If she grows 1000,000 she becomes Megga Bobby Brown
32 2 ReplyWe're getting dangerously close to the theorized Bobby Brown Singularity..
12 0 ReplyPutting two 'g's in mega is cursed, also it would be kilo, not mega.
1 0 Reply
Only if she wants to. It's her prerogative.
18 0 ReplyAt some point she was a Micro Bobby Brown.
16 0 ReplySome people will use anything to avoid imperial units
14 0 Replymilliblogmemes
8 0 ReplyBut she must be already close to Centi Bobby Brown.
5 1 ReplyWhat does the bobby brown measure.
3 0 Replythe level of "cutest boy in town" i believe
2 0 ReplyIs there an imperial equivalent of the bobby brown?
1 0 Reply
Well 1000 times one Millie bobby brown
1 0 Reply
If she murdered someone she would grow 1,000 times.
1 0 Reply
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