can be a public shelter, it is about people. A house is a thing you rent or own.
Not everything is politics, virtue signaling or about you. We use different words because language changes, because society changes. That is why you don't speak Anglo-Saxon anymore.
It's about precision. The condition people are talking about is not having a house, regardless of whether they have a home. This is why unhoused is being used more often.
It's not part of an agenda, it is not about you. Grow up.
The gas station near me blasts very loud opera music at the area surrounding the building. I think it's also to prevent kids from loitering as there is a school nearby as well as plenty of homeless.
Ugh how did this super old song become a thing.. I swear people are getting dumber. I hated it when they sang it at summer camp, and I still hate it now.