A shopping mall and office complex in downtown Montreal is being criticized for using the popular children's song 'Baby Shark' to discourage unhoused people from loitering in its emergency exit stairwells.
Homeless = no permanent residence, which also includes couch surfing, parents and children who just fled an abusive family member and are temporarily ltaying with friends or relatives, and people who are living in their car. All people without a home.
Unhoused = homeless people that don't have a roof over their heads. Might include living in a car.
Edit: to all the knee-jerk downvoting. This is literally a quote from an article the user himself supplied as proof that there is a difference.
Unhoused is probably the most popular alternative to the word “homeless.” It’s undoubtedly the one I see most often recommended by advocates. But it doesn’t have a meaningful difference in connotation from the more common term, “homeless.”
They are not. I work with data collections on students and have had to explain the difference to people who don't understand that a kid who is kicked out of their home and is staying with friends is homeless even if they are not out on the street for federal reporting.
And what's the definition of unhoused according to law? You aren't wrong in what you just said but its missing the point, unhoused literally means the same thing. The goverment only uses the term homeless if I'm not mistaken.
Unhoused is probably the most popular alternative to the word “homeless.” It’s undoubtedly the one I see most often recommended by advocates. But it doesn’t have a meaningful difference in connotation from the more common term, “homeless.”
Do you think Cornell defining homeless but not unhoused might be a hint that they are synonyms?
Not to mention you brought up the legal definition of homeless without offering anything to compare it to and help your point. That is the sole reason I brought it up.
You gave me a definition of homelessness, which doesn't counter what I said in the least and then gave me a article that sides with me (and then ignored it completely when I pointed it out) so I'm a bit puzzled.
But I guess sarcasm is easier then admitting you are wrong.
Do you think Cornell defining homeless but not unhoused might be a hint that they are synonyms?
That is quoted US statute, made available in an easy to access format through Cornell, not Cornell defining anything.
You gave me a definition of homelessness, which doesn’t counter what I said in the least
I gave you an article that discusses the terminology and how it is used for context that differing terminology is no inherently all different names for the same thing. It doesn't define anything, it just makes it clear that there can be differing terminology that means different things and that the whole thing is a complicated topic. That is why I linked the article, not to prove definitions that don't exist because the terminology varies in usage and consideration of importance.
But I guess sarcasm is easier then admitting you are wrong.
Any statement of how words are used will be wrong somewhere, except for things like the quoted law that is true in the context of written law in that country/region/whatever. There is always local or regional differences in usage.
So I am right about how we use it in our context to explain the concept of homelessness in the legal context even if some other people think it is a synonym, but thing other terminology has an important distinction. That is what I said, and if you can't understand there isn't a black and white defined terminology for all the variation then you aren't getting my point.
Backtrack all you want but you made a blanket statement saying they weren't synonyms for the entirety of the country when it only seems to apply to your personal context.
You then gave me a link to a meaningless definition and an article that clearly stated I was right, and then topped it off with rude sarcasm when I pointed it out.
The terminology seemed very black and white when you thought you were right, bro.
I was trying to be clear I wasn't talking about Canada, which the article was about, and that my example was from the US,. Not saying it was literally true throughtout the the entire US.
Apparently I needed a full essay to avoid you reading meaning into things. Congrats, you win the internet.
So it was a simple misunderstanding but you just decided to defend it to the death and be a dick about it instead of explaining what you meant. I don't think I could roll my eyes harder if I tried.
Your comments didn't leave room for interpretation. You willy nilly gave out your own definitions and then literally googled "unhoused vs homeless" and threw the first article at me without even reading it. I'm surprised you can even see me from such a high horse. Please.
I dont see how. If anything, its just a matter of time until you see houseless as being their fault. Because the baggage is something you (and society in general) is adding. Its not implicit in the word itself.
In the US they mean different things, as homeless includes people living in other people's homes. That can include people whose house just burnt down and are living with friends or family because they lost their permanent residence (home). Unhoused is about where they are staying.
Are you suggesting that the incorrect terms should be used to cater to those of you that don't know there is a difference? Even if you were unaware that there is actually a difference, was the intent and meaning of the headline lost in confusion, or did you understand exactly what they meant?
The "correct" term is the one the target audience understands to mean what is happening.
The "difference", again, is academic. They are de facto used interchangeably. Did the author know the difference? No idea. Could anyone tell, which group the people in question belong to? Probably not.
We know what the meant by the word they chose to use. They specifically said "unhoused". Your insinuation is that the author doesn't know what they're talking about and may have used the wrong word instead of believing they know what they're doing.
You're the one being nitpicky on details by your original response when you were critical of the word choice. We're educating you that there is in fact a difference and that the OG headline is accurate. That hurts your butt.
Language has power. You'll notice successful effort on the right to get pundits to refer to Oil as Energy. Oil has negative implications, energy has positive. Homeless has negative implications for the person, unhoused has negative implications for the government.
There’s also the difference in how the word is used more as an adjective than a noun. In the same way calling someone a disabled is a lot more dehumanizing than saying they are a person with a disability.