White evangelicals’ fascination with Trump won’t be the last time a large subset of the American public becomes enthralled by an authoritarian and incompetent politician.
Right. Find any person or group to blame for your own incompetence and then focus all of your hate on them.
It's not just incompetence. Capitalism is a brutal system. It was going great for average Americans post-WWII because half of Europe was destroyed and America was virtually untouched. Those were boom times.
Now, when the lie of the American Dream has been exposed, many competent people are struggling. The ones pilled hardest on the idea that America is "special" and "could do no wrong" also struggle to comprehend how this could happen to them. They're incapable of recognizing that the winners are keeping them down by feeding them culture-war bullshit to stop us from building class solidarity and fighting back. It's a very effective grift.
Trump knows the grift. He's a master at it. He has people who are in financial precarity sending donations to someone who by all appearances shouldn't need their hard earned money. (Whether his wealth actually matches what he purports it to be is irrelevant here.)
You mean to tell me that evangelicals, a group best known for their fanatical and unwavering devotion to wealthy, narcissistic, morally bankrupt conmen — a group which blindly and eagerly denounces throughly explored proven facts and truths in order to justify a reality which these despicable leaders so desperately need them to believe to keep the donations flowing in... Love Trump? Of all people?
My god, this might just be the story of the century
Just like the bible says they will be before they go to hell in the end times. It's pretty funny how on the nose some of their "predictions" are they just mix up the groups.
It's almost like if you tell a bunch of delusional, disenfranchised people exactly what they want to hear for four+ years they tend to not see any faults in what you say or do.
He could get in front of a congregation and start rambling about how Satan is a nice guy and "people say hell is beautiful" and whatever and they would chee lol.
Here's the problem: Christians have no self-monitoring going on. Anyone can claim to be "Christian" and it's killing them. It's just a useless label anyone can apply to themselves or others. There's no certification, vetting, or sponsorship to revoke. It's a Jesus mask that so many can just strap onto their face with some rubber bands and do the same evil they have always done. This was one of the reasons against idolatry in the Ten Commandments: any fool can claim they represent God. "You shall have no other Gods before me," means "I am the only God," then goes on to say, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images." which is building on the same premise. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain" is trying to cover all bases. But people break these all the time.
Christians need to unite on a common ground and make a stance of what they universally believe in. But yes, I hear you laughing, and you're probably right, that's never gonna happen. You're going to have factions like the Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 claiming the Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912 are heretical scum, and push people off bridges. I mean, this is not a new problem, either. Look at the Crusades. Witch Burnings. The Spanish Inquisition. The list goes on and on.
In the end, it's all about people wanting power. Whether they have a Jesus mask or not, some people are facist assholes, want to be in charge, and they don't care who they hurt or what they destroy to get there.
Yup. It’s too easy to be “Christian” these days, which breeds complacency and corruption in a hierarchical religious system (which, by dint of its hierarchical structure and opportunity for abuse of religious ideals, already breeds complacency and corruption).
When you legislate (bastardizations of) your religious precepts into law, at no point do you have to consciously “choose” to be Christian, at no point do you have to make the hard choice between, say, holding to your faith or having an abortion because you’re really, really not ready for a kid. It’s just not an option, and you’re forced to do what your Church says, which seems…un-Christian.
Idk. I’ve been trying to workshop this thought—that living in a religious society results in half-baked, hypocritically-“religious” abominations that end up in office—rather than thoughtful, intentional participants in a diverse and thriving society that understand why they choose to live in one way and listen to their neighbors explain why they choose to live in another.
The goal would be to use that approach to get Christians voting for legitimate freedom of choice, but idk if it’s even worth it at this point, it seems pretty impossible to sway them at times.
Looking back at the early days of persecuted Christianity (Roman times) it seems like people were legitimately drawn to these communities because they looked out for each other in a way that others didn’t. Christians have come a long way from that, in a bad sense, and I wonder if the lack of (actual) persecution plays a part in that.
Most other countries have a pretty good handle on it actually. It's the US that's industrialised the kool-aid. Mind you, it's built right into the entire nation at the ground level
I’m glad that at the end you come to your senses and see the truth. If someone identifies as Christian, they should be viewed as high risk elements in society. A life based on lies with a desire to oust others. That is vile and despicable.
In fact, any religion is to be distrusted vehemently.
Ironically, Christians always complain about the hate they are getting from "the world."
In reality, Christians just need to get out of bed with the Republican Party. Most people don't hate Christians or any other religious group for that matter, but many people hate the Republican Party. With evangelicals being in something of a symbiotic relationship with the Republican Party, they are hated by proxy.
I remember when I was a teenager, and the Republicans were impeaching Clinton for a bj. My parents explained to me that, while what he did was not illegal, it went to show the strength of his character. And, who would want a man like that in office.
Can anyone guess who they voted for in the last two elections?
This is all his supporters. The fact that so many of them believe the COVID vaccines are bio weapons killing everyone who has died of a heart attack in the last few years, but they still support the guy who supported their creation under his administration should tell the tale.
They've been practicing their whole life in believing in the impossible, they're basically Olympic Mental Gymnasts at this point, nothing Trump can do will ever shake their faith.